Our Medical Crisis & Its Impact On Seniors
By Don Porter (stage 4 cancer survivor with an organic plant based diet-no chemo or radiation)
The news focus everyday is Japan, Storms in USA, Debt problems everywhere, Mid East upheval, Real Estate problems, cost of oil, inflation, leaving Iraq, & not on our health crisis. Pres. Obama's motivation to win re-election in 2012 will take center stage until fall 2012.
Our economy will be toppled not by oil but medical costs that are moving beyond most Americans ability to pay except for the well off. The reality of sourcing of jobs beyond USA borders as well as moving/growing factories overseas are common place today is in part due to American business looking to reduce Healthcare costs to stay profitable. Job creation is stagnant & jobs lost are being replaced with lower cost service jobs.
The current struggles & recognition of higher costs in Medicare premiums is a sign things will get a lot worse before they get better. Our governmental Medical Institutions such as the NIH, HHW and FDA have all become politicized and have lost sight of their charter. The FDA in particular is Brain Dead due to Big Pharma manipulating their drug oversight by lobbying our Politicians to change the rules to favor industry profits. There is no leadership at the FDA and we have a culture where nearly 50% of FDA folks go on to work for Big Pharma
In the private sector, our Medical Institutions have also lost sight of their role and have become part of the problem, as well as the Professional Institutions that the physicians belong to. They have all ignored the cost abuses of the medical system with their silence because in many ways they are reaping the rewards of the system. Medical and Business ethics have become secondary to greed & self-interest in most areas.
The most outrageous area is with Big Pharma/lobbyists/politicians. They play a major role in not only the direct cost abuses, but also the resulting harm done to millions of patients that are over medicated and require additional medical treatment and added medical costs to correct the drug induced medical problems.
There are over “many” class action medical suits in progress against Brand Name prescription drugs. Go to www.bigclassaction.com to learn more. The magnitude of this problem is enormous. Politicians are seeking to protect doctors & Big Pharma.
Dr. Marcia Angell, M. D. published a book called "The Truth about the Drug Cos." that documents their "Modus Operandi". Dr. Angell is a Harvard trained Dr. who was the Editor of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine for 20+ years and observed how the industry was manipulating the medical profession. She has put into context in an easy to understand manner a factual accounting of Big Pharma's role. The book is available at www.amazon.com.
Big Pharma is a Global business with 50% of their profit derived from U. S. operations because only the U. S. does not control prescription prices. They assured themselves that it would not change when they lobbied the Congressman in 2003 to pass the Medicare 2003 bill that does not permit Medicare to negotiate prices. Big Pharma has huge profit margins, created the Oxycontin problem along with others, & pays less income tax than most businesses because of legislated loop holes that they lobbied Congress to pass. Our Medical system is all about Money & not good Healthcare. There are many good well-intentioned medical professionals that are caught in a medical system that needs rebuilding from the ground up, an awesome task in a weakened economy with brainwashed citizens.
We must demand that Congress start an immediate bipartisan effort to fix the system. Maybe the Congressman doesn't care since they have their own cushy retirement program where they avoid the costly medical money problems that most American Seniors are faced with. Work with the growing number of nutritional/diet experts from Drs. Esselstyn, Ornish, Campbell to Bill Clinton. Also be sure to see Forks Over Knives & tell ALL of your family, friends, & co-workers to also see this wonderful & important movie ! Also read & “talk up” The China Study, Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy, Recalled by Life, & the PH Miracle !
In any event speak up and tell your Congressman you are feed up with this "laissez affaire" method of managing Healthcare in the U.S. The future welfare of our children and grand children are at stake, as well as the quality of life for the current seniors and the baby boomers that are coming of age.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Beat Prostate Cancer Or Breast Cancer
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Profits 1st then health
We have a MAJOR profit agenda !! SO- make food look-smell-taste good & last a LONG time ! Sickness/illness/disease creates LOTS of revenue SO- allow chemical food its good for revenues ! No Heal No Cure also good for medical ind revenues ! = Sickest country in world ALL chemicalized diet !
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Nutrition beats cancer
by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
Monday, April 11, 2011
Way to many chemicals in food
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008 listed approx. 2800 international food additives and about 3,000 chemicals added deliberately to the food supply. Including chemicals used in food production from “ground to stomach”, the number rises to between 10,000 and 15,000. Best estimates indicate that There are currently over 100,000 chemicals approved for use in Europe alone with over 8000 more added each year. The Danish Environmental Authority entered all that was known about 40,000 chemicals into a database and concluded: " 20,624 to be dangerous, of this number 9,538 acutely dangerous when consumed. " A further 9,668 incur allergic reactions. " 1678 are mutagenic. " 642 incur cancer.
Another massive problem with processed foods, in my research, is that most contain refined white sugar. This can be in several forms such as sugar, sucrose, corn syrup etc but the bottom line is that all are highly detrimental to your health and achieving the body you deserve. This section is quite detailed but it's important that you know the TRUTH about how white sugar just totally destroys your ability to get lean and muscular and with this knowledge 'eating clean' becomes a powerfully sane choice. The following information comes from 'Sugar Blues' by William Duffy. Why is sugar toxic to the body? In 1957 Dr William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of "poison" was: "Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Dr Martin classified refined sugar as a POISON because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals.
This is why the KEY principle above all else in your eating plan will be to eat only natural, unprocessed (and organic whenever possible) foods. Reducing the chemical build-up and intake will get your liver burning fat and speed up your metabolism so you are a better fat burning machine 24/7.
Obviously with the amounts of chemicals most people typically consume from the foods they generally eat, the liver cannot process them all so they become stored in the body until they can be processed. If the chemical barrage would stop these 'chemical stockpiles' would get around to being processed but unfortunately since there are more chemicals taken in every day, the stockpiles get larger and larger. Also many of these chemicals cause an acidity in the body that needs to be neutralized lest it literally burn and damage cells and tissue including your hard earned muscle that you spend hours in the gym developing.
Another massive problem with processed foods, in my research, is that most contain refined white sugar. This can be in several forms such as sugar, sucrose, corn syrup etc but the bottom line is that all are highly detrimental to your health and achieving the body you deserve. This section is quite detailed but it's important that you know the TRUTH about how white sugar just totally destroys your ability to get lean and muscular and with this knowledge 'eating clean' becomes a powerfully sane choice. The following information comes from 'Sugar Blues' by William Duffy. Why is sugar toxic to the body? In 1957 Dr William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of "poison" was: "Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Dr Martin classified refined sugar as a POISON because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals.
This is why the KEY principle above all else in your eating plan will be to eat only natural, unprocessed (and organic whenever possible) foods. Reducing the chemical build-up and intake will get your liver burning fat and speed up your metabolism so you are a better fat burning machine 24/7.
Obviously with the amounts of chemicals most people typically consume from the foods they generally eat, the liver cannot process them all so they become stored in the body until they can be processed. If the chemical barrage would stop these 'chemical stockpiles' would get around to being processed but unfortunately since there are more chemicals taken in every day, the stockpiles get larger and larger. Also many of these chemicals cause an acidity in the body that needs to be neutralized lest it literally burn and damage cells and tissue including your hard earned muscle that you spend hours in the gym developing.
Curing Cancer with Baking Soda
Curing Cancer with Baking Soda:
What MD’s and Naturopaths Don’t Know
by Gregory Delaney
Wouldn’t the delusional physicians and the big pharmacology swindlers be embarrassed to find that cancer could be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda? Well, no, they wouldn’t be embarrassed because they would be outraged. All of their billions in profits vanishing in a twinkle, would not have these betrayers of Mankind at all happy with such a simple cancer cure. And yet, cancer can be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda. And I will explain how.
While the greedy physicians and the cancer industry robber barons have been using every imaginable method for treating the symptoms of cancer, and while millions of people have suffered and died under the most astounding variety of mechanical, chemical, bio-technological and radiological absurdities, little progress in curing cancer has actually been made. And why? Well, to understand why, you would have to understand who is treating cancer before you can understand why it is not being cured. Who are these cancer physicians who claim to know so much yet fail to do anything useful?
Firstly, they are people who admit that they don’t know the cause of cancer or how to cure it. And yet they insist that they be allowed to “practice medicine” anyway! These oncologists admit that no matter what they do, you are going to die anyway, and so why not let them do something since they can make better use of your money than you can. Even though they admit that they don’t know what they are doing, they offer you just two (and only two) choices: (1) let them cut-poison-irradiate-and-transplant you which includes a free estimation of how long you will live or (2) do nothing at all which also includes a free, but much shorter, estimation of how long you will live. And so, with such limited choices, most people prefer to bequeath their savings account to the doctors for choice number one. At best, the physicians promise to drug you into unconsciousness so that you do not feel any pain either from your tumors or from their billing department.
But what happens if you don’t take their advice and choose alternative medicine, instead – you know, the choice that the doctors never mention to their patients? Since it has been proven that hospital patients live longer when the doctors go on strike, then alternative medicine is obviously better than a placebo. But they never mention that, either.
Secondly, these oncologists with all of their fancy degrees and years of microscopic confusion are really nothing more than disciples of fraud. This fraud is known as “symptomatic medicine”. And these cancer physicians prove their idiocy on a daily basis by classifying cancer as a “disease”. Would it be a joke on them if it was discovered that cancer really is not a disease at all but merely a “symptom” of something else? Hundreds of millions of dying cancer patients would certainly not be laughing. And millions of billionaire Big Pharma swindlers would not be laughing, either. Would it be a joke if it was discovered that cancer is not a disease at all and that these swindling greed-bags were actually mistaking the symptoms for the disease? I don’t think there would be much laughter in finding this to be true; but it is true. And here’s how this simple cure works.
The cancer quacks who are known as “modern physicians” (or oncology engineers), all know that there are many things that cause cancer. Does this ring a bell in their mighty brains? No, of course not. If there are many things that cause cancer, then how can cancer be classified as a disease? Isn’t it true, rather, that the many causative agents are the disease while the manifestations of tumors and malignancies are actually the symptom? This may seem strange but think about it a bit. And you alternative practitioners had better think about it a bit since the physicians have already proven that they are on the wrong track and haven’t thought about it enough.
If many things cause cancer (radiation, chemicals, viruses, sunlight, etc.) then even the dumbest physician knows enough to remove the primary cause. So, patients who work in the bright sun or in chemical factories are advised to avoid these situations. Hooray for the doctors who have common sense! But why are they so few?
Once you remove the primal cause, you are still left with a growing malignancy. (I am referring to the growing tumor and not to the doctors and the Big Pharma executives, themselves.) This cancerous growth has certain attributes that the idiot doctors overlook because they have been trained to use the most expensive methods possible for producing the largest possible profit for themselves and for their hospitals and for their drug suppliers. And after extracting all possible savings accounts, checking accounts, real property and insurance benefits, they send the dying patient home after saying, “We have done everything that we can do.” No, I don’t think many people will be laughing to discover that cancer can be cured with baking soda.
But even after the primary cause of the cancer is removed, why do the cancer cells keep growing? The doctors say because cancer is a disease. However, these practitioners of “symptomatic medicine” are mistaking the disease for the symptom. It is more accurate to say that the cancer is not the disease, itself, but is rather the symptom.
The maniac oncologists cut and radiate and poison and burn the cancer cells in an attempt to kill them. But the alternative practitioner prefers to let the powerful defenses of the body do all the work. And why? Because the body can take care of itself just fine as long as you provide it with what it needs to do the necessary healing. In this case, first remove the causative factors of cancer (such as the oncologists and Big Pharma robber barons) and then get to work on the underlying causes.
All cancer has some common denominators that the physicians think are inconsequential. But if you think about it a little bit, you will see that the oncologists are full of themselves and not full of knowledge. What they think is the disease, is actually the symptom. And what they think is inconsequential is actually the tiny, little cause for all of this suffering and disease. It’s a joke on the doctors, but nobody is laughing.
Here’s how it works. Normal cells that turn cancerous have specific jobs to do. Brain cells do brainy things, heart cells are on a bungee-jumper’s rush, liver cells strain today’s whiskey, kidney cells strain the beer and save the water, bladder cells hold the nasty stuff that the others strain, and skin cells enjoy a good suntan on a summer day. They all do different jobs. But when they turn cancerous, they throw all of that specialization aside.
Cancer cells do not evolve; they devolve. They do not perform the task specified in the blueprints of DNA, but they rebel and go it alone. Cancer cells give up being a high level technical worker in the body and become instead the lowest form of life. Worse than any truant teenager – all they do all day is eat, excrete, reproduce and do it all while holding their breath. While holding their breath? What is this little detail that is overlooked by the oncologists?
That’s right. Cancer cells don’t require a lot of oxygen to live. In fact, it is this low oxygen level that allows them to thrive. Or to put it in a way that even a physician can understand: Cancer cells become cancerous not because they are the disease but because they are normal cells reacting to the causative factors of disease. That is, cancer cells become cancer cells because they are normal cells that cannot live in any other way. They are following the First Commandment of Life: “Thou must live”. And in order for them to live, they must give up their specific functions in the body and devolve to a lower level of Life that is not so demanding of them. They become cancer cells in order to survive, not because they want to be cancer cells.
From this perspective you can say that cancer is normal. It is not a disease but rather it is the reaction of certain cells in the body to stress factors that cause these cells to choose de-evolution to a cancerous state as a means of cellular survival. They give up being highly advanced cells – brain, heart, liver, kidney, skin, etc. – and take a step downward to a lower function. They become cancerous as a survival strategy because nature only gives them this choice – or they must die. Cancer is the reaction of cells to various factors that will cause their death if they do not devolve to a lower, cancerous state.
Of course, the Big Pharma scoundrels and the physicians-for-hire want to “treat” cancer. Yes, they have devised a trillion “treatments” none of which do any good except to their bank accounts. There is a lot of money in “treatments”. You can talk about “treatments” for years. You can offer your customers … I mean, your “patients” … years and years of the latest and greatest of treatments. Treatments! Treatments! Treatments! Forever! And all of this time, while the victims are suffering and dying and giving the hospitals their last pennies in vain, the doctors can avoid ever, ever mentioning that most forbidden word of modern medicine – “cure”. And why? Because if they actually cure anyone of cancer, then they can’t get them back for any more treatments!
And yet, cancer is easily cured with nothing more complicated than baking soda. But before telling you how this is done, I want to review something that the Johns Hopkins Hospital has stolen from the alternative medical professionals. They sent out a newsletter in 2007 that has also been circulated by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Although their newsletter did not credit any alternative health practitioners or natural healing groups as to the source for their information, it was gratifying to see that what Naturopaths have been saying for over seventy years is finally being acknowledged by the swindlers of the Medical Monopoly. I will briefly review the main points of this newsletter below so that you Naturopathic Health experts and you idiots in the entrenched Medical Monopoly are all using the same language when you yell at each other.
All naturopaths already know these things but because it was new to the physicians and oncologists, here briefly is what the Johns Hopkins Hospital newsletter stated:
1. “Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells.
3. “Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.”
5. “Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.”
6. “A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).”
7. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water – best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic. Avoid it.”
8. “Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.”
9. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
10. “Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6 , Flor-ssence , Essiac , anti-oxidants , vitamins , minerals , EFAs, etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.”
11. “Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.
13. “Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.”
And this ends the good advice that the Johns Hopkins Hospital tosses out … then forgets entirely about. Although they make some basic errors with their assertions because they don’t really understand natural nutrition, it does contain almost everything that naturopaths of all varieties have been practicing and teaching for many years. But it does not give credit where credit is due. The physicians purloin our knowledge and take it for their own discovery and then they bill their patients for the information that we freely give while pretending to be physicians of great learning. And so, let’s leave these medical maniacs and show how cancer is easily cured with nothing more than baking soda. You will need the above ten points to put the puzzle together. And I will leave you and the physicians to argue about the above data which they have plagiarized without fully understanding.
The newsletter makes much of the importance of avoiding acidic and seeking alkaline but they do not know how to put two-and-two together to make any sense out of the information that they have stolen from us. They do not understand the cheap and easy and effective Naturopathic Way because they follow the fraudulent and profitable and expensive way of symptomatic medicine.
One of the much-overlooked “minor” details of cancer cells is that they thrive in a low oxygen environment. When the body is not able to fully oxygenate, these cells must either die of asphyxiation and toxic build-up or they must devolve to a lower state of existence where they can live and grow without so much oxygen. They become cancerous because there is not enough oxygen for them to remain normally functioning.
In point #1, above, the physicians rightfully state that cancerous cells feed on sugar. Actually, all cells feed on glucose. They absolutely do not seem to understand the difference between what glucose and sucrose do to the blood. What the physicians are missing is that the sucrose table sugar, the white flour products, the red meats, dairy products, coffee, candy and soda pop that the hospital provides from the hospital kitchen and from the Coke and candy machines on every floor, are bad enough on their own. These are the junk foods that the patients, themselves, got sick on. What the physicians do not understand is the blood chemistry that these junk foods unbalance. Yes, they take the necessary chemical tests. But they do not understand their own data because they are looking for a complicated treatment when the simple cure is staring them in the face.
Everybody knows how to stick a toy balloon on the wall after rubbing it on your head. It will stick tightly during dry weather but maybe not at all during damp weather. This is because the electro-static charge is strong during dry weather but gets leaked away during damp weather. Well, the same principle applies to how oxygen sticks to the blood cells during oxygenation, but in an ionic fluid instead of in an electrostatic gas.
As blood cells pass through the lungs, there is a very delicate balancing act that takes place between their cell surfaces and the ionic charges of the surrounding plasma. As they pass through the lungs, these purple-colored blood cells have the ionic charge that they received when picking up carbon dioxide. In contact with lung oxygen, this charge gets reversed so that the carbon dioxide drops off and the reversed charge attracts and picks up oxygen molecules. As their ionic charge reverses as they pick up a full supply of oxygen and their color changes from purple to red, these oxygenated blood cells are carried along through the body until they get into the vicinity of body cells that have a surplus of carbon-dioxide and need some oxygen. At that point, the ionic charges again reverse as the oxygen drops off and the carbon dioxide is attracted and sticks to the blood cell which once again changes to a purple color and is carried to the lungs. Yin and yang, a changing balance of polarities.
But just like a toy balloon that cannot stick to the wall in wet weather, oxygen cannot stick to a blood cell if the ionic balance of the blood is acidic. This is what the physicians and oncologists are overlooking. Every damned one of them has observed the ringing alarm bell going off but have muffled their ears and closed their eyes because they are looking for some expensive and complicated cure for cancer when both the cause and the cure are actually very simple.
They observe that cancer thrives in an acidic environment but they feed their patients sugar, white flour, red meats, ice cream and cake for dessert at just about every meal. They observe that cancer dies in a high oxygen environment, but they treat their patients to a choice between Coke and Pepsi from the vending machine down the hall. It is either much too simple for them to understand or else they are a witless part of a greedy and voracious conspiracy against the health of all of Mankind. Those are the only two choices, Doctor; take your pick.
The ringing alarm bell that the physicians are overlooking is the blood pH. Every cancer patient that I have ever seen, all without exception, had an acidic blood pH. But while the oncologists are pumping the patient full of chemotherapy, pizzas, pancakes, cokes, ice creams, hamburgers and fries, sweet rolls and jams, followed by radiation and surgery, they are ignoring the fact that cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment.
Oxygen cannot stick to blood cells if the pH of the blood is acidic. And rather than do everything that they can to raise the pH back up to a normal pH of 7.4 so that the blood can function properly, they prefer surgery. All of the advice that they have stolen from naturopathic medicine about “deep breathing” will do them no good at all. You can breath pure oxygen until you catch on fire but if the blood pH is acidic, then the oxygen will not be able to be picked up by the blood cells. It is chemically impossible. The blood must be normal and normal blood has a pH of around 7.4 pH. Any vestigial traces of oxygen that the acid-drenched blood cells manage to pick up are stripped off early by the oxygen-starved cells along the way and never reach the deeper parts of the body where oxygen is most needed. And because the pH is acidic, carbon dioxide also is not transported efficiently and so builds up within the tissues leading both to cell death and to a cell-to-cancer de-evolution for survival.
So, yes, cancer can be cured with ordinary baking soda. Bicarbonate is found in the blood naturally for the very real purpose of neutralizing acids. Therefore, those who want to cure your cancers should first follow the stolen advise found in the above newsletter. Not that the oncologists understand or follow this advice, themselves, but since they stole it from naturopathic medicine at least we can all agree that it is good advice. So, go to the health food stores and change your diet immediately.
But also do this: Take a pinch of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into your mouth, run it around your teeth and gums with your tongue while being sure to reach into the deepest parts of your gums and teeth and swallow it three times a day – more or less depending on how you feel. Also, drink a glass of water containing a teaspoon of baking soda before going to bed each night. But don’t over do this. Baking soda can kill you if you take too much of it. Take just a little bit and see how it makes you feel. If you feel okay, then take some more. Don’t overdo it but don’t be afraid to experiment. After all, the doctors experiment on you every time you go to see them as they “practice medicine”. So, why not experiment on yourself and save the money and the pain. But by all means change your diet to a natural and alkaline diet. And make baking soda a part of that diet.
The physicians will charge you a lot of money to take a pH test of your blood, but you can start monitoring the pH, yourself, by purchasing some pH test strips from a pharmacy. Test your tongue pH in the morning as well as your urine pH. Practice some yoga or Tai Chi Chuan or other deep breathing exercises and go on long walks to enjoy fresh air and your days on Earth. As your blood pH moves back up to the alkaline side of the chart, your deep breathing will fully oxygenate your blood. The cancer cells cannot survive all of that fresh oxygen so they die. And your T-killer cells, being full of vigor, will kill the cancer cells that remain. It’s as simple as that.
This is not advice that a cancer doctor will give you but it is advice that you can take whether you accept his treatments or not. After all, the normal pH of your blood is 7.4 but if the doctor wants to treat you without regard to what is normal, then maybe you should put yourself in Nature’s hands rather than his. If cancer is normal, then it would be normal for everybody to have cancer. But since it is not normal and since it thrives in situations that are not normal, then doesn’t it make sense to seek the things that are normal so that the cancer just disappears? A physician or oncologist who ignores the pH of your blood and does not know how to make it normal once again, is not qualified to be treating you in any way whatsoever. Avoid such physicians for the idiots that they are.
And whoops, oh dear! I am afraid that tooth decay is also cured with this simple remedy because baking soda kills decay-causing germs on contact. Will the purveyors of toothbrushes and pastes and drilling and filling and billing be pleased? No, those greedy betrayers and swindlers will not be pleased at all. They want you to be sick. But the sweet, happy smile of good health is the natural state of Mankind.
© 2008 Bamboo Delight Company
What MD’s and Naturopaths Don’t Know
by Gregory Delaney
Wouldn’t the delusional physicians and the big pharmacology swindlers be embarrassed to find that cancer could be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda? Well, no, they wouldn’t be embarrassed because they would be outraged. All of their billions in profits vanishing in a twinkle, would not have these betrayers of Mankind at all happy with such a simple cancer cure. And yet, cancer can be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda. And I will explain how.
While the greedy physicians and the cancer industry robber barons have been using every imaginable method for treating the symptoms of cancer, and while millions of people have suffered and died under the most astounding variety of mechanical, chemical, bio-technological and radiological absurdities, little progress in curing cancer has actually been made. And why? Well, to understand why, you would have to understand who is treating cancer before you can understand why it is not being cured. Who are these cancer physicians who claim to know so much yet fail to do anything useful?
Firstly, they are people who admit that they don’t know the cause of cancer or how to cure it. And yet they insist that they be allowed to “practice medicine” anyway! These oncologists admit that no matter what they do, you are going to die anyway, and so why not let them do something since they can make better use of your money than you can. Even though they admit that they don’t know what they are doing, they offer you just two (and only two) choices: (1) let them cut-poison-irradiate-and-transplant you which includes a free estimation of how long you will live or (2) do nothing at all which also includes a free, but much shorter, estimation of how long you will live. And so, with such limited choices, most people prefer to bequeath their savings account to the doctors for choice number one. At best, the physicians promise to drug you into unconsciousness so that you do not feel any pain either from your tumors or from their billing department.
But what happens if you don’t take their advice and choose alternative medicine, instead – you know, the choice that the doctors never mention to their patients? Since it has been proven that hospital patients live longer when the doctors go on strike, then alternative medicine is obviously better than a placebo. But they never mention that, either.
Secondly, these oncologists with all of their fancy degrees and years of microscopic confusion are really nothing more than disciples of fraud. This fraud is known as “symptomatic medicine”. And these cancer physicians prove their idiocy on a daily basis by classifying cancer as a “disease”. Would it be a joke on them if it was discovered that cancer really is not a disease at all but merely a “symptom” of something else? Hundreds of millions of dying cancer patients would certainly not be laughing. And millions of billionaire Big Pharma swindlers would not be laughing, either. Would it be a joke if it was discovered that cancer is not a disease at all and that these swindling greed-bags were actually mistaking the symptoms for the disease? I don’t think there would be much laughter in finding this to be true; but it is true. And here’s how this simple cure works.
The cancer quacks who are known as “modern physicians” (or oncology engineers), all know that there are many things that cause cancer. Does this ring a bell in their mighty brains? No, of course not. If there are many things that cause cancer, then how can cancer be classified as a disease? Isn’t it true, rather, that the many causative agents are the disease while the manifestations of tumors and malignancies are actually the symptom? This may seem strange but think about it a bit. And you alternative practitioners had better think about it a bit since the physicians have already proven that they are on the wrong track and haven’t thought about it enough.
If many things cause cancer (radiation, chemicals, viruses, sunlight, etc.) then even the dumbest physician knows enough to remove the primary cause. So, patients who work in the bright sun or in chemical factories are advised to avoid these situations. Hooray for the doctors who have common sense! But why are they so few?
Once you remove the primal cause, you are still left with a growing malignancy. (I am referring to the growing tumor and not to the doctors and the Big Pharma executives, themselves.) This cancerous growth has certain attributes that the idiot doctors overlook because they have been trained to use the most expensive methods possible for producing the largest possible profit for themselves and for their hospitals and for their drug suppliers. And after extracting all possible savings accounts, checking accounts, real property and insurance benefits, they send the dying patient home after saying, “We have done everything that we can do.” No, I don’t think many people will be laughing to discover that cancer can be cured with baking soda.
But even after the primary cause of the cancer is removed, why do the cancer cells keep growing? The doctors say because cancer is a disease. However, these practitioners of “symptomatic medicine” are mistaking the disease for the symptom. It is more accurate to say that the cancer is not the disease, itself, but is rather the symptom.
The maniac oncologists cut and radiate and poison and burn the cancer cells in an attempt to kill them. But the alternative practitioner prefers to let the powerful defenses of the body do all the work. And why? Because the body can take care of itself just fine as long as you provide it with what it needs to do the necessary healing. In this case, first remove the causative factors of cancer (such as the oncologists and Big Pharma robber barons) and then get to work on the underlying causes.
All cancer has some common denominators that the physicians think are inconsequential. But if you think about it a little bit, you will see that the oncologists are full of themselves and not full of knowledge. What they think is the disease, is actually the symptom. And what they think is inconsequential is actually the tiny, little cause for all of this suffering and disease. It’s a joke on the doctors, but nobody is laughing.
Here’s how it works. Normal cells that turn cancerous have specific jobs to do. Brain cells do brainy things, heart cells are on a bungee-jumper’s rush, liver cells strain today’s whiskey, kidney cells strain the beer and save the water, bladder cells hold the nasty stuff that the others strain, and skin cells enjoy a good suntan on a summer day. They all do different jobs. But when they turn cancerous, they throw all of that specialization aside.
Cancer cells do not evolve; they devolve. They do not perform the task specified in the blueprints of DNA, but they rebel and go it alone. Cancer cells give up being a high level technical worker in the body and become instead the lowest form of life. Worse than any truant teenager – all they do all day is eat, excrete, reproduce and do it all while holding their breath. While holding their breath? What is this little detail that is overlooked by the oncologists?
That’s right. Cancer cells don’t require a lot of oxygen to live. In fact, it is this low oxygen level that allows them to thrive. Or to put it in a way that even a physician can understand: Cancer cells become cancerous not because they are the disease but because they are normal cells reacting to the causative factors of disease. That is, cancer cells become cancer cells because they are normal cells that cannot live in any other way. They are following the First Commandment of Life: “Thou must live”. And in order for them to live, they must give up their specific functions in the body and devolve to a lower level of Life that is not so demanding of them. They become cancer cells in order to survive, not because they want to be cancer cells.
From this perspective you can say that cancer is normal. It is not a disease but rather it is the reaction of certain cells in the body to stress factors that cause these cells to choose de-evolution to a cancerous state as a means of cellular survival. They give up being highly advanced cells – brain, heart, liver, kidney, skin, etc. – and take a step downward to a lower function. They become cancerous as a survival strategy because nature only gives them this choice – or they must die. Cancer is the reaction of cells to various factors that will cause their death if they do not devolve to a lower, cancerous state.
Of course, the Big Pharma scoundrels and the physicians-for-hire want to “treat” cancer. Yes, they have devised a trillion “treatments” none of which do any good except to their bank accounts. There is a lot of money in “treatments”. You can talk about “treatments” for years. You can offer your customers … I mean, your “patients” … years and years of the latest and greatest of treatments. Treatments! Treatments! Treatments! Forever! And all of this time, while the victims are suffering and dying and giving the hospitals their last pennies in vain, the doctors can avoid ever, ever mentioning that most forbidden word of modern medicine – “cure”. And why? Because if they actually cure anyone of cancer, then they can’t get them back for any more treatments!
And yet, cancer is easily cured with nothing more complicated than baking soda. But before telling you how this is done, I want to review something that the Johns Hopkins Hospital has stolen from the alternative medical professionals. They sent out a newsletter in 2007 that has also been circulated by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Although their newsletter did not credit any alternative health practitioners or natural healing groups as to the source for their information, it was gratifying to see that what Naturopaths have been saying for over seventy years is finally being acknowledged by the swindlers of the Medical Monopoly. I will briefly review the main points of this newsletter below so that you Naturopathic Health experts and you idiots in the entrenched Medical Monopoly are all using the same language when you yell at each other.
All naturopaths already know these things but because it was new to the physicians and oncologists, here briefly is what the Johns Hopkins Hospital newsletter stated:
1. “Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells.
3. “Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.”
5. “Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.”
6. “A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).”
7. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water – best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic. Avoid it.”
8. “Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.”
9. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
10. “Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6 , Flor-ssence , Essiac , anti-oxidants , vitamins , minerals , EFAs, etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.”
11. “Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.
13. “Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.”
And this ends the good advice that the Johns Hopkins Hospital tosses out … then forgets entirely about. Although they make some basic errors with their assertions because they don’t really understand natural nutrition, it does contain almost everything that naturopaths of all varieties have been practicing and teaching for many years. But it does not give credit where credit is due. The physicians purloin our knowledge and take it for their own discovery and then they bill their patients for the information that we freely give while pretending to be physicians of great learning. And so, let’s leave these medical maniacs and show how cancer is easily cured with nothing more than baking soda. You will need the above ten points to put the puzzle together. And I will leave you and the physicians to argue about the above data which they have plagiarized without fully understanding.
The newsletter makes much of the importance of avoiding acidic and seeking alkaline but they do not know how to put two-and-two together to make any sense out of the information that they have stolen from us. They do not understand the cheap and easy and effective Naturopathic Way because they follow the fraudulent and profitable and expensive way of symptomatic medicine.
One of the much-overlooked “minor” details of cancer cells is that they thrive in a low oxygen environment. When the body is not able to fully oxygenate, these cells must either die of asphyxiation and toxic build-up or they must devolve to a lower state of existence where they can live and grow without so much oxygen. They become cancerous because there is not enough oxygen for them to remain normally functioning.
In point #1, above, the physicians rightfully state that cancerous cells feed on sugar. Actually, all cells feed on glucose. They absolutely do not seem to understand the difference between what glucose and sucrose do to the blood. What the physicians are missing is that the sucrose table sugar, the white flour products, the red meats, dairy products, coffee, candy and soda pop that the hospital provides from the hospital kitchen and from the Coke and candy machines on every floor, are bad enough on their own. These are the junk foods that the patients, themselves, got sick on. What the physicians do not understand is the blood chemistry that these junk foods unbalance. Yes, they take the necessary chemical tests. But they do not understand their own data because they are looking for a complicated treatment when the simple cure is staring them in the face.
Everybody knows how to stick a toy balloon on the wall after rubbing it on your head. It will stick tightly during dry weather but maybe not at all during damp weather. This is because the electro-static charge is strong during dry weather but gets leaked away during damp weather. Well, the same principle applies to how oxygen sticks to the blood cells during oxygenation, but in an ionic fluid instead of in an electrostatic gas.
As blood cells pass through the lungs, there is a very delicate balancing act that takes place between their cell surfaces and the ionic charges of the surrounding plasma. As they pass through the lungs, these purple-colored blood cells have the ionic charge that they received when picking up carbon dioxide. In contact with lung oxygen, this charge gets reversed so that the carbon dioxide drops off and the reversed charge attracts and picks up oxygen molecules. As their ionic charge reverses as they pick up a full supply of oxygen and their color changes from purple to red, these oxygenated blood cells are carried along through the body until they get into the vicinity of body cells that have a surplus of carbon-dioxide and need some oxygen. At that point, the ionic charges again reverse as the oxygen drops off and the carbon dioxide is attracted and sticks to the blood cell which once again changes to a purple color and is carried to the lungs. Yin and yang, a changing balance of polarities.
But just like a toy balloon that cannot stick to the wall in wet weather, oxygen cannot stick to a blood cell if the ionic balance of the blood is acidic. This is what the physicians and oncologists are overlooking. Every damned one of them has observed the ringing alarm bell going off but have muffled their ears and closed their eyes because they are looking for some expensive and complicated cure for cancer when both the cause and the cure are actually very simple.
They observe that cancer thrives in an acidic environment but they feed their patients sugar, white flour, red meats, ice cream and cake for dessert at just about every meal. They observe that cancer dies in a high oxygen environment, but they treat their patients to a choice between Coke and Pepsi from the vending machine down the hall. It is either much too simple for them to understand or else they are a witless part of a greedy and voracious conspiracy against the health of all of Mankind. Those are the only two choices, Doctor; take your pick.
The ringing alarm bell that the physicians are overlooking is the blood pH. Every cancer patient that I have ever seen, all without exception, had an acidic blood pH. But while the oncologists are pumping the patient full of chemotherapy, pizzas, pancakes, cokes, ice creams, hamburgers and fries, sweet rolls and jams, followed by radiation and surgery, they are ignoring the fact that cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment.
Oxygen cannot stick to blood cells if the pH of the blood is acidic. And rather than do everything that they can to raise the pH back up to a normal pH of 7.4 so that the blood can function properly, they prefer surgery. All of the advice that they have stolen from naturopathic medicine about “deep breathing” will do them no good at all. You can breath pure oxygen until you catch on fire but if the blood pH is acidic, then the oxygen will not be able to be picked up by the blood cells. It is chemically impossible. The blood must be normal and normal blood has a pH of around 7.4 pH. Any vestigial traces of oxygen that the acid-drenched blood cells manage to pick up are stripped off early by the oxygen-starved cells along the way and never reach the deeper parts of the body where oxygen is most needed. And because the pH is acidic, carbon dioxide also is not transported efficiently and so builds up within the tissues leading both to cell death and to a cell-to-cancer de-evolution for survival.
So, yes, cancer can be cured with ordinary baking soda. Bicarbonate is found in the blood naturally for the very real purpose of neutralizing acids. Therefore, those who want to cure your cancers should first follow the stolen advise found in the above newsletter. Not that the oncologists understand or follow this advice, themselves, but since they stole it from naturopathic medicine at least we can all agree that it is good advice. So, go to the health food stores and change your diet immediately.
But also do this: Take a pinch of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into your mouth, run it around your teeth and gums with your tongue while being sure to reach into the deepest parts of your gums and teeth and swallow it three times a day – more or less depending on how you feel. Also, drink a glass of water containing a teaspoon of baking soda before going to bed each night. But don’t over do this. Baking soda can kill you if you take too much of it. Take just a little bit and see how it makes you feel. If you feel okay, then take some more. Don’t overdo it but don’t be afraid to experiment. After all, the doctors experiment on you every time you go to see them as they “practice medicine”. So, why not experiment on yourself and save the money and the pain. But by all means change your diet to a natural and alkaline diet. And make baking soda a part of that diet.
The physicians will charge you a lot of money to take a pH test of your blood, but you can start monitoring the pH, yourself, by purchasing some pH test strips from a pharmacy. Test your tongue pH in the morning as well as your urine pH. Practice some yoga or Tai Chi Chuan or other deep breathing exercises and go on long walks to enjoy fresh air and your days on Earth. As your blood pH moves back up to the alkaline side of the chart, your deep breathing will fully oxygenate your blood. The cancer cells cannot survive all of that fresh oxygen so they die. And your T-killer cells, being full of vigor, will kill the cancer cells that remain. It’s as simple as that.
This is not advice that a cancer doctor will give you but it is advice that you can take whether you accept his treatments or not. After all, the normal pH of your blood is 7.4 but if the doctor wants to treat you without regard to what is normal, then maybe you should put yourself in Nature’s hands rather than his. If cancer is normal, then it would be normal for everybody to have cancer. But since it is not normal and since it thrives in situations that are not normal, then doesn’t it make sense to seek the things that are normal so that the cancer just disappears? A physician or oncologist who ignores the pH of your blood and does not know how to make it normal once again, is not qualified to be treating you in any way whatsoever. Avoid such physicians for the idiots that they are.
And whoops, oh dear! I am afraid that tooth decay is also cured with this simple remedy because baking soda kills decay-causing germs on contact. Will the purveyors of toothbrushes and pastes and drilling and filling and billing be pleased? No, those greedy betrayers and swindlers will not be pleased at all. They want you to be sick. But the sweet, happy smile of good health is the natural state of Mankind.
© 2008 Bamboo Delight Company
Dr. Esselstyn Reverse Heart Disease w/Diet
Reversing Heart Disease With Diet
Reversing Heart Disease
by Dr. T. Colin Campbell
I would like to introduce you to my friend Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., a man you will be hearing a lot more about in coming years. Having won a gold medal (Yale Crew team) in the 1956 Olympics, Dr. Esselstyn quickly advanced to a distinguished career in surgery at the renowned Cleveland Clinic Foundation. In 1985, when drugs were considered the treatment of choice for heart patients (as they mostly still are), Dr. Esselstyn embarked on a revolutionary course of action. The results of his investigation are being made available here for the first time to the larger public, thanks to Dr. Esselstyn's gracious sharing of his pre-publication research findings.
His story is rather like that of Professor Dean Ornish, who is on our Advisory Board, and who convincingly showed that heart disease could be reversed in seriously ill heart patients when they used a low-fat diet, exercised, and managed their stress. Dr. Esselstyn's findings contribute some important new information to the Ornish study.
Before I get to the research findings, however, it's important to remember where we were 10 years ago. Doctors believed that by the time chest pains or a heart attack had occurred due to the blocking of vital blood vessels by cholesterol deposits, patients had absolutely no hope of ever again having a healthy heart. Their options: open-heart surgery, a lifetime of cholesterol-lowering drugs, or death. Scientific consensus held that diet could, at best, decrease blood cholesterol by only about 10–20%, an effect not considered substantial enough for disease prevention.
It was precisely at this extremely critical moment in science and medicine when Drs. Esselstyn and Ornish, at opposite ends of the country, stepped in and showed considerable courage. They asked not only whether heart attacks might be prevented by low-fat, plant-food diets, but whether this disease might actually be reversed.
Spotlighting Plant Foods
Where Dr. Esselstyn departs from the Ornish work is in his approach. As Dr. Esselstyn told me, he simply wanted to see if he could "get inside his patients' heads." To do this, he was first willing to get inside his own head by adopting a plant-based diet. Today, he is a total "vegan," eating no dairy products. His aim was to let his patients know that if they could reduce their blood cholesterol levels, they might also reduce their heart problems. He kept careful records on his patients during these past 10 years and has just now reported his findings. Unlike Dr. Ornish, who combined meditation and exercise with his dietary restrictions, Dr. Esselstyn placed more emphasis on the effects of a plant-based diet.
Let's look at the main results. He enrolled 21 patients in his study between 1985 and 1988, a number similar to that in the Ornish experimental group. These patients were asked to consume on a regular basis a very low-fat, plant-food diet while maintaining their use of cholesterol-lowering drugs. A modest regimen of cholesterol-lowering drugs was believed necessary because these were at-risk patients and Dr. Esselstyn wanted to be sure to reduce their cholesterol levels below 150 mg/dL. Five patients dropped out of the study, 17 maintained the diet, and 11 of these had frequent cholesterol measurements and a follow-up angiogram. Average age of these 11 patients was 56 years.
All patients had severe, progressive triple-vessel coronary heart disease as documented by angiography. For most physicians, these would be considered very sick people. During the eight preceding years, despite having received "state-of-the-art" treatment, these 11 patients had experienced a total of 39 cardiovascular disorders. All were non-diabetic, had normal blood pressure, and did not smoke.
With most patients completing a decade of follow-up examinations, disease progression was stopped in all those who kept to the diet. Significantly, disease did not just stop but was actually reversed in approximately 70% of those having follow-up angiograms. Angina was improved or eliminated in every patient who had experienced this problem. And get this: no new cardiac disorders or other evidence of disease progression occurred during the study, compared with 37 incidents prior to the study! Of the five patients who left the diet program and returned to their regular diet, there were 10 new cardiac incidents, including one death. Really extraordinary findings!
Blood cholesterol was measured every other week, resulting in a total of 126 times per patient (what record keeping!). At the beginning of the study, average total cholesterol was 246 mg/dL; at follow-up, the mean level dropped to 132 mg/dL (every patient was under 150 mg/dL). This is a remarkable 46% drop. The "bad" or LDL cholesterol dropped by 58%. These are unprecedented cholesterol reductions.
So how did Dr. Esselstyn do this? Most importantly, he set an example by going on the diet himself. He also showed real interest in his patients; he was a very positive role model. After explaining the scientific evidence to the patient's spouses, he met with each patient bimonthly for their check-up, and the entire group met quarterly on a more social basis to exchange favorite recipes. His presence was authoritative, yet caring and uncompromising.
You Can Change Your Taste Preferences
I see several very significant findings in Dr. Esselstyn's study. First, remember that these patients consumed a very low-fat diet quite comfortably for a very long period of time. How so? Primarily, by changing their taste preferences. This is a very important point seldom mentioned when speaking about these diets. Namely, if you switch from a high-fat diet to a low-fat diet, your initial response may at first be "Yuk!" However, if you exercise a little patience for, perhaps, three to four months, your taste preferences will change. You'll then prefer your new low-fat diet over your old high-fat diet. When, in addition, your health improves and you start feeling better, you're on your way to a lifetime of healthier eating habits. If you're like most people, you'll begin to wonder how you could possibly have eaten that greasy stuff in the past.
Dr. Esselstyn reported that his patients lost their craving for meat and fat, and "can now travel away from home for weeks at a time while still adhering to the diet."
Dr. Esselstyn says that the use of the cholesterol-lowering drugs in this study may not have been necessary to achieve the results because the same reversal of disease most likely would have been achieved with diet alone and without any side effects. But, if there had been deaths among his patients from disease progression, the results would have been devastating.
The Bottom Line
The Esselstyn study adds to Dr. Ornish's work in several important ways. First, he was able to show that if disease is to be reversed by diet therapy, fat should be less than l0% of calories rather than the present 30% advocated by the American Heart Association. Second, these results were achieved without advice on meditation and exercise. Let me point out, however, that neither Dr. Esselstyn nor I recommend that you limit yourself to dietary changes alone. Regular exercise and stress management are extremely valuable health-promoting tools. Dr. Esselstyn's results do seem to say, quite emphatically, that consuming a low-fat, all-plant-foods diet is a very powerful way to promote good health and to heal the body of heart disease. Isn't it interesting to note that, when the Esselstyn and Ornish methods are compared, they both give virtually the same results? And isn't it also interesting to note that their most common feature is consumption of a low-fat, plant-foods diet?
Courtesy of www.nutritionadvocate.com
Reversing Heart Disease
by Dr. T. Colin Campbell
I would like to introduce you to my friend Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., a man you will be hearing a lot more about in coming years. Having won a gold medal (Yale Crew team) in the 1956 Olympics, Dr. Esselstyn quickly advanced to a distinguished career in surgery at the renowned Cleveland Clinic Foundation. In 1985, when drugs were considered the treatment of choice for heart patients (as they mostly still are), Dr. Esselstyn embarked on a revolutionary course of action. The results of his investigation are being made available here for the first time to the larger public, thanks to Dr. Esselstyn's gracious sharing of his pre-publication research findings.
His story is rather like that of Professor Dean Ornish, who is on our Advisory Board, and who convincingly showed that heart disease could be reversed in seriously ill heart patients when they used a low-fat diet, exercised, and managed their stress. Dr. Esselstyn's findings contribute some important new information to the Ornish study.
Before I get to the research findings, however, it's important to remember where we were 10 years ago. Doctors believed that by the time chest pains or a heart attack had occurred due to the blocking of vital blood vessels by cholesterol deposits, patients had absolutely no hope of ever again having a healthy heart. Their options: open-heart surgery, a lifetime of cholesterol-lowering drugs, or death. Scientific consensus held that diet could, at best, decrease blood cholesterol by only about 10–20%, an effect not considered substantial enough for disease prevention.
It was precisely at this extremely critical moment in science and medicine when Drs. Esselstyn and Ornish, at opposite ends of the country, stepped in and showed considerable courage. They asked not only whether heart attacks might be prevented by low-fat, plant-food diets, but whether this disease might actually be reversed.
Spotlighting Plant Foods
Where Dr. Esselstyn departs from the Ornish work is in his approach. As Dr. Esselstyn told me, he simply wanted to see if he could "get inside his patients' heads." To do this, he was first willing to get inside his own head by adopting a plant-based diet. Today, he is a total "vegan," eating no dairy products. His aim was to let his patients know that if they could reduce their blood cholesterol levels, they might also reduce their heart problems. He kept careful records on his patients during these past 10 years and has just now reported his findings. Unlike Dr. Ornish, who combined meditation and exercise with his dietary restrictions, Dr. Esselstyn placed more emphasis on the effects of a plant-based diet.
Let's look at the main results. He enrolled 21 patients in his study between 1985 and 1988, a number similar to that in the Ornish experimental group. These patients were asked to consume on a regular basis a very low-fat, plant-food diet while maintaining their use of cholesterol-lowering drugs. A modest regimen of cholesterol-lowering drugs was believed necessary because these were at-risk patients and Dr. Esselstyn wanted to be sure to reduce their cholesterol levels below 150 mg/dL. Five patients dropped out of the study, 17 maintained the diet, and 11 of these had frequent cholesterol measurements and a follow-up angiogram. Average age of these 11 patients was 56 years.
All patients had severe, progressive triple-vessel coronary heart disease as documented by angiography. For most physicians, these would be considered very sick people. During the eight preceding years, despite having received "state-of-the-art" treatment, these 11 patients had experienced a total of 39 cardiovascular disorders. All were non-diabetic, had normal blood pressure, and did not smoke.
With most patients completing a decade of follow-up examinations, disease progression was stopped in all those who kept to the diet. Significantly, disease did not just stop but was actually reversed in approximately 70% of those having follow-up angiograms. Angina was improved or eliminated in every patient who had experienced this problem. And get this: no new cardiac disorders or other evidence of disease progression occurred during the study, compared with 37 incidents prior to the study! Of the five patients who left the diet program and returned to their regular diet, there were 10 new cardiac incidents, including one death. Really extraordinary findings!
Blood cholesterol was measured every other week, resulting in a total of 126 times per patient (what record keeping!). At the beginning of the study, average total cholesterol was 246 mg/dL; at follow-up, the mean level dropped to 132 mg/dL (every patient was under 150 mg/dL). This is a remarkable 46% drop. The "bad" or LDL cholesterol dropped by 58%. These are unprecedented cholesterol reductions.
So how did Dr. Esselstyn do this? Most importantly, he set an example by going on the diet himself. He also showed real interest in his patients; he was a very positive role model. After explaining the scientific evidence to the patient's spouses, he met with each patient bimonthly for their check-up, and the entire group met quarterly on a more social basis to exchange favorite recipes. His presence was authoritative, yet caring and uncompromising.
You Can Change Your Taste Preferences
I see several very significant findings in Dr. Esselstyn's study. First, remember that these patients consumed a very low-fat diet quite comfortably for a very long period of time. How so? Primarily, by changing their taste preferences. This is a very important point seldom mentioned when speaking about these diets. Namely, if you switch from a high-fat diet to a low-fat diet, your initial response may at first be "Yuk!" However, if you exercise a little patience for, perhaps, three to four months, your taste preferences will change. You'll then prefer your new low-fat diet over your old high-fat diet. When, in addition, your health improves and you start feeling better, you're on your way to a lifetime of healthier eating habits. If you're like most people, you'll begin to wonder how you could possibly have eaten that greasy stuff in the past.
Dr. Esselstyn reported that his patients lost their craving for meat and fat, and "can now travel away from home for weeks at a time while still adhering to the diet."
Dr. Esselstyn says that the use of the cholesterol-lowering drugs in this study may not have been necessary to achieve the results because the same reversal of disease most likely would have been achieved with diet alone and without any side effects. But, if there had been deaths among his patients from disease progression, the results would have been devastating.
The Bottom Line
The Esselstyn study adds to Dr. Ornish's work in several important ways. First, he was able to show that if disease is to be reversed by diet therapy, fat should be less than l0% of calories rather than the present 30% advocated by the American Heart Association. Second, these results were achieved without advice on meditation and exercise. Let me point out, however, that neither Dr. Esselstyn nor I recommend that you limit yourself to dietary changes alone. Regular exercise and stress management are extremely valuable health-promoting tools. Dr. Esselstyn's results do seem to say, quite emphatically, that consuming a low-fat, all-plant-foods diet is a very powerful way to promote good health and to heal the body of heart disease. Isn't it interesting to note that, when the Esselstyn and Ornish methods are compared, they both give virtually the same results? And isn't it also interesting to note that their most common feature is consumption of a low-fat, plant-foods diet?
Courtesy of www.nutritionadvocate.com
Dr. Esselstyn beating Heart Disease
When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease and cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, and pancreatic--So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years & wrote a book – “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”.
When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease and cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, and pancreatic--So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years & wrote a book – “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”.
The "pH Factor"
The Real Silent Killer
What Is "pH"?
The body is largely made up of water, a medium which is biologically useful in allowing nutrients, oxygen and biochemicals to be transported from place to place. This water-based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties which are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for "potential hydrogen"), wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral, and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity.
Why Should I Be Concerned About My pH Levels?
Since most of the body is water-based (making up 50-60% of our total body weight), the pH level has profound effects on all body chemistry, health and disease. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it becomes too acidic or too alkaline for long periods of time. Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the management of "pH" is so important that the body has developed strict accounting procedures to monitor acid-alkaline balances in every cell. Fundamentally, all regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, hormonal production, etc.) serve the purpose of balancing pH, by removing caustic metabolized acid residues from body tissues without damaging living cells. If the pH deviates too far to the acid side or too far to the alkaline side, cells become poisoned by their own toxic waste & die.
Is An Imbalanced Body pH Really That Dangerous?
Yes, indeed it is! Nothing does well in an overly acidic or alkaline pH medium, least of all the human body! Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. If left unchecked, an imbalanced pH will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain... An imbalanced pH interferes with all life itself!
Can An Imbalanced pH Cause Serious Problems?
Yes, especially as a person grows older! Although it may generally go unnoticed and undetected for years, an imbalanced pH (either consistently too acid or alkaline) leads to the progression of most, if not all, degenerative diseases including Cardiovascular Disease (#1 killer in the U.S.), Cancer (#2 Killer in the U.S.), & Diabetes, as well as the never ending frustration of excessive systemic weight gain. The U.S. National Ctr for Health Statistics estimates that if Cardiovascular Disease alone could be eliminated, it would add an average of 9.78 years to our life span! That's almost 10 years of additional life per person!
What Causes pH to Become Imbalanced?
Most diets cause an unhealthy Acid pH. In fact, diet appears to be the major influence in maintaining appropriate pH levels throughout the body. Research demonstrates that when food is metabolized and broken down, it leaves certain chemical and metallic residues, a noncombustible "ash" which, when combined with our body fluids, yields either acid or alkali potentials of pH. Certain foods are "acid-forming" in nature, whereas others are known to be "alkali-forming."
Which Foods Are "Acid-Forming" Which Ones Are "Alkaline-Forming"?
Most high protein foods (such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs), nearly all carbohydrates (including grains, breads and pastas) and fats are "acid-forming." And most fruits and vegetables are "alkaline-forming." Although citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit, contain organic acids and may have an acid taste, they are not acid-forming when metabolized, leaving no acidic residue. Similarly, Free Form Amino Acids are not acid-forming, but instead offer unique buffering capabilities to the body to help offset acidic wastes.
How Do I Rebalance My pH?
Watching your diet can help. If you're too acid, increase the number of fruits & vegetables you eat. If you're too alkaline, increase the amounts of acid-forming foods consumed. But an easier way is to take Ericsson's AlkaMine Coral Calcium and consume 1.5 to 3 liters of water treated with Coral Calcium daily! If you are interested in more information...
Naturally Pure Alternatives
575 Live Oak Avenue Ukiah, CA 95482-3730 1-(800)-736-7877 or E-mail
The Real Silent Killer
What Is "pH"?
The body is largely made up of water, a medium which is biologically useful in allowing nutrients, oxygen and biochemicals to be transported from place to place. This water-based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties which are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for "potential hydrogen"), wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral, and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity.
Why Should I Be Concerned About My pH Levels?
Since most of the body is water-based (making up 50-60% of our total body weight), the pH level has profound effects on all body chemistry, health and disease. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it becomes too acidic or too alkaline for long periods of time. Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the management of "pH" is so important that the body has developed strict accounting procedures to monitor acid-alkaline balances in every cell. Fundamentally, all regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, hormonal production, etc.) serve the purpose of balancing pH, by removing caustic metabolized acid residues from body tissues without damaging living cells. If the pH deviates too far to the acid side or too far to the alkaline side, cells become poisoned by their own toxic waste & die.
Is An Imbalanced Body pH Really That Dangerous?
Yes, indeed it is! Nothing does well in an overly acidic or alkaline pH medium, least of all the human body! Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. If left unchecked, an imbalanced pH will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain... An imbalanced pH interferes with all life itself!
Can An Imbalanced pH Cause Serious Problems?
Yes, especially as a person grows older! Although it may generally go unnoticed and undetected for years, an imbalanced pH (either consistently too acid or alkaline) leads to the progression of most, if not all, degenerative diseases including Cardiovascular Disease (#1 killer in the U.S.), Cancer (#2 Killer in the U.S.), & Diabetes, as well as the never ending frustration of excessive systemic weight gain. The U.S. National Ctr for Health Statistics estimates that if Cardiovascular Disease alone could be eliminated, it would add an average of 9.78 years to our life span! That's almost 10 years of additional life per person!
What Causes pH to Become Imbalanced?
Most diets cause an unhealthy Acid pH. In fact, diet appears to be the major influence in maintaining appropriate pH levels throughout the body. Research demonstrates that when food is metabolized and broken down, it leaves certain chemical and metallic residues, a noncombustible "ash" which, when combined with our body fluids, yields either acid or alkali potentials of pH. Certain foods are "acid-forming" in nature, whereas others are known to be "alkali-forming."
Which Foods Are "Acid-Forming" Which Ones Are "Alkaline-Forming"?
Most high protein foods (such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs), nearly all carbohydrates (including grains, breads and pastas) and fats are "acid-forming." And most fruits and vegetables are "alkaline-forming." Although citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit, contain organic acids and may have an acid taste, they are not acid-forming when metabolized, leaving no acidic residue. Similarly, Free Form Amino Acids are not acid-forming, but instead offer unique buffering capabilities to the body to help offset acidic wastes.
How Do I Rebalance My pH?
Watching your diet can help. If you're too acid, increase the number of fruits & vegetables you eat. If you're too alkaline, increase the amounts of acid-forming foods consumed. But an easier way is to take Ericsson's AlkaMine Coral Calcium and consume 1.5 to 3 liters of water treated with Coral Calcium daily! If you are interested in more information...
Naturally Pure Alternatives
575 Live Oak Avenue Ukiah, CA 95482-3730 1-(800)-736-7877 or E-mail
Anything is Possible
Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling. They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy. The pregnancy progresses normally for Karen, an active member of the Panther Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown, TN. Then the labor pains come. Every 5 minutes ... every minute. But complications arise during delivery. Hours of labor. Would a C-section be required? Finally, Michael's little sister is born. But she is in serious condition. With sirens howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, TN. The days inch by. The little girl gets worse. The pediatric specialist tells the parents, "There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst." Karen & her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot. They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby -- now they plan a funeral. Michael, keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister, "I want to sing to her," he says. Week two in intensive care. It looks as if a funeral will come before the week is over. Michael keeps nagging about singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care. But Karen makes up her mind. She will take Michael whether they like it or not. If he doesn't see his sister now, he may never see her alive. She dresses him in an oversized scrub suit & marches him into ICU. He looks like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse recognizes him as a child & bellows, "Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed." The mother rises up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse's face, her lips a firm line. "He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!" Karen tows Michael to his sister's bedside. He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. And he begins to sing. In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sings:
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray --- "Instantly the baby girl responds. The pulse rate becomes calm and steady. Keep on singing, Michael. - "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away---" The ragged, strained breathing becomes as smooth as a kitten's purr. Keep on singing, Michael. "The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. Michael's little sister relaxes as rest, healing rest, seems to sweep over her. Keep on singing, Michael. Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glows. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Please don't take my sunshine away !
"Funeral plans are scrapped. The next day - the very next day,* the little girl is well enough to go home! Woman's Day magazine called it "the miracle of a brother's song." The medical staff just called it a “miracle”. Karen called it a miracle of God's love!
Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling. They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy. The pregnancy progresses normally for Karen, an active member of the Panther Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown, TN. Then the labor pains come. Every 5 minutes ... every minute. But complications arise during delivery. Hours of labor. Would a C-section be required? Finally, Michael's little sister is born. But she is in serious condition. With sirens howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, TN. The days inch by. The little girl gets worse. The pediatric specialist tells the parents, "There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst." Karen & her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot. They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby -- now they plan a funeral. Michael, keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister, "I want to sing to her," he says. Week two in intensive care. It looks as if a funeral will come before the week is over. Michael keeps nagging about singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care. But Karen makes up her mind. She will take Michael whether they like it or not. If he doesn't see his sister now, he may never see her alive. She dresses him in an oversized scrub suit & marches him into ICU. He looks like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse recognizes him as a child & bellows, "Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed." The mother rises up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse's face, her lips a firm line. "He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!" Karen tows Michael to his sister's bedside. He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. And he begins to sing. In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sings:
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray --- "Instantly the baby girl responds. The pulse rate becomes calm and steady. Keep on singing, Michael. - "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away---" The ragged, strained breathing becomes as smooth as a kitten's purr. Keep on singing, Michael. "The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. Michael's little sister relaxes as rest, healing rest, seems to sweep over her. Keep on singing, Michael. Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glows. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Please don't take my sunshine away !
"Funeral plans are scrapped. The next day - the very next day,* the little girl is well enough to go home! Woman's Day magazine called it "the miracle of a brother's song." The medical staff just called it a “miracle”. Karen called it a miracle of God's love!
Rave Diet - Dr. Esselstyn
FOR MORE INFO VISIT www.davetravis7.blogspot.com/
The Rave Diet,\ shows how cancer can be successfully healed with dietary treatments & natural supplementation. It explains common misconceptions about cancer, shows how diets designed to fight cancer are more successful than conventional treatments, discusses startling cancer research findings with T. Colin Campbell (The China Study) & has interviews with people who have reversed cancers using diet. It also discusses supplementation & why attitude is important in reversing not only cancer, but any disease. Dr. Crowe & Dr. Esselstyn are from the world-famous Cleveland Clinic Foundation & know something about heart disease. In fact, Dr. Esselstyn directed the longest & most successful heart disease reversal program ever. These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular (heart) disease, the #1 killer in America today, can be reversed by switching to The Rave Diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world's leading authorities on heart disease reversal. Dr. Pinckney & Dr. Crowe both reversed severe heart disease by adopting The Rave Diet. If you know someone with heart disease - who doesn't? - this will probably be “the most valuable film they will ever watch” - & from authorities with impeccable credentials. & if you eat to prevent heart disease, you will also prevent the other major chronic diseases that are plaguing Western nations. You will also hear from Dr. Heidrich who, after surgery, treated her breast cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or any other conventional treatments by following The Rave Diet. The Eating DVD is used in wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets & restore their health.
The Rave Diet,\ shows how cancer can be successfully healed with dietary treatments & natural supplementation. It explains common misconceptions about cancer, shows how diets designed to fight cancer are more successful than conventional treatments, discusses startling cancer research findings with T. Colin Campbell (The China Study) & has interviews with people who have reversed cancers using diet. It also discusses supplementation & why attitude is important in reversing not only cancer, but any disease. Dr. Crowe & Dr. Esselstyn are from the world-famous Cleveland Clinic Foundation & know something about heart disease. In fact, Dr. Esselstyn directed the longest & most successful heart disease reversal program ever. These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular (heart) disease, the #1 killer in America today, can be reversed by switching to The Rave Diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world's leading authorities on heart disease reversal. Dr. Pinckney & Dr. Crowe both reversed severe heart disease by adopting The Rave Diet. If you know someone with heart disease - who doesn't? - this will probably be “the most valuable film they will ever watch” - & from authorities with impeccable credentials. & if you eat to prevent heart disease, you will also prevent the other major chronic diseases that are plaguing Western nations. You will also hear from Dr. Heidrich who, after surgery, treated her breast cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or any other conventional treatments by following The Rave Diet. The Eating DVD is used in wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets & restore their health.
Bill Clinton & Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.
September 25, 2010
Wolf Blitzer's Interview with Bill Clinton's Diet Guru’s, Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dean Ornish - What the Interview Didn't Have Time to Explain about How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease with a
Plant-Based Diet
President Bill Clinton is on a plant-based diet from Dr. Esselstyn & Dr. Ornish
Wolf Blitzer Interviews Esselstyn & Ornish - the Doctors Who Influenced Bill Clinton's Heart Disease Reversal Diet- Sept. 24, 2010
If you received this post via email, click here to get to the web version with the video and links. You'll find the video of the interview at the end of this post. Yesterday my husband and I had the pleasure of watching Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish explain on national television just how a plant-based diet can prevent or reverse heart disease. Unfortunately, nine minutes can't do it justice. So here's the rest of the story. As we watched, we enjoyed an amazing homemade whole wheat cheese-less pizza topped with kalamata olives, fresh basil, roasted red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, and artichoke hearts--that took just minutes to put together!
Sept. 2004: Bill Clinton has quadruple bypass surgery to repair blocked arteries after he experienced chest pain.
Feb. 10, 2010: Clinton has two stents placed in one of his previously-treated arteries, after one of his bypass grafts completely closed up. According to his physician, Clinton had "toed the line" about adhering to diet, exercise & medical therapy. Click here for the Medtronic (the stent company) press release.
Spring, 2010: The stents fail to prevent further cardiovascular blockages. This is not an unusual occurrence. Clinton decides to read the medical literature about preventing and reversing heart disease. He discovers that there is only one one way to do this--a strict plant-based diet loaded with green leafy vegetables, and without meat, chicken, fish, dairy, or added oils. The two physician's who are pioneers in this treatment approach are Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Dean Ornish. Clinton decides to conduct his own personal clinical trial.
Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn's original group of 17 compliant patients that he has followed for over the past 25 years. Esselstyn continues to work with hundreds of other patients who have similar success stories. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet--if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong!
Like most Americans, Wolf Blitzer didn't seem to understand why bypass surgery or stents cannot cure cardiovascular disease. These procedures only treat emergency blockages. And statins are no guarantee that it won't happen again. Too bad Dr. Esselstyn didn't have a chance to tell Blitzer this:
"Some people think the "diet" is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme."
"The elephant in the room when we talk about stents and bypass surgery--those procedures don't protect from new heart attacks. Stents & bypasses are used to treat large arterial blockages. Yet according to many research studies only a small percentage of heart attacks are caused by the largest build-up of plaque. The rest are caused by the more numerous newer blockages that are far more inflamed and much more likely to rupture than the larger older, more stable plaques. So this is why those procedures don't treat the disease. They are treating the symptoms."
Just published: Am J Cardiol. 2010 Sep 15;106(6):902-4. Esselstyn, CB Jr. "Is the present therapy for coronary artery disease the radical mastectomy of the twenty-first century?"
--Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn--
And take it from two of the country's top cardiologists:
"Multiple studies show that if you have one ruptured plaque you have many." -Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic-
"We can't cure this disease until we address the fundamentals of lifestyle." -Dr. Eric Topol-
Wolf seemed surprised at Dr. Esselstyn's suggestion that the only way we will ever stop this disease is by changing the eating habits of our children.
"What? Are you suggesting that our kids shouldn't drink milk, or enjoy French fries, and chocolate cake-all the pleasures of life?" Blitzer asked.
Unfortunately, there wasn't sufficient time for Dr. Esselstyn to answer that question. But, if he had had time, here's what he might have said.
It All Starts in Adolescence according to the PDAY Study: Atherosclerosis begins in youth. Fatty streaks & clinically significant raised lesions increase from age 15 to 34. 100% of the autopsies done on 15-34 year old accident victims showed fatty streaks in the aorta and 50-75% showed streaks in the coronary artery--all precursors to later coronary artery disease. Click here for study.
By 65-70 we all have it. All males 65 years & older, and all females 70 years & older who have been exposed to the typical Western diet have cardiovascular disease & should be treated as such. Without making any changes, you can expect to have a catastrophic event (a heart attack or stroke) in your 70's or 80's. -Dr. Lewis H. Kuller, The University of Pittsburgh-
Dr. Ornish waffled when he answered Blitzer's question about whether or not it was necessary for everyone to be on such a strict plant-based diet--even people without heart disease. Ornish suggests there can be a spectrum (the title of his latest book) of dietary strictness--based upon whether one has heart disease or not.
There's a bit of a problem here. Heart disease is often invisible, and it's years in the making. We often don't know what's going on inside of our blood vessels until it's too late.
Cholesterol levels, and other risk factors don't always predict future coronary events accurately. Cardiovascular disease lurks in the unseen damage we do to the endothelial linings of our blood vessels, from the foods we eat. This inflammatory process starts a cascade of bad-news biological events that lay down atherosclerotic plaque, damages vessel linings, and if we're unlucky, puts us at risk for vessel-blocking plaque ruptures--that set us up for heart attacks, invisible strokes, major strokes, dementia, and more. Fit, lean, athletic people who are eating a Mediterrean Diet are not immune. Just ask Dr. Esselstyn. Just read my email--from people who exercised, ate right, & thought they were disease-proof. Just read, "I'm healthy, I exercise, I eat right, I'm heart-attack proof - "Not a moment too soon I thought of Tim Russert"
"Now I finally understand how we can have a heart attack or a silent stroke even if we think we don't have heart disease or atherosclerosis. Your coronary artery has to be 70% occluded to have symptoms, like angina. If your arteries are even 10-69% blocked, and you're inflaming them with what you eat, you're at risk. It's all about inflammation - Calm down the inflammation & you'll keep those atherosclerotic plaques safely stuck to your artery walls." From my post Yes, you can prevent and reverse heart disease, but are you up for the challenge - Let Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Convince You.
Here are Some of the Questions the Interview Did Allow Enough Time to Answer
Why not just follow the Mediterranean Diet, which includes olive oil & fish? Yes, the Mediterranean Diet is better than the American Heart Association Diet & the Western diet, but it only slows the progression of heart disease--it doesn't prevent & reverse heart disease. And, sure who doesn't want to believe that it's healthy to eat fish & olive oil? I know I did. But followers of the Mediterranean Diet show reductions of only 19-25% in cardiovascular mortality compared to followers of more standard diets. Not a huge reduction in my book. Click here for a recent JAMA study.
Why can't I use olive oil? I've covered this at length in I'm Going to Miss My Olive Oil - Who Knew It Wasn't So Healthy After All? Drs. Esselstyn, Ornish, Vogel & Rudel Did but here's the short story: Dr. Lawrence Rudel fed African Green monkeys (who are close substitutes to humans for study purposes) olive oil for 5 years, and then compared their arteries to those of Green monkeys who were given saturated fat to eat. Rudel was shocked by the results--he expected the olive oil monkeys would be disease-free. Turns out even though the olive oil monkeys had high HDLs, they also had just as much coronary heart disease as the monkeys who ate saturated fat. Oops! Olive, soybean, palm, coconut, oils all contribute to heart disease--just avoid them.
Why can't I eat nuts? Recent studies say they increase HDL's, and lower LDLs? Esselstyn is skeptical about this reearch, based on the surprising results of Rudel's study. Just because the HDL's go up, & the LDLs go down, it's no guarantee that nuts are preventing or slowing down coronary heart disease. Little known fact: the nut industry has sponsored these cholesterol/nut studies & participants had to consume 2.3 ounces of nuts to accrue the lipid changes--that's 350-400 calories worth of nuts. Then there's the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio thing--ideally we want to aim for a 2:1 or a 1:1 ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s, because a diet high in omega-6s is inflammatory. Most of us typically eat a diet that has a 17:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. Except for walnuts (and Esselstyn gives the OK for a few walnuts for folks without heart disease), most nuts are very high in omega-6s, and low in omega-3s. Cashews have a 117:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. And all nuts are high in calories and saturated fat. Almonds, the nut super-star is 6% saturated fat.
Isn't This Diet Extreme? Isn't it Too Hard to Follow? Doesn't It Take All the Fun Out of Eating?
Not at all. I'm someone who LOVED Kentucky Fried Chicken, corned beef sandwiches, Big Macs, barbecued ribs, and eating chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Don't miss it all. And I'm following this diet just for prevention. I have no diagnosed heart disease. But I saw two wonderful parents go through lengthy stroke-related declines, and if there is anything I can do to avoid that future, I'm going for it! Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can. Really. By now I can't imagine eating any other way--and I'm eating delicious food with lots of spice and zest--and it's far more interesting than broiled chicken.
Yoda: So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Do you hear nothing that I say?
Luke Sky Walker: Master, moving stones around is one thing. This is totally different.
Yoda: No. No different. Only different in your mind. You must UNLEARN what you have learned.
Luke Sky Walker: All right. I'll give it a try.
Yoda: No. Try Not. Do. Or Do Not. There is no Try.
If You Have More Questions About How a Plant-Based Diet Can Prevent Heart Disease--You're Welcome to My "Cliff Notes"
If the Esselstyn/Ornish Interview doesn't answer all of your questions, read Dr. Esselstyn's & Dr. Ornish's books. If you want answers right now, read my summary of the day-long session I attended with Dr. & Ann Esselstyn--"What I learned from Dr. Caldwell a Ann Esselstyn's Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease "School". Or go through my whole series of posts about Dr. Esselstyn's diet, how I adapted my cooking and recipes, and my successful experiment with the diet, click here, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Diet.
And Now For Wolf Blitzer's Interview with Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish If you do not see the video, click here.
Posted on Sept. 25, 2010 at 08:45 AM in Bill Clinton's Heart Disease Reversal Diet, Cholesterol, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's Heart Disease Prevention & Reversal Diet, Heart Disease, Heart Disease Prevention, Lifestyle Changes, Long Life Tweaks, Mid-life, Physicians, Vegan Diet | Permalink Technorati Tags: Bill Clinton, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Dean Ornish, heart disease prevention, Heart Disease Reversal Diet, Plant-Based Diet, Wolf Blitzer
Wolf Blitzer's Interview with Bill Clinton's Diet Guru’s, Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dean Ornish - What the Interview Didn't Have Time to Explain about How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease with a
Plant-Based Diet
President Bill Clinton is on a plant-based diet from Dr. Esselstyn & Dr. Ornish
Wolf Blitzer Interviews Esselstyn & Ornish - the Doctors Who Influenced Bill Clinton's Heart Disease Reversal Diet- Sept. 24, 2010
If you received this post via email, click here to get to the web version with the video and links. You'll find the video of the interview at the end of this post. Yesterday my husband and I had the pleasure of watching Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish explain on national television just how a plant-based diet can prevent or reverse heart disease. Unfortunately, nine minutes can't do it justice. So here's the rest of the story. As we watched, we enjoyed an amazing homemade whole wheat cheese-less pizza topped with kalamata olives, fresh basil, roasted red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, and artichoke hearts--that took just minutes to put together!
Sept. 2004: Bill Clinton has quadruple bypass surgery to repair blocked arteries after he experienced chest pain.
Feb. 10, 2010: Clinton has two stents placed in one of his previously-treated arteries, after one of his bypass grafts completely closed up. According to his physician, Clinton had "toed the line" about adhering to diet, exercise & medical therapy. Click here for the Medtronic (the stent company) press release.
Spring, 2010: The stents fail to prevent further cardiovascular blockages. This is not an unusual occurrence. Clinton decides to read the medical literature about preventing and reversing heart disease. He discovers that there is only one one way to do this--a strict plant-based diet loaded with green leafy vegetables, and without meat, chicken, fish, dairy, or added oils. The two physician's who are pioneers in this treatment approach are Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Dean Ornish. Clinton decides to conduct his own personal clinical trial.
Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn's original group of 17 compliant patients that he has followed for over the past 25 years. Esselstyn continues to work with hundreds of other patients who have similar success stories. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet--if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong!
Like most Americans, Wolf Blitzer didn't seem to understand why bypass surgery or stents cannot cure cardiovascular disease. These procedures only treat emergency blockages. And statins are no guarantee that it won't happen again. Too bad Dr. Esselstyn didn't have a chance to tell Blitzer this:
"Some people think the "diet" is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme."
"The elephant in the room when we talk about stents and bypass surgery--those procedures don't protect from new heart attacks. Stents & bypasses are used to treat large arterial blockages. Yet according to many research studies only a small percentage of heart attacks are caused by the largest build-up of plaque. The rest are caused by the more numerous newer blockages that are far more inflamed and much more likely to rupture than the larger older, more stable plaques. So this is why those procedures don't treat the disease. They are treating the symptoms."
Just published: Am J Cardiol. 2010 Sep 15;106(6):902-4. Esselstyn, CB Jr. "Is the present therapy for coronary artery disease the radical mastectomy of the twenty-first century?"
--Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn--
And take it from two of the country's top cardiologists:
"Multiple studies show that if you have one ruptured plaque you have many." -Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic-
"We can't cure this disease until we address the fundamentals of lifestyle." -Dr. Eric Topol-
Wolf seemed surprised at Dr. Esselstyn's suggestion that the only way we will ever stop this disease is by changing the eating habits of our children.
"What? Are you suggesting that our kids shouldn't drink milk, or enjoy French fries, and chocolate cake-all the pleasures of life?" Blitzer asked.
Unfortunately, there wasn't sufficient time for Dr. Esselstyn to answer that question. But, if he had had time, here's what he might have said.
It All Starts in Adolescence according to the PDAY Study: Atherosclerosis begins in youth. Fatty streaks & clinically significant raised lesions increase from age 15 to 34. 100% of the autopsies done on 15-34 year old accident victims showed fatty streaks in the aorta and 50-75% showed streaks in the coronary artery--all precursors to later coronary artery disease. Click here for study.
By 65-70 we all have it. All males 65 years & older, and all females 70 years & older who have been exposed to the typical Western diet have cardiovascular disease & should be treated as such. Without making any changes, you can expect to have a catastrophic event (a heart attack or stroke) in your 70's or 80's. -Dr. Lewis H. Kuller, The University of Pittsburgh-
Dr. Ornish waffled when he answered Blitzer's question about whether or not it was necessary for everyone to be on such a strict plant-based diet--even people without heart disease. Ornish suggests there can be a spectrum (the title of his latest book) of dietary strictness--based upon whether one has heart disease or not.
There's a bit of a problem here. Heart disease is often invisible, and it's years in the making. We often don't know what's going on inside of our blood vessels until it's too late.
Cholesterol levels, and other risk factors don't always predict future coronary events accurately. Cardiovascular disease lurks in the unseen damage we do to the endothelial linings of our blood vessels, from the foods we eat. This inflammatory process starts a cascade of bad-news biological events that lay down atherosclerotic plaque, damages vessel linings, and if we're unlucky, puts us at risk for vessel-blocking plaque ruptures--that set us up for heart attacks, invisible strokes, major strokes, dementia, and more. Fit, lean, athletic people who are eating a Mediterrean Diet are not immune. Just ask Dr. Esselstyn. Just read my email--from people who exercised, ate right, & thought they were disease-proof. Just read, "I'm healthy, I exercise, I eat right, I'm heart-attack proof - "Not a moment too soon I thought of Tim Russert"
"Now I finally understand how we can have a heart attack or a silent stroke even if we think we don't have heart disease or atherosclerosis. Your coronary artery has to be 70% occluded to have symptoms, like angina. If your arteries are even 10-69% blocked, and you're inflaming them with what you eat, you're at risk. It's all about inflammation - Calm down the inflammation & you'll keep those atherosclerotic plaques safely stuck to your artery walls." From my post Yes, you can prevent and reverse heart disease, but are you up for the challenge - Let Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Convince You.
Here are Some of the Questions the Interview Did Allow Enough Time to Answer
Why not just follow the Mediterranean Diet, which includes olive oil & fish? Yes, the Mediterranean Diet is better than the American Heart Association Diet & the Western diet, but it only slows the progression of heart disease--it doesn't prevent & reverse heart disease. And, sure who doesn't want to believe that it's healthy to eat fish & olive oil? I know I did. But followers of the Mediterranean Diet show reductions of only 19-25% in cardiovascular mortality compared to followers of more standard diets. Not a huge reduction in my book. Click here for a recent JAMA study.
Why can't I use olive oil? I've covered this at length in I'm Going to Miss My Olive Oil - Who Knew It Wasn't So Healthy After All? Drs. Esselstyn, Ornish, Vogel & Rudel Did but here's the short story: Dr. Lawrence Rudel fed African Green monkeys (who are close substitutes to humans for study purposes) olive oil for 5 years, and then compared their arteries to those of Green monkeys who were given saturated fat to eat. Rudel was shocked by the results--he expected the olive oil monkeys would be disease-free. Turns out even though the olive oil monkeys had high HDLs, they also had just as much coronary heart disease as the monkeys who ate saturated fat. Oops! Olive, soybean, palm, coconut, oils all contribute to heart disease--just avoid them.
Why can't I eat nuts? Recent studies say they increase HDL's, and lower LDLs? Esselstyn is skeptical about this reearch, based on the surprising results of Rudel's study. Just because the HDL's go up, & the LDLs go down, it's no guarantee that nuts are preventing or slowing down coronary heart disease. Little known fact: the nut industry has sponsored these cholesterol/nut studies & participants had to consume 2.3 ounces of nuts to accrue the lipid changes--that's 350-400 calories worth of nuts. Then there's the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio thing--ideally we want to aim for a 2:1 or a 1:1 ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s, because a diet high in omega-6s is inflammatory. Most of us typically eat a diet that has a 17:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. Except for walnuts (and Esselstyn gives the OK for a few walnuts for folks without heart disease), most nuts are very high in omega-6s, and low in omega-3s. Cashews have a 117:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. And all nuts are high in calories and saturated fat. Almonds, the nut super-star is 6% saturated fat.
Isn't This Diet Extreme? Isn't it Too Hard to Follow? Doesn't It Take All the Fun Out of Eating?
Not at all. I'm someone who LOVED Kentucky Fried Chicken, corned beef sandwiches, Big Macs, barbecued ribs, and eating chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Don't miss it all. And I'm following this diet just for prevention. I have no diagnosed heart disease. But I saw two wonderful parents go through lengthy stroke-related declines, and if there is anything I can do to avoid that future, I'm going for it! Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can. Really. By now I can't imagine eating any other way--and I'm eating delicious food with lots of spice and zest--and it's far more interesting than broiled chicken.
Yoda: So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Do you hear nothing that I say?
Luke Sky Walker: Master, moving stones around is one thing. This is totally different.
Yoda: No. No different. Only different in your mind. You must UNLEARN what you have learned.
Luke Sky Walker: All right. I'll give it a try.
Yoda: No. Try Not. Do. Or Do Not. There is no Try.
If You Have More Questions About How a Plant-Based Diet Can Prevent Heart Disease--You're Welcome to My "Cliff Notes"
If the Esselstyn/Ornish Interview doesn't answer all of your questions, read Dr. Esselstyn's & Dr. Ornish's books. If you want answers right now, read my summary of the day-long session I attended with Dr. & Ann Esselstyn--"What I learned from Dr. Caldwell a Ann Esselstyn's Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease "School". Or go through my whole series of posts about Dr. Esselstyn's diet, how I adapted my cooking and recipes, and my successful experiment with the diet, click here, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Diet.
And Now For Wolf Blitzer's Interview with Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish If you do not see the video, click here.
Posted on Sept. 25, 2010 at 08:45 AM in Bill Clinton's Heart Disease Reversal Diet, Cholesterol, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's Heart Disease Prevention & Reversal Diet, Heart Disease, Heart Disease Prevention, Lifestyle Changes, Long Life Tweaks, Mid-life, Physicians, Vegan Diet | Permalink Technorati Tags: Bill Clinton, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Dean Ornish, heart disease prevention, Heart Disease Reversal Diet, Plant-Based Diet, Wolf Blitzer
Forks Over Knives
FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so called “diseases of affluence” that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.
What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug and major medical operations have become routine. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to “battle” these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases. Could it be there’s a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive but so straightforward, that it’s mind-boggling that more of us haven’t taken it seriously?
FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so called diseases of affluence” that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline in the film traces the personal journeys of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional scientist from Cornell Univ. & Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, a former top surgeon at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic. Inspired by remarkable discoveries in their young careers, these men conducted several groundbreaking studies, one of which took place in China and is considered among the most comprehensive health-related investigations ever undertaken. Their separate research led them to the same startling conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several forms of cancer, could almost always be prevented—and in many cases reversed—by adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet. Despite the profound implications of their findings, their work has remained relatively unknown to the public. In addition, cameras follow “reality patients” who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole foods plant based diet as the primary approach to treat their ailments—while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed. The film features leading experts on health and tackles the issue of diet and disease in a way that will have people talking for years.
Brian Wendel, Creator and Executive Producer
Brian Wendel had a long-time interest in nutrition and health. In the summer of 2008, he read The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell and realized that the scientific case that a whole foods plant-based diet could prevent—and even reverse—disease was greater than he had ever imagined. This concept deserved a “seat at the table” in the national discussion. Brian decided the most effective way to bring this message to a broad audience was by feature film. His vision for the film was that it be based on the science —and at the same time, provide a moving experience by exploring personal stories and historical elements. Brian recruited a veteran award-winning production team and spent nearly 2 years producing FORKS OVER KNIVES, his first feature film.
Lee Fulkerson, Writer and Director
Lee Fulkerson has written, produced, directed or supervised nearly 170 hours of documentary programming, and has won 19 international awards for his work. These include the prestigious CINE SPECIAL JURY AWARD for Best Broadcast Historical Program of 2003, network or cable, awarded for his pilot episode of the series, THE COLOR OF WAR. Most recently Lee wrote SEVEN SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE, a two-hour documentary special for the History Channel. Previously, he was Executive Producer and head writer of the seven-hour series SHOWDOWN: AIR COMBAT for the Discovery Military Channel. Lee was the Series Producer of the 17-hour THE COLOR OF WAR series and the 35-hour THE GREAT SHIPS series for the History Channel. He wrote, produced and directed the 90-minute special THE CRASH OF FLIGHT 191 for the History Channel, and co-wrote THE LONG MARCH, a two-hour special for History International. Lee also wrote or produced 11 episodes of the Biography series for A&E,
including programs on MICHELANGELO, GEORGE WASHINGTON and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. In the realm of fiction, Lee co-wrote the screen story Ascent in the television
drama series THE DEAD ZONE for the USA Television Network. FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so called “diseases of affluence” that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. and spent nearly two years producing FORKS OVER KNIVES, his first feature film.
John Corry, Producer
John Corry’s feature film credits include Universal’s THE RUNDOWN, THE TEN
produced over 200 documentary programs, most recently THE WILD YAK PATROL for
Animal Planet and THE LONG MARCH for History International. He created and
supervised a number of popular long-running documentary television series including
SECRECY for the History Channel, CELEBRITY WINGS for Discovery Networks and
WEAPONS AT WAR for A&E Network. John recently produced several celebrity
narrated short films for IFAW (the International Fund for Animal Welfare), campaigns on
and KENYA’S TSAVO WILDLIFE SANCTUARY. His three-hour television special THE
LAST DAYS OF WWII was nominated for an Emmy and his acclaimed all-color WWII
series THE COLOR OF WAR was recognized with the CINE SPECIAL JURY AWARD
as the Best Broadcast Historical Program of 2003, network or cable.
Allison Boon, Co-Producer
Allison Boon began working on documentaries in 2003 as an Associate Producer on the
long-running TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY series at E! Networks. Allison went on to
Actuality Productions’ award-winning History Channel series MODERN MARVELS.
Within a year, she became Director of Research and helped develop over 100 hours of
programming for networks like History Channel, National Geographic and Bravo. She
began writing and producing MODERN MARVEL episodes in 2007 including MEASURE
IT, HALLOWEEN TECH, TRAPS and IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. That same yearAllison joined the field team on Universal’s breakout comedy feature BRUNO.
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University; Project Director of the China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project; author of more than 300 research papers and recipient of more than 70 grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding; served on several grant review committees and actively participated in the development of national and international nutrition policy; internationally known lecturer and co-author of The China Study.
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.
Former internationally known surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic; served as President of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons and Chairman of the Cleveland Clinic’s Breast Cancer Task Force; written over 150 scientific publications including his bench mark long-term nutritional research on arresting and reversing coronary artery disease in severely ill patients; author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.
FORKS OVER KNIVES was filmed all over the United States, and in Canada and
China. It features professional appearances by:
Neal Barnard, M.D.
Adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of
Medicine; founder and president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine;
author of Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes, and others.
Junshi Chen, Ph.D.
Senior Research Professor, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China
Connie B. Diekman, MEd, RD, FADA
Director of University Nutrition, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri, and former Pres. of the American Dietetic Assoc.
David Klurfeld, Ph.D.
National Program Leader, Human Nutrition, USDA
Matthew Lederman, M.D., and Alona Pulde, M.D.
Physicians, Authors, Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health,
and Founders of Exsalus Health and Wellness Center, Los Angeles, California
Doug Lisle, Ph.D.
Psychologist, Co-Author, The Pleasure Trap, and Dir. of Research, TrueNorth Health Center, Santa Rosa, CA
Terry Mason, M.D.
Commissioner, Department of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois
John McDougall, M.D.
Physician, founder of Dr. McDougall’s Health and Medical Center, Santa Rosa,
California; author of The McDougall Plan, and others.
Pam Popper, N.D.
Founder and Executive Director of the Wellness Forum, Columbus, Ohio
Joey Aucoin
A landscaping company owner, Joey was diagnosed in 2006 with dangerously high
cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. Taking numerous medications, Joey visits Drs.
Matthew Lederman and Alona Pulde.
Gene Baur
Founder, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York and author of Farm Sanctuary:
Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food. Farm Sanctuary is a shelter for
farm animals that have been abandoned or abused.
Mac Danzig
A mixed martial artist and Ultimate Fighting star, Mac has held several world titles. In
2007 he won the competition reality program The Ultimate Fighter 6 on SpikeTV.
Rip Esselstyn
Rip, son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, was a collegiate All-American swimmer. After
competing professionally in triathlons for 10 years, Rip joined the Austin fire department
in 1997. Several years later, he discovered dangerously high cholesterol levels of his
firefighter comrades, and led a station revolution of dietary change and markedly better
health. Rip is author of The Engine 2 Diet.
Ruth Heidrich
Ruth is a six-time Ironman Triathlon finisher who has won more than 900 medals in
races around the world, including more than 60 marathons. Now in her 70s, Ruth was
diagnosed with breast cancer in her 40s.
San’Dera Nation
Living and working in Cleveland, Ohio, San’Dera visits Dr. Esselstyn for to have her
diabetes and hypertension treated.
Evelyn Oswick
After a 2nd heart attack, Evelyn’s severe condition was deemed untreatable by her
tending physician. Evelyn agreed to take part in Dr. Esselstyn’s research study at the
Cleveland Clinic.
Anthony Yen
After quintuple bypass surgery failed to resolve his cardio-vascular disease, Anthony
became part of Dr. Esselstyn’s study at the Cleveland Clinic.
What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug and major medical operations have become routine. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to “battle” these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases. Could it be there’s a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive but so straightforward, that it’s mind-boggling that more of us haven’t taken it seriously?
FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so called diseases of affluence” that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline in the film traces the personal journeys of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional scientist from Cornell Univ. & Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, a former top surgeon at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic. Inspired by remarkable discoveries in their young careers, these men conducted several groundbreaking studies, one of which took place in China and is considered among the most comprehensive health-related investigations ever undertaken. Their separate research led them to the same startling conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several forms of cancer, could almost always be prevented—and in many cases reversed—by adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet. Despite the profound implications of their findings, their work has remained relatively unknown to the public. In addition, cameras follow “reality patients” who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole foods plant based diet as the primary approach to treat their ailments—while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed. The film features leading experts on health and tackles the issue of diet and disease in a way that will have people talking for years.
Brian Wendel, Creator and Executive Producer
Brian Wendel had a long-time interest in nutrition and health. In the summer of 2008, he read The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell and realized that the scientific case that a whole foods plant-based diet could prevent—and even reverse—disease was greater than he had ever imagined. This concept deserved a “seat at the table” in the national discussion. Brian decided the most effective way to bring this message to a broad audience was by feature film. His vision for the film was that it be based on the science —and at the same time, provide a moving experience by exploring personal stories and historical elements. Brian recruited a veteran award-winning production team and spent nearly 2 years producing FORKS OVER KNIVES, his first feature film.
Lee Fulkerson, Writer and Director
Lee Fulkerson has written, produced, directed or supervised nearly 170 hours of documentary programming, and has won 19 international awards for his work. These include the prestigious CINE SPECIAL JURY AWARD for Best Broadcast Historical Program of 2003, network or cable, awarded for his pilot episode of the series, THE COLOR OF WAR. Most recently Lee wrote SEVEN SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE, a two-hour documentary special for the History Channel. Previously, he was Executive Producer and head writer of the seven-hour series SHOWDOWN: AIR COMBAT for the Discovery Military Channel. Lee was the Series Producer of the 17-hour THE COLOR OF WAR series and the 35-hour THE GREAT SHIPS series for the History Channel. He wrote, produced and directed the 90-minute special THE CRASH OF FLIGHT 191 for the History Channel, and co-wrote THE LONG MARCH, a two-hour special for History International. Lee also wrote or produced 11 episodes of the Biography series for A&E,
including programs on MICHELANGELO, GEORGE WASHINGTON and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. In the realm of fiction, Lee co-wrote the screen story Ascent in the television
drama series THE DEAD ZONE for the USA Television Network. FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the so called “diseases of affluence” that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. and spent nearly two years producing FORKS OVER KNIVES, his first feature film.
John Corry, Producer
John Corry’s feature film credits include Universal’s THE RUNDOWN, THE TEN
produced over 200 documentary programs, most recently THE WILD YAK PATROL for
Animal Planet and THE LONG MARCH for History International. He created and
supervised a number of popular long-running documentary television series including
SECRECY for the History Channel, CELEBRITY WINGS for Discovery Networks and
WEAPONS AT WAR for A&E Network. John recently produced several celebrity
narrated short films for IFAW (the International Fund for Animal Welfare), campaigns on
and KENYA’S TSAVO WILDLIFE SANCTUARY. His three-hour television special THE
LAST DAYS OF WWII was nominated for an Emmy and his acclaimed all-color WWII
series THE COLOR OF WAR was recognized with the CINE SPECIAL JURY AWARD
as the Best Broadcast Historical Program of 2003, network or cable.
Allison Boon, Co-Producer
Allison Boon began working on documentaries in 2003 as an Associate Producer on the
long-running TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY series at E! Networks. Allison went on to
Actuality Productions’ award-winning History Channel series MODERN MARVELS.
Within a year, she became Director of Research and helped develop over 100 hours of
programming for networks like History Channel, National Geographic and Bravo. She
began writing and producing MODERN MARVEL episodes in 2007 including MEASURE
IT, HALLOWEEN TECH, TRAPS and IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. That same yearAllison joined the field team on Universal’s breakout comedy feature BRUNO.
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University; Project Director of the China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project; author of more than 300 research papers and recipient of more than 70 grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding; served on several grant review committees and actively participated in the development of national and international nutrition policy; internationally known lecturer and co-author of The China Study.
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.
Former internationally known surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic; served as President of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons and Chairman of the Cleveland Clinic’s Breast Cancer Task Force; written over 150 scientific publications including his bench mark long-term nutritional research on arresting and reversing coronary artery disease in severely ill patients; author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.
FORKS OVER KNIVES was filmed all over the United States, and in Canada and
China. It features professional appearances by:
Neal Barnard, M.D.
Adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of
Medicine; founder and president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine;
author of Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes, and others.
Junshi Chen, Ph.D.
Senior Research Professor, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China
Connie B. Diekman, MEd, RD, FADA
Director of University Nutrition, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri, and former Pres. of the American Dietetic Assoc.
David Klurfeld, Ph.D.
National Program Leader, Human Nutrition, USDA
Matthew Lederman, M.D., and Alona Pulde, M.D.
Physicians, Authors, Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health,
and Founders of Exsalus Health and Wellness Center, Los Angeles, California
Doug Lisle, Ph.D.
Psychologist, Co-Author, The Pleasure Trap, and Dir. of Research, TrueNorth Health Center, Santa Rosa, CA
Terry Mason, M.D.
Commissioner, Department of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois
John McDougall, M.D.
Physician, founder of Dr. McDougall’s Health and Medical Center, Santa Rosa,
California; author of The McDougall Plan, and others.
Pam Popper, N.D.
Founder and Executive Director of the Wellness Forum, Columbus, Ohio
Joey Aucoin
A landscaping company owner, Joey was diagnosed in 2006 with dangerously high
cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. Taking numerous medications, Joey visits Drs.
Matthew Lederman and Alona Pulde.
Gene Baur
Founder, Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, New York and author of Farm Sanctuary:
Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food. Farm Sanctuary is a shelter for
farm animals that have been abandoned or abused.
Mac Danzig
A mixed martial artist and Ultimate Fighting star, Mac has held several world titles. In
2007 he won the competition reality program The Ultimate Fighter 6 on SpikeTV.
Rip Esselstyn
Rip, son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, was a collegiate All-American swimmer. After
competing professionally in triathlons for 10 years, Rip joined the Austin fire department
in 1997. Several years later, he discovered dangerously high cholesterol levels of his
firefighter comrades, and led a station revolution of dietary change and markedly better
health. Rip is author of The Engine 2 Diet.
Ruth Heidrich
Ruth is a six-time Ironman Triathlon finisher who has won more than 900 medals in
races around the world, including more than 60 marathons. Now in her 70s, Ruth was
diagnosed with breast cancer in her 40s.
San’Dera Nation
Living and working in Cleveland, Ohio, San’Dera visits Dr. Esselstyn for to have her
diabetes and hypertension treated.
Evelyn Oswick
After a 2nd heart attack, Evelyn’s severe condition was deemed untreatable by her
tending physician. Evelyn agreed to take part in Dr. Esselstyn’s research study at the
Cleveland Clinic.
Anthony Yen
After quintuple bypass surgery failed to resolve his cardio-vascular disease, Anthony
became part of Dr. Esselstyn’s study at the Cleveland Clinic.
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