Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CNN Video


"The Last Heart Attack" CNN

Dr. Sanjay Gupta's "The Last Heart Attack" Finally Airs on CNN - Looks Like Diet & Non-Invasive Diagnostic Testing Win Over Bypasses & Stents - The Cliff Notes, the Collected Transcripts, & the Entire CNN Documentary
Posted: 29 Aug 2011 04:19 PM PDT

Half of all heart attacks come with no warning at all, making diet changes & diagnostic tests all the more important

Last night Dr. Sanjay Gupta told us, "I'm on a mission to never have a heart attack."
He has a strong family history of heart disease and like most of us, he wants to avoid medications, stents, and bypasses. None of these are without risk.
For over a year Gupta's been investigating "how to prevent a heart attack," speaking with the top cardiologists--as well as patients who have taken different approaches to treating their heart disease--from bypasses to stents to making radical dietary changes. Gupta's documentary, "The Last Heart Attack", aired last night, and frankly, its tenor and its key points took me by surprise. It wasn't about cutting-edge drugs or snazzy procedures. It was all about utilizing the newer more accurate non-invasive diagnostic tools--and making a radical change to a plant-based diet.
Dr. Arthur Agatston with his not-often-used non-invasive diagnostic tests, and Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. with his plant-based diet--were far and away the stars of the show.
Gupta tells us at the start, "I'm going to tell you about things your doctor won't."
"And the truth is, it doesn't involve spending any more money, investing in any more research or creating any more tests. Rather, it will take a strict implementation of what we already know about diet and nutrition. It will also take brave champions to navigate through confusing counsel, special interests and shoddy science," says Gupta.
"Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. tells Gupta, 'Sanjay, we want to make you heart attack proof.'
Pretty audacious, I thought, but I couldn’t help but be engaged by this Cleveland Clinic surgeon, who was now devoting his life to preventing the diseases he made a living treating.
'We are never going to end the epidemic of heart disease with stents, bypasses and medications,' he told me.
That was music to my ears, because I didn’t want any of those things. Of course, it would involve essentially eliminating meat, dairy, eggs and oil – even olive oil.
'Nothing with a mother, and nothing with a face,' the good doctor added.
Virtually eliminating heart disease – it can be done, and truth is, we have known for a very long time how to do it.
People have said to me as I was preparing this documentary – 'Sanjay, you are advocating a radical change to the way we eat.'
Perhaps, but if you really think about it, the way we eat now is in fact more radical. And when we look back on this time, a couple of hundred years from now, I guarantee you that our diet of today will be considered one of the most radical in history.If we collectively ever want to get to the point where we have “The Last Heart Attack,” a good start would be to stop ignoring what we already know to be true."
-Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, "The Last Heart Attack," August 28, 2010-
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I thought Dr. Sanjay Gupta's show would never air.
First it was pre-empted by Libya. Then by Hurricane Irene.
But, last night, Sunday August 28th at 9:00 pm I finally got a chance to see Gupta's long-awaited documentary, "The Last Heart Attack".
I settled into my favorite chair--with notebook in hand to take notes--I figured that many of you would have missed its last minute airing--and I was happy to fill you in on some of the key points. But, when I checked my email early this morning, bingo--we were all in luck. Big thanks to Jeff & Sabrina of Vegsource, for generously providing the full-length video of the entire documentary. Go to their site, and enjoy the entire commercial-free 41 minute version of Dr. Sanjay Gupta's excellent documentary. Click here to see "The Last Heart Attack".
The Transcripts & Extras from Dr. Sanjay Gupta's "Last Heart Attack" - All on One Page
I've created a transcript page that includes the text of all the key sections from "The Last Heart Attack"--you'll find it right here.
So Here You Go!
If you're like me, you can't absorb everything when you watch a video.
What were the names of those diagnostic tests Dr. Arthur Agatston recommended?
Why aren't cholesterol numbers the best indicators of heart disease risk?
What kind of success can I expect on the Esselstyn diet?
Oh--and what exactly is that diet anyway? What foods do I need to avoid? What foods do I need to eat?
It's all here in these transcripts--and there are links to most of the CNN videos related to the show.

Will you have a heart attack? These Tests Will Tell.
What Your Cholesterol Number Really Says
Gupta: Becoming Heart Attack Proof.
Esselstyn: The Heart Attack Proof Diet.
Tom Bare: The "Heart Attack Waiting to Happen Isn't Always Obvious"
From Omnivore to Vegan: The Dietary Education of Bill Clinton"
The Heart Attack Diet Worked for Me Don't miss this fascinating personal story from one of Dr. Esselstyn's patients--it wasn't part of the documentary.
Ornish: Asking the Right Questions About Health Care

The "Last Heart Attack" Highlights

Bill Clinton's Story. From Couch Potato & Junk Food Aficionado to Plant-Based Booster
In spite of having the best health care from the country's top physicians, Clinton still ended up with quadruple bypasses, two stents, & medication. And even Clinton knew he was heading into trouble if he didn't do something serious about changing his diet.
Clinton had the trifecta of heart disease risk: he had a family history of heart disease, he was overweight & out-of-shape, and he was eating all the wrong foods.
When Clinton's stents failed in February of 2010, his doctor said, "This isn't a result of diet or exercise--it's a mechanical failure of stents." But statins, stents, & the Mediterranean Diet aren't always enough to stop heart disease. And moderation & pharmaceuticals aren't enough to stop the onslaught of atherosclerosis.
Last year Clinton decided to hit the books & read what the medical literature had to say about preventing and reversing heart disease through diet. He discovered that there is only one way to do this--a strict plant-based diet loaded with green leafy vegetables, and without meat, chicken, fish, dairy, or added oils. The two physicians who pioneered this type of treatment are Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. and Dr. Dean Ornish. With nothing to lose, Clinton decided to conduct his own personal clinical trial.
For over a year he's been eating 100% plant-based, if you don't count the one single bite of turkey he ate at Thanksgiving. No dairy, no meat, no fish, and almost no oil.
First of all, Clinton unabashedly says, "I like the stuff I eat. And if anything, I'm getting stricter about my diet as time goes on." He's lost 27 pounds, all his blood tests are good, he has more energy, needs less sleep, and feels great. He's almost down to his lowest weight since high school--185 pounds.
The Three Tests That Can Predict a Heart Attack
Dr. Arthur Agatston, the cardiologist who created the best-selling South Beach Diet, recommends three relatively new tests if you want to get a far more accurate picture of your heart attack risk than you can get from cholesterol numbers.
Coronary calcium scan. This looks at plaque in the arteries leading to the heart and can provide a good indicator of one's risk of a heart attack over the next 4-5 years. This is a better indicator than you'll get from the Framingham Risk Score--and Agatston believes it should be done routinely at age 50--and earlier for people with a family history of heart disease. Full disclosure, though--Agatston invented the coronary calcium scan--but makes no money on it.

Ultrasound of the carotid artery. This looks at plaque in the main blood vessel leading to the brain. Plaque in the carotid artery is a sign of increased risk for a heart attack & a stroke.
An NMR lipid particle test (The NMR-LipoProfile) This is a $65 test that looks at the size of one's LDL--the bad cholesterol. Patients with a lot of small-particle LDL are more likely to build up plaque in their arteries. The larger, light & fluffy LDL particles are less likely to enter into the blood vessel walls & cause damage. It's not just about the LDL level--it's about the size of the particles.
The Heart Attack Proof Diet
Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. has been teaching patients to prevent & reverse heart disease through a plant-based no-oil diet since 1985.According to Esselstyn, heart disease is a food-borne illness, and one's risk of having a heart attack is not sealed in stone by one's family history or genetics. If you change what you eat--and you can make yourself heart-attack proof. Click here to learn more.
Esselstyn looked at the diets of indigenous people around the world. In the communities where no heart disease existed, it turned out that the people were eating a mostly plant-based low-fat diet: The Papua New Guinea highlanders, the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico, and some rural Chinese.
What do you eat on this diet?
Vegetables-lots of green leafy ones to restore & heal the endothelial lining of your blood vessels. Kale, Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Collards, Bok Choy, Parsley, Spinach, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower
Whole fruit
Whole grains
Beans/Legumes; "light" tofu--cautious use of low-fat soy meat substitutes. Many are highly processed, high-fat junk food.
Gupta followed up with his own research, checking the medical literature for sound studies on the use of plant-based diets to prevent & reverse heart disease. He was impressed with Dr. Esselstyn's research at the Cleveland Clinic.
5 years later no patients who followed the diet had another cardiovascular event
Three-quarters of Esselstyn's patients saw their blockages reduced.
There are detractors: Dr. Allan Schwartz, the New York-Presbyterian Hospital's Columbia cardiologist who put in Bill Clinton's stents in February 2010 says the idea that diet can prevent or reverse heart disease is an overstatment.
Dr. Erin Michos, a cardiologist at the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease at Johns Hopkins University, says diet can reverse heart disease, but some people just aren't willing to make the necessary changes.
Gupta points out that Dr. Esselstyn's diet prescription runs counter to the powerful lobbies of the meat, dairy, & egg industries--not to mention our fast-food culture. Could that be another reason that it hasn't gone mainstream?
Most doctors & their families eat meat themselves, making them less likely to offer a plant-based diet as a prescription to prevent heart disease.
Two Patients Who Chose Diet Over Surgery to Prevent Another Heart Attack
The 41 year-old Male
He didn't smoke, was in good shape, and ate well. His was a case of bad genes. At age 31 he already had eight stents placed in his arteries. At age 41 he had four more.
Clearly, stents weren't working for him. He decided to contact Dr. Esselstyn after learning about his successes last September through Wolf Blitzer's CNN interview.
No surprise that his doctors thought Esselstyn's diet was too extreme. "Unnecessary," they told him. But after having multiple stents he was losing confidence in their advice.
Next Step. The Esselstyn Diet.
He attended Dr. Esselstyn's one day session at the Cleveland Clinic in December 2010 and has religiously followed the diet since then. (Learn more here: "What I Learned From Dr. Caldwell and Ann Esselstyn's Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease "School")
Since December Dr. Esselstyn's patient has lost 48 pounds.
Last June, before changing his diet, his cholesterol was total of 208, LDL of 93, HDL of 41, and triglycerides of 368.
His most recent test results are: total cholesterol of 89, LDL of 19, HDL of 53, and triglycerides of 83.
The transformation is nothing short of amazing.
This CNN article wasn't part of Gupta's documentary, but part of series of articles leading up to show. Don't miss reading the entire inspirational story here.
Sharon Kintz--The 66-year old woman who had a heart attack, but decided to treat it with diet--not surgery.
Video: Woman Trades Heart Surgery for a New Diet If you do not see the video, click here to go directly to it.
Sharon Kintz' story:
She's a 66 year old private investigator, who said, "NO" to open-heart surgery after experiencing a heart attack a year ago. Brave woman. Her symptoms before the heart attack? Only fatigue & a pain in her jaw. All fairly typical for women.
According Dr. Esselstyn, there's no down-side to Kintz' diet approach. Once you start eating this way you will not have a heart attack. Kintz continues to be seen by her cardiologist, as well as receiving dietary guidance from Dr. Esselstyn. Her cardiologist is impressed with the results.
Kintz is a true believer in the diet approach & she's got plenty of company with some high-power business moguls like: Steve Wynn, Mort Zuckerman, Russell Simmons, Bill Ford, Biz Stone, and Whole Foods' John Mackey.
She also has the "how to eat plant-based no-oil" thing down pat when she's on the road, or traveling.
Tom Bare--The Science Teacher Who Opted for the Bypass--Not Interested in Making Diet Changes
Then there's Tom Bare. He's 54 years old high school science teacher, with none of the usual heart disease risk factors.
He was thin.
Ate what he thought was a healthy diet--oatmeal for breakfast, fruit, chicken or Mexican food for dinner
He was on a statin--& his total cholesterol had gone from 300, down to 125. Exercised now & then
He took care of himself & his body He didn't smoke He wasn't diabetic
He did have a strong family history of heart disease
Bare did have one big risk factor hanging over his head. He had a coronary calcium score that continued to increase. Four years ago it was 111. Anything over 100 means an elevated risk. This year he had another scan--and this time it had gone up to 243!
One day this year, while out for a jog he experienced the classic chest pain, pain down his left arm, & shortness of breath.
His risk was all about coronary plaque--atherosclerosis--that narrowed all the major blood vessels of his heart.
Bare ended up with quadruple bypass. But that wasn't the end of his problems.
He had a slow painful recovery. Eight days after surgery he was heading for a life-threatening complication.
Seventeen days after surgery he had no idea how uncomfortable he would be.
Three weeks after surgery he was finally able to take his first walk outside--and that's when he started to experience chest pain & shortness of breath.
As it turned out--all his bypasses failed and he needed to have them all redone. His doctors had never seen anything like this before.
12% of bypasses experience serious complications
1 in 300 need a 2nd operation in 3 years
1 in 20 end up needing follow-up stents.
Bare was told that he'd feel like a million dollars. He doesn't.
He is now back to teaching part-time--until he regains his strength--and he's hoping that bypass surgery has given him a new lease on life. He's looking forward to being able to travel in the future.
"I'm told that I'm good for another 40 years or so, and I'm hoping that's the case, but with my history, I'm going to have to watch it."
Even so, he says he has no plans to give up the food he loves!
Read Bare's story here.
Did you get the same impression as I did about Gupta's "The Last Heart Attack"?
Did the documentary have a decided diet over drugs & procedures slant?
Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610

Plant Based Diet beats Melanoma

Plant Based Diet beats Melanoma

Donald Porter stated - Recently a 10 year Cancer victim (incl. Melanoma) who went on My (also others) Diet & then a Baking soda protocol was told by his Drs. of 10 years that recently removed more of his body, "We don't know what you are doing & KEEP IT UP as there is no cancer in your body now, not even in your lymphnodes" !

Monday, August 29, 2011

CNN The Last Heart Attack with Bill Clinton & Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish

What did you think of "The Last Heart Attack"? We thought CNN did an outstanding job. We appreciated the clear message that a healthful plant-based diet can be the primary means to eradicating America's #1 killer.

CNN Bill Clinton 42 Min. Interview with Dr. Gupta. Dr. Esseslstyn, Dr. Ornish


CNN Bill Clinton 42 Min. Interview with Dr. Gupta. Dr. Esseslstyn, Dr. Ornish
This is the full CNN show Stop Heart attacks with Diet

CNN Wolf Blitzer with Dr. Esselstyn & Den Ornish


Worth watching

Dr. Gupta on CNN Diet corrects Heart Issues incl. mine !


Sanjay Gupta's got a state-of-the-heart update! CNN doctor examines ways to stave off heart attacks

BY Richard Huff DAILY NEWS TV EDITOR Thursday, August 25th 2011, 4:00 AM

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta doesn't want his life to end with a heart attack, and doesn't want yours to end that way, either.That's the thinking behind "The Last Heart Attack," his special Saturday at 8 p.m., which looks into the latest research. It suggests that with lifestyle changes, folks can stave off the dreaded, potentially fatal, pain in the chest.

"I don't want to be felled by a heart attack," says Gupta, CNN's medical correspondent. "I could could get hit by a double-decker bus tomorrow. That I can't control. This [health] I can control."
The program was a year in the making and looks into a variety of diet and health changes that can help prevent heart attacks. Gupta reports on research that shows a lot of what people - and doctors - think about heart health may be wrong.

"The way we think about heart disease, that my cholesterol is low, I'm all right, is almost archaic," says Gupta. For example, he says the main factor is not so much the "bad cholesterol" level, but rather the size of cholesterol particles in the blood.Throughout the special, Gupta talks to former President Bill Clinton, who has had bypass surgery, about his own heart and how he's changed his diet because of several health issues.

Gupta also features a doctor who believes people can be heart-attack-proof by following a proper diet. Given that news viewers tend to be among the older demographics, there's a good chance many watching have already gone down a McDonald's-laden path to adulthood.
"I don't want to sound Pollyanish here, but the reality is, it's never too late," Gupta says. More important, drs have learned that some heart issues thought to be irreversible, like plaque buildup in the arteries, can be alleviated.For a show like this, Gupta says he tries to balance scientific information with simple facts viewers can easily digest.

"I just want to make sure people understand it," he says. "But I don't want to shy away from the science."
While researching the special, Gupta also went through the tests many viewers might have had to test their heart health. It was a wakeup call of sorts, and forced him to change his diet as well.
"I thought I ate a pretty good diet," says Gupta, who participates in triathlons. However, even eating fats and oils in moderation can cause some damage .
"When you start to visualize that, you automatically start to modify," he says.
As a father of three young children, it can be difficult to cut out out all meats and unhealthy foods.The test of whether the special's message gets to viewers, he says, will likely be found in emails and on social networks.

"Nowadays, we get direct feedback from Twitter and social media," he says. "I get some idea of what interest there is in this, or if people were impacted by it."

Friday, August 26, 2011

Find Local Quality food

Thankfully, organic & sustainable farming is on the rise & it's easier than ever to find these foods at your local supermarket or farmers' market. To find locally grown & sustainable food in your area, try www.localharvest.org & to locate pasture-based farms or ranches, try Eatwild's Directory of Farms.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Cholsterol Lowering Foods

Diet That Combines Cholesterol-Lowering Foods Results in Greater Decrease in LDL Than Low-Saturated Fat Diet, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2011) — Persons with high cholesterol who received counseling regarding a diet that combined cholesterol-lowering foods such as soy protein, nuts and plant sterols over 6 months experienced a greater reduction in their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels than individuals who received advice on a low-saturated fat diet

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Verne Varona

The Greater Perspective
10 Self-Healing Traits For Recovery
by Verne Varona
The healing path is composed of many roads all leading to the same destination: the place where body, mind and spirit are resurrected. The road, or roads we choose to adventure on should be based on fulfilling the incomplete areas of our lives; areas we’ve neglected, that beg for greater self-nurturance and expression.
These roads may be named Faith, Purpose, Nutrition, Love, Honesty, Compassion, Immunity, Passion, Spirit, Forgiveness and Gratitude. In the relatively young field of allopathic medicine—the kind that’s practiced by most conventional medical doctors today—we’ve only recently recognized that healing efforts must not only be personalized for the patients special needs, but must offer some semblance of control, encouraging the patient to make informed choices instead of being hi-pressured by “experts” into believing that there are no other options available.
Clinical research, as well as scores of anecdotal testimony, has repeatedly demonstrated that the people who survive cancer have much in common with the following ten traits:

1. A Focused Life Purpose
2. Positive Attitude
3. Good Nourishment
4. A Healthy Lifestyle
5. Manageable Stress
6. A Sense of Humor
7. Love and Social Support
8. Emotional Expression
9. Get Daily Physical Exercise
10. Have A Strong Faith

These ten traits can have a vital healing influence. In seminars, where I speak about these self-healing characteristics, participants who are challenged by various diseases are asked to consider the areas they need to emphasize for more comprehensive healing. Suddenly, an inner dialogue is inspired that begins to redefine and question everything about the way we live, love and care for ourselves. The beginning of whole healing occurs when we commit ourselves to examining and integrating those missing ingredients, which are essential for a more healthy, passionate and resilient life that can only be savored by living each moment fully for the present.
“Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about, yesterday.” — A. Hopkins

Some General Cancer Prevention & Treatment Suggestions
Below is a lengthy list of suggestions organized categorically for your good health, or recovery. Do what you can and continue to add as they become a part of your lifestyle.
Food Related
1. Find a physician that will help monitor your progress and be a supportive member of your healing team.
2. Eat whole food. That means, whole grains, vegetables, beans, bean products, and sea vegetables as principle fare. Select small quantities of fruit and (optional) animal protein as a dietary supplement. Use good quality sea salt that is cooked into your food. Introduce some traditional fermented foods from other cultures such as sauerkraut, miso soup and even lightly salted vegetable pickles. Enjoy a variety of non-caffeinated teas.
3. Speak with your alternative health practitioner about recommended Western and Chinese forms of adjunctive healing such as: Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Herbs, Immunity Nutraceuticals, Enzymes, Food-Based Supplements, Algae Products, etc.
4. Enjoy relaxed mealtimes, chew well, but not laboriously and give thanks for your nourishment.
5. Buy organic items whenever possible. Toxic residues from pesticides and herbicides affect liver function and typically store themselves in your fat tissues.
6. Avoid tap water. Use recently checked well water, natural spring water or if these choices are not available use reverse osmosis. Consider the investment of a water ionizer that makes your drinking water more alkaline.
7. Do not store your water in plastic containers. Use glass.
8. Get shower filters so that you are not breathing chlorine fumes during hot showers or baths.
9. Eat more in frequency, less in volume. Better to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals, than 2 or 3 big meals.
Avoid late night eating by giving yourself at least 3 hours from dinner to bed. Sleep is for rest, not digestion.
Mind Related
1. Engage in daily creative expression. Anytime you’re really engrossed in something you’re passionate about, you are in the moment. That moment usually contains minimal stress and great fulfillment. It is a wonderful place for healing and we all need more time in what philosopher, Ken Wilbur calls, “Timeless Moments.”
2. Make your home a sanctuary of comfort and retreat. Scale down, bulk up, create a new space for your new direction. Make it yours, make it comfortable.
3. Study — Take a class, correspondence course or an e-course. Challenge your mind and continue to grow.
4. Make a list of things you want to do, places you want to visit, pictures you want to take and people you want to meet.
5. Get psychological support. The value of another helping you to look at core issues cannot be underestimated. Read about Byron Katie and “The Work.” See: http://www.thework.com
6. Read the writings of Thich Nhat Han. Han has become the messenger of “mindfulness.” See: http://www.plumvillage.org
Body Related
1. Get bodywork whenever you can. Shiatsu, Jin Shin, Tai Massage, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Rolfing, Reiki, Polarity, etc.
2. Practice Yoga. Yoga exercises were based on animal postures and finding ways to duplicate those positions with the human form. It influences respiration, all acupuncture meridians and muscle groups. Practice, if only 2 to 4 postures nightly, at least, try it. 3. Infrared Therapies. This low volume but penetrating Sauna heat penetrates deep into tissue and helps restore cellular heath as it detoxes. Infrared heat treatment can also be done with hand wands that are applied to different areas of the body, both a diagnostic and treatment aid. See: http://www.gaiahh.com/farinfrared.html
4. Get to bed early, get up early. Rest during the late afternoon, if possible. In the acupuncture cycle of energy clock resting at this time benefits the kidneys--our vitality organs, as well as the adrenal glands situated on top of each kidney. The adrenal glands exert a strong influence on how we respond to stress, as well as the quality of our sleep.
5. Enjoy physical movement each day. Walk, hike, bike, swim, light jog, row, but get those muscles and lungs active.
Emotionally Related
1. Make peace with unresolved relationship issues—especially with –ex’s, parents, children, etc. If the people you want to heal with have passed on, forgive, talk to them and find a way to let it go. Holding on never really serves you. Mark Twain
said, “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Something to think about.
2. Love those that you are close to, or give through volunteer efforts.
3. Keep a daily or weekly journal of your insights, feelings and thoughts. You don’t have to write War & Peace, just brief entries to give an overview or express yourself.
4. Say good-bye to negative people who are self-absorbed and drain your energy.
5. Avoid isolating yourself. Reach out via support groups and cancer survivors.
6. Make time for friends and family, primary or extended. Don’t just do things, talk, laugh, create something together. Find the common thread.
Spirit Related
1. Engage in some form of spiritual practice daily.
2. Meditate! Put aside 20 minutes daily to meditate or visualize your health goals. Get some support to do this. Read: Simonton’s: “Getting Well, Again” and other books on visualizations or simple meditation.
3. Spend time in Nature. Find some grass, trees, a field, a lake, a park and lose yourself. Our “vegetal mother” nourishes us.
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

— Helen Keller
Verne Varona has become known as one of the most captivating and dynamic health educators in the country. For
thirty-five years, his lectures, workshops and media appearances have motivated thousands of people to take better and more conscious care of their health. His appeal transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation. A highly sought after speaker on health, fitness and motivation, he has become a renowned keynote speaker throughout the US, Europe and the Middle-East. His captivating style uses humor, insight and common sense to improve and enrich the lives of many. He studied Oriental Medicine and Macrobiotic principles at the East West Foundation of Boston, Massachusetts (1970-1974).

Verne is a frequent guest on a variety of television and radio media where his research expertise and entertaining teaching style make him a welcome and often repeat visitor. For five years, he was the nutritional consultant and cofounder
of a popular Beverly Hills medical group with a clientele that featured well-known entertainment and sports professionals. With his physician associate, Verne co-created, The ODDS Program (Off Dangerous Drugs Safely); a dietary program designed to reverse pharmaceutical drug dependency such as hypertension and over-the-counterdrug dependency with dietary and lifestyle guidelines featured in his published books.

Verne's first book, Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods (2001—Penguin Books), is currently in its sixteenth printing and used as a textbook in a number of academic health and wellness institutions. His second book, Macrobiotics for Dummies (May, 2009—Wiley Publications), is part of the internationally popular Dummies series. Verne divides his time between New York City and Miami. He can be reached at: vv@vernevarona.com, or via his website: http://www.vernevarona.com

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beating Cancer by Don Porter

Don - Beat Stage IV metasticised prostate Cancer

by Don Porter
(Sarasota, FL)

To: Whom it may concern: April 2011

In connection with my, & ESH’s “broad, in-depth & extended” experiences with Stage IV Metastasized Prostate Cancer & all related cancers, we hereby confirm the following:
• I am not a Dr. I am not giving medical advice, rather simply outlining my personal experiences for the past 4+ years along with what I have extensively read & studied.
• I, DJP, was diagnosed in April 2007 by MD’s @ the VA Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL with Stage IV Metastasized Prostate Cancer. My PSA @ the time was 39.6. I was told that I could possibly live 3- 6 years “IF” I sought “all available” treatments, (including medical system chemo, radiation, drugs, etc.).
• I, along with ESH, chose to ignore Chemo & Radiation & instead proceeded to engage in an Alternative approach to beating my dangerously advanced metastasized Stage IV cancer issue. We beat it& relied on my Immune System. So can YOU ! I DID NOT take any type of Chemotherapy or Radiation
• I retained many of the top experts in the world in Diet, Nutrition & related matters.
• I successfully stabilized & eliminated my advanced/metastasized Prostate Cancer.
• Basically I was on various elements of a strict Plant Based Diet, & still am 4+ years later.
• My Due Diligence (investigations) were & continue to be, “EXTENSIVE”, approaching a daily average of 5+ hours. I was focused entirely on the diet approach to beating cancer. 40+ years in the Investment Banking area provided me with a trained highly sophisticated, & in-depth capability, to determine the most effective & efficient methods for beating serious cancer issues.
• I am familiar with “THOUSANDS” of people that have successfully beaten almost all forms of Cancer.
• I extensively studied most data from the following: Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, David Williams, Dr. Sartori, Tony Robbins, Dr. Linus Pauling, Marianne Williamson, , Andrew Weil, M.D., Dr. Julian Whitaker, Life Extension, Michio Kushi, Dr. Joel Wallach, Essence of Life, Dr Udo Erasmus, Suzanne Somers, Edgar Cayce, Dr. T. Colin Campbell-The China Study, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. & former Pres Bill Clinton’s Plant Based “Esselstyn”Diet. I also read MANY specific books on cure of various cancers:
• Confession of a Kamikaze Cowboy by Dirk Benedict - (Star of The ATeam-Battlestar Gallactica, & Charlies Angels).Cured his cancer with a Plant Based Diet.
• Recalled by Life by Anthony J. Sattilaro, MD, former president of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia where he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, bones, brain, right shoulder, & testicles. He lived for 7 years after his curing with a Plant Based Diet.
• The United States ranks # 47 in life expectancy at birth. This is the first generation that will not live as long as the prior generation. We are ranked as the #1 sickest country in the world while spending more per capita for healthcare expenditures that many other countries combined. Only 3% of health care costs are spent on prevention.
• All of these Plant Based Diet studies indicate a 93-99% cancer success rate
• Here are a few examples of this high success rate:
• My KUSHI/VARONA organic Plant Based Diet is endorsed by MANY incl: the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Dean Ornish & a large & growing Medicare approved program attendees.
• Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, former president of the Cleveland Clinic has been on a Plant Based diet for 25 years. He has placed many others on diet with 90%+success.
• Dr. Joseph Crow, Cleveland Clinic, 44, had a severe heart attack with blocked arteries. Went on a plant based diet (- no further heart problems.
• Dr. Neal Pinckney age 58, arteries near closed-main artery, Angina blocked-100%, 90 & -85% others compromised . Cardiologist TOLD him he urgently needed Immediate Bypass surgery or would Die. Father died @ 59 Heart attack. He was experiencing severe pain. Within 2 weeks almost all pain was gone, Started daily walking. 7 mos. Later ran race finished in mid pack 8.2 miles Great Aloha race never ran race before.
• Cancer survivors like the few that I have mentioned are not the norm – “YET” Powerful dollar driven, self-centered, Doctors will NOT accept change easily ! If you will accept change - do the hard work- anything is possible- we are all the same IF you are wiling to change what you have thought was the Way, to Plant Based Diets that are what creates wellness -health & quality of life you may not b ea person as one of the statistics in the sickest country in the world.
• Now I succeeded in building my immune system with a plant based diet i.e. quality nutrition so I then decide to kill any & all remaining cancer cells with a high pH Protocol. A Protocol of Baking Soda & molasses or maple syrup elevated my pH to 8.5 on the 3rd day of a 10 day Protocol.

OK I have all the required quality data to NOW – state the following - Which many of you, as well as me, - may feel is the highlight of the evening:
Anyone with cancer, can survive- IF they go on a quality PLANT BASED DIET with Organic foods -- exercise -- filtered water – deep breathing – green teas – protein from beans, tofu, tempeh, basically my diet & Dirk Benedict’s, Michio Kushi’s, Verne Varona’s, Dr. Sattilaro & MANY others. Dr. Esselstyn’s similar for heart issues. Plant Based Diet.
When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease & cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, and pancreatic------So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years. Great book – “Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease”.
WHY - are we still suffereing from Cancer obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, and pancreatic ?

Modern medicine is like trying to diagnose what's wrong with your car by listening to the noises it makes without ever looking inside to see what's going on. Functional alternative medicine allows us to look under the hood. We can't be proud of an interventional and drug therapy, which results in death, inordinate expense, disease progression, and doesn't halt the food-borne epidemic of coronary artery disease.

Basic components of the medical industries brainwashing success:
• No education or awareness of Nutrition/diet or the actual functioning of the human body by the public, (minimize education & ALL other related areas)
• Allow the profit driven unchallenged use of almost any chemicals, preservatives, growth hormones, taste enhancers, drugs, addictive products of almost any type.
• Allow all negative reactions be they sickening-maiming & killing of population, as these illnesses etc create numerous specialists & enormous revenues & profits that allow controlling (lobbying, etc.) of the governmental systems.
It is clear that organic food & certain oriental awareness will allow almost anyone with a disease to conquer it. Clearly genetic issues, use of Drugs & or tobacco, can create challenging issues. The strengthening & efficiency/enhancing of the human immune system is the CRITICAL factor in human health. Populations not making use of USA diet do not have American diseases etc.

Massive & growing DEAD zone in Gulf Mexico as big as Massachusetts, and is linked to nutrients carried to the Gulf by the Mississippi River -- was made bigger by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, scientists said recently.

• Car Gasoline or diesel can’t switch fuels - won’t run
• Align front end or ANY tires wear out
• Excess chemicals in food supply “wearing out” our miraculous immune systems
• Plastics, (more chemicals) everywhere ! Glasses, cups, dishes, food containers, wrappers, bags, containers, food wraps, BOTTLES almost everything is in them - Leach into our immune systems.
• If own & operate a animal for food farm you will produce Cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs as fast as competition OR else you go out of business – How increase size & shorten growing period? Chemicals
• If own & operate 1 acre of land to grow crops You WILL get max yield of crops as your competition OR else you go out of business – How increase size of crop & shorten growing period? Chemicals
• My diet was done by Drs, movie stars written in books 35 years ago - they also beat cancer !
• REMEMBER the medical system makes revenues (LOTS) on sickness, disease, illness, operations, scans, tests, etc.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sun., Aug. 21 @ 8:00 p.m. ET & PT, replays on Sat., Aug. 28 @ 8:00p.m. ET & PT on CNN/U.S

Dr. Sanjay Gupta to interview former president Bill Clinton & two Forks Over Knives’ experts, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dr. Terry Mason on CNN's one-hour special, “The Last Heart Attack.” Premieres Sun., Aug. 21 at 8pm ET/PT. Click for more info and to watch the preview.
‘Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: The Last Heart Attack’ – A Mission Possible
Heart disease prevention documentary features insights from former President Bill Clinton and others – premieres Sunday, Aug. 21, 8:00pm ET & PT
If presidents of the United States receive the best health care in the world, CNN chief medical correspondent
Dr. Sanjay Gupta asks: how it is that former President Bill Clinton needed emergency bypass surgery just a few years out of office? In a candid & revealing interview, the former president discusses the warning signs he feels he missed, & the major life change he made that he credits with his present good health.
The new one-hour documentary, Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: The Last Heart Attack focuses on the latest heart disease prevention science. It debuts Sun., Aug. 21 at 8:00p.m. ET and PT, and replays on Sat., Aug. 28 at 8:00p.m. ET & PT on CNN/U.S.
“I was lucky I didn’t die of a heart attack,” the former president tells Dr. Gupta. “It hurt like the devil for about 3 weeks ...,” he continued, describing a slow recovery following his 2004 surgery. “There was that period when you’re just not sure you can come back – that bothered me, ”Clinton says in the documentary.
Although Clinton recalls symptoms he now recognizes as warning signs, most people who have heart attacks experience no symptoms. And the author of The South Beach Diet books, cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston, says that conventional guidance on HDL (“good”) cholesterol vs. LDL (“bad”) cholesterol no longer applies. The numerical value of a person’s LDL cholesterol is less problematic than the size of the LDL cholesterol particles. In this case, bigger is better. Small particles are more likely to stick to arterial walls as plaque. When plaque particles flake off into the blood stream they can form dangerous blockages, which can cause deadly heart attacks.
Dr. Gupta, who has a family history of heart disease, reviews the latest science in heart disease diagnostics & takes his own assessment tests. Dr. Gupta is on a quest to never have a heart attack himself. His goal is to become “heart attack proof.”
Heart disease is the biggest killer of American men & women, but Dr. Agatston feels it doesn’t have to be. Though not all doctors agree, Agatston tells Dr. Gupta: “One of the best kept secrets in the country, in medicine, is that doctors who are practicing aggressive prevention are really seeing heart attacks & strokes disappear from their practices – it’s doable.”
Clinton underwent quadruple bypass heart surgery @ age 58, but he tells Dr. Gupta that he feels even better now as he nears age 65 &, he is setting new fitness goals. He credits a large share of his progress to adopting a vegan lifestyle.
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., director of the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, describes heart disease as a “completely preventable food borne illness.” Dr. Esselstyn explains to Dr. Gupta, “We’re never going to end the epidemic with stents, with bypasses, with the drugs – because none of it is treating causation of the illness.”
Internist Dr. Dean Ornish, founder & president of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, CA, & Dr. Terry Mason, chief medical officer of Cook County Hospitals in Chicago, would agree. Dr. Ornish introduced healthy food options to the White House menu while the former 42nd president was in office. When he was Chicago’s public health commissioner, Dr. Mason promoted annual “meat-free Januarys.” Dr. Mason says in the documentary: “We’ve eaten ourselves into this problem, but we can eat ourselves out of it.” All 3 drs. believe that even people with risk factors, including family histories, are not doomed to heart disease.
And while most medical professionals feel diet & exercise can prevent a lot of heart disease, stress & depression play vital roles as well. Dr. Gupta also reports insights on the lifestyles & diets of indigenous peoples in central Africa & Mexico, populations that experience virtually "no heart disease".
Online at www.cnn.com, visitors will find nutrition recommendations that Dr. Esselstyn says will make users heart attack “proof.” Digital animations demonstrate the relationship between arterial plaque & LDL cholesterol particles that cause some heart attacks. Other interactive tools deconstruct risk factor myths, identify symptoms that should raise concerns, & explain why taking HDL-elevating medications may not be effective at preventing heart disease.
David Martin is the sr producer for The Last Heart Attack. Roni Selig is sr exec producer for the CNN Health & Wellness Unit

Beating Melanoma with 10 year cancer history

Beating Melanoma with 10 year cancer history

We Contributed to a man with a serious 10 year history of CANCERS being told by Drs.,after scans & blood tests that, "you have no cancer anywhere, even not in your lymphnodes - whatever you are doing keep it up" !
That is the normal result from eating a "Plant Based Diet" with NO: red meat, chemicalized packaged foods, sugar, salt, dairy, minimize stress,saturated fats,animal protein, peanuts,seek to filter 6+ glasses water, much deep breathing, exercise (walk 30+ minutes daily), Kukichha & Bancha Green tea.
More info in Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy, Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, The China Study, Forks Over Knives, ALL info on a Plant Based Diet for Heart issues & more strict for Cancer issues.
I beat Stage IV Metasticised Prostae Cancer with a strict Plant Based Diet. Confessions Of a Kamikaze Cowboy was my bible !