11 Integrative Medicine Breakthroughs Of 2011
12/31/11 HuffPost Healthy Living
Holistic , Video , Acupuncture , Herbal Remedies , Homeopathy , Integrative , Natural Remedies , What Is Holistic , Healthy Living News
It's been a year of big breakthroughs in integrative medicine, the approach that combines Western or allopathic medicine with complementary practices. So much so that Prevention magazine recently declared us to be in the midst of a "health care revolution" as ever more doctors work elements like yoga, acupuncture and mindfulness into more, quote, traditional care. So we rounded up 11 of the moments we think stood out most in 2011 -- moments that thrust the spotlight on the potential benefits of adopting a more integrative approach when it comes to your health. And of course, here's to many more of them in a safe, happy 2012!
Yoga Approved For Back Pain
Back in Oct, an Archives of Internal Medicine study showed that weekly yoga is effective when it comes to the management of chronic back pain -- as is regular stretching. The research confirmed what many yogis have long suspected: Yoga can help with pain management, sans drugs.
Indeed, as HuffPost blogger Dr. Loren Fishman pointed out in an accompanying post, the study was "long awaited" and "the best of its kind in organization, sheer brute numbers and statistical analysis."
Acupuncture Shown To Help Chronic Stress
In Dec, researchers with the Georgetown University Medical Center released a study showing how -- at a molecular level -- acupuncture can help reduce stress. The research, published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine showed that in rats, acupuncture reduced levels of a peptide secreted by the system in our body during the whole flight-or-fight response.
"It has long been thought that acupuncture can reduce stress, but this is the first study to show molecular proof of this benefit," the study's lead author, Ladan Eshkevari, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Georgetown's School of Nursing & Health Studies said in a statement.
Tai Chi Found To Aid Heart Failure Patients
An April study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that tai chi, which the Mayo Clinic describes as "meditation in motion," may help improve the quality of life and mood in patients with heart failure.
Another benefit? The research also suggested that it may help improve exercise self-efficacy, or belief in one's personal abilities.
CAM Use Better Understood
This fall marked the release of a new study -- which relied on data from 2007 -- that may help researchers, health care providers and even patients better understand who benefits from integrative medicine according to how they use it.
The study, published in the journal Health Services Research, found that adults who use complementary and alternative medicine for general health reported having better health than those who turned to CAM in order to treat a specific illness, a National Center for complementary and Alternative Medicine release explains. According to that study's abstract, the data may go a long way in future health services research and policy decisions.
Acupuncture Deemed Safe For Kids
This year, acupuncture was found to be safe for kids, according to a sweeping review of the existing literature published in November in the journal Pediatrics. It found that the incidence of adverse events was around 11 percent and most were mild -- like crying and bruising. "Based on [the] available data, we are comfortable saying that in trained hands, pediatric acupuncture is safe," Dr. Sunita Vohra one of the review's authors told HuffPost last fall.
Integrative Medicine Moved Into Med Schools
This year integrative medicine made major strides in mainstream medical schools, getting worked into curricula in more robust, concrete ways. Case in point? The University of Arizona recently created a distinct, four-year-track that allows students to supplement their traditional training with a focus on integrative medicine.
"It's a really big step that the College Of Medicine was willing to say 'This is important. This is no longer fad, and we will recognize it,' " Dr. Victoria Maizes, executive director at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine told us in Nov.
Obama Appointed Ornish
In 2011, President Obama announced the appointment Dr. Dean Ornish to his Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health. Ornish, who is the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, (as well HuffPost's medical editor) is widely regarded as a pioneer in integrative medicine. The appointment sent a signal that the government is interested in the role that complementary medicine can play in promoting public health.
"When you make healthy diet and lifestyle changes, most people find that they feel so much better, so quickly, it reframes the reason for changing from fear of dying to joy of living," Ornish once said in a HuffPost blog.
The Nutrition/Epigentics Connection Shone
A cornerstone of integrative medicine and prevention is nutrition, and in January, the journal Current Opinion In Clinical Nutrition And Metabolic Care, published a review drawing attention to the role nutrition has on the epigenetic mechanisms involved in longevity and aging. In other words, it shone a light on how what we eat can impact the switches controlling our gene expression.
Meditation's Impact On Brain Measured
A Jan 2011 study in the journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging found that mindfulness meditation made changes in the gray matter of the brain in spots that, among other things, help with learning and memory processes, as well as the regulation of emotions.
In other words (as a release from the NIH's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine put it): "The researchers concluded that these findings may represent an underlying brain mechanism associated with mindfulness-based improvements in mental health."
Doctor Referrals For CAM Increased
Another 2011 Archives of Internal Medicine study -- this one looking at the use of complementary and alternative treatments -- suggested that three percent of the people using treatments like yoga, meditation and tai chi are seeking them out because of a referral from their medical provider.
As HuffPost blogger Dr. Aditi Nerurkar put it to us back in May, that may not seem like much, but if you consider a yoga class with 30 people, one of them is there because their healthcare practitioner suggested it.
"We weren't expecting it to be that high," Nerurkar told HuffPost. "Forty-one million Americans are using mind-body therapies. Of those, 6.4 million are using mind-body therapies because they were recommended to by their provider."
Mushrooms Wowed At TedMed
As HuffPost's Wellness Editor reported in Nov, one of the most buzzed about talks at the 2011 TedMed conference came from mycologist Paul Stamets, who argued that mushrooms do serious good in the body -- providing anti-inflammatory help, restricting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and even helping conventional anti-cancer drugs do their thing. As HuffPost's Patricia Fitzgerald wrote in November, the mere fact that the audience -- which included many bigwigs in pharma and medicine -- was so interested in these low-tech options for wellbeing suggests that integrative medicine is being taken seriously by a diverse group.
BUY ORGANIC FOODS @ Farmers Markets in your town !
Food is the BEST Medicine !
NO Packaged Foods - Too Many Chemicals
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Studies show junk foods change brain chemistry and are addictive like cocaine - FEAR them
Studies show junk foods change brain chemistry and are addictive like cocaine - Fear them !
Mon., Dec. 26, 2011 by: Donald J. Porter, a guy that Beat Stage IV Cancer -(NO Chemo or Radiation), did a PLANT BASE DIET similar to Bill Clinton's Dr. Esselstyn diet. Much data from Bloomberg Business Week, Natural News, Robert Langreth, Duane D. Stanford
A growing body of medical research at leading universities and government laboratories suggests that processed foods and sugary drinks made by the likes of PepsiCo Inc. and Kraft Foods Inc. aren’t simply unhealthy. They can hijack the brain in ways that resemble addictions to cocaine, nicotine and other drugs.
“Available compelling data is so overwhelming the violators, politicians & even regulators have to accept it,” said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain.”
see http://eatthis.menshealth.com/content/20-worst-packaged-foods-america
We ALL should FEAR Packaged Foods and MOST Fast Foods !
Is gorging on a bag of nacho cheese-flavored corn chips, or a Hostess Chocolate Pudding Pie, 1 pie 520 calories, 45 g sugars, 24 g fat (14 g saturated, 1.5 g trans) for instance, the same as snorting a line of cocaine? A number of scientific studies, many of which were conducted within the past year, have found that junk food addiction is essentially the same as cocaine addiction, at least as far as the brain is concerned.
Bloomberg Businessweek reports on a plethora of recent data that identifies junk food addiction as being just as serious as drug addiction. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrogenated oils, refined salt, and various other chemical preservatives found in processed junk food does the same thing to a person's brain as cocaine does.
A 2010 study conducted by scientists at Scripps Research Institute (SRI) in Florida found that rats given free access to Hormel Foods Corp. bacon, Sara Lee Corp. pound cake, The Cheesecake Factory Inc. cheesecake, and Pillsbury Co. Creamy Supreme cake frosting, experienced significant changes in brain activity and function -- and these changes mirrored those that occur in the brains of drug addicts.
Another study conducted by researchers at both the University of Texas in Austin (UT) and the Oregon Research Inst. found that prolonged consumption of junk foods results in reduced activity in the striatum, a section of the forebrain that registers reward. In other words, just like with illicit drugs, those addicted to junk food require ever-increasing amounts of it to get the same "high."
"The data is so overwhelming the field has to accept it," said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) concerning the findings. "We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain." In a correlative study, researchers identified a similarity in dopamine production levels between drug addicts and junk food addicts. Addiction to either one essentially causes the brain receptors that receive dopamine signals to lose their responsiveness. As a result, addicts require increasing amounts of the addictive substance to receive the same level of satisfaction.
Since processed foods, along with many "Fast Foods & Fried Foods" are loaded with synthetic chemical additives, they are technically drugs themselves. So it is no wonder that millions of people around the world are addicted to them.
The idea that food may be addictive was barely on scientists’ radar a decade ago. Now the field is heating up. Lab studies have found sugary drinks and fatty foods can produce addictive behavior in animals. Brain scans of obese people and compulsive eaters, meanwhile, reveal disturbances in brain reward circuits similar to those experienced by drug abusers.
28 scientific studies and papers on food addiction have been in 2011, according to a National Library of Medicine database. As the evidence expands, the science of addiction could become a game changer for the $1 trillion food and beverage industries. I am in favor or legal actions ie: similar to the Tobacco law suits. If fatty foods and snacks and drinks sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup are proven to be addictive, food cos. may face the most drawn-out consumer safety battle since the anti-smoking movement took on the tobacco industry a generation ago.
“This could change the legal landscape,” said Kelly Brownell, director of Yale Univ. Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity and a proponent of anti-obesity regulation. “People knew for a long time cigarettes were killing people, but it was only later they learned about nicotine and the intentional manipulation of it.” Food is made to look-smell-taste good, be addictive & Last a Long time, all with Chemicals to maximize revenues & profits! Do Food cos. intentional manipulate chemicals for profit ?
FUN FOR YOU -- Revenue/Profit driven (also stock options, bonuses) a Must for Food co. execs and lobbyists are quick to counter that nothing has been proven, that nothing is wrong with what PepsiCo, CEO Indra Nooyi calls “fun-for- you” foods, if eaten in moderation. In fact, the cos. say they’re making big strides toward offering consumers a wide range of healthier snacking options. Nooyi, for one, is as well known for calling attention to PepsiCo’s progress offering healthier fare as she is for driving sales.
Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo, Northfield, Illinois-based Kraft and Kellogg Co. of Battle Creek, Michigan, declined to grant interviews with their scientists.
No one disputes that obesity is a fast growing global problem. In the U.S., 1/3 of adults and 17% of teens and children are obese, and those numbers are increasing. Across the globe, from Latin America, to Europe to Pacific Island nations, obesity rates are also climbing. Stay away from Fried Foods also !
Heart problems & Cancer are a National Disaster ! Chemicalized foods in our diets are the MAIN CAUSE, along with too many FRIED Foods !
Bill Clinton has made the required change to a Plant Based Diet by Dr. Esselstyn
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqvjCIKoo8M --- Wolf Blitzer & Bill Clinton
Cost to Society - The cost to society is enormous. A 2009 study of 900,000 people, published in The Lancet, found that moderate obesity reduces life expectancy by 2-4 years, while severe obesity shortens life expectancy by as much as 10 years. Obesity has been shown to boost the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The costs of treating illness associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion in 2008, according to a 2009 study in Health Affairs.
Sugars and fats, of course, have always been present in the human diet and our bodies are programmed to crave them. What has changed is modern processing that creates food with concentrated levels of sugars, unhealthy fats and refined flour, without redeeming levels of fiber or nutrients, obesity experts said. Consumption of large quantities of those processed foods may be changing the way the brain is wired.
Will Food cos. execs. do ANYTHING with chemicals to make their foods look-smell-taste good & las a VERY long time ?
A Lot Like Addiction - Those changes look a lot like addiction to some experts. Addiction “is a loaded term, but there are aspects of the modern diet that can elicit behavior that resembles addiction,” said David Ludwig, a Harvard researcher and director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Children’s Hospital Boston. Highly processed foods may cause rapid spikes and declines in blood sugar, increasing cravings,
his research has found.
Education, diets and drugs to treat obesity have proven largely ineffective and the new science of obesity may explain why, proponents say. Constant stimulation with tasty, calorie-laden foods may desensitize the brain’s circuitry, leading people to consume greater quantities of junk food to maintain a constant state of pleasure.
About 80% of Purchase, NY-based PepsiCo’s marketing budget, for instance, is directed toward pushing salty snacks and sodas. Although cos. are quick to point to their healthier offerings, their top execs are constantly called upon to reassure investors those sales of snack foods and sodas are showing steady growth. “We want to see profit growth and revenue growth,” said Tim Hoyle, director of research at Haverford Trust Co. in Radnor, PA, an investor in PepsiCo, the world’s largest snack-food maker. “The health foods are good for headlines but when it gets down to it, the growth drivers are the comfort foods, the Tostitos and the Pepsi-Cola.”
Little wonder that the food ind. is pushing hard on the idea that the best way to get a handle on obesity is through voluntary measures and by offering healthier choices. The same tactic worked for awhile, decades ago, for the tobacco industry, which deflected attention from the health risks and addictive nature of cigarettes with “low tar and nicotine” marketing.
Thanks to -Editors: Rick Schine, Chris Staiti To contact the reporters on this story: Robert Langreth in New York at rlangreth@bloomberg.net; Duane D. Stanford in Atlanta at dstanford2@bloomberg.net
Sources for this article include: http://www.businessweek.com/news/20...
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034478_junk_foods_addictive_brain_chemistry.html#ixzz1hapbSIi9
to contact the editor responsible for this story: Reg Gale at rgale5@bloomberg.net
Topping the 2012 list is Marie Callender’s “Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie,” which packs a colossal 1,140 calories and 72 grams of fat—the calorie equivalent of nine 12-oz bottles of Guinness Draught.
Top 10 Worst Supermarket Foods:
1. Worst Packaged Food: Marie Callender’s Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie (1,140 calories)
2. Worst Frozen Entrée: Hungry-Man Select Classic Fried Chicken (1,030 calories)
3. Worst Frozen Pizza: DiGiorno Traditional Crust Supreme Pizza (790 calories)
4. Worst Stir-Fry/Skillet: Stouffer’s Sautés For Two Steak Gorgonzola (730 calories)
5. Worst Breakfast: Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowls Pancakes & Sausage Links (710 calories)
6. Worst Individual Snack: Hostess Chocolate Pudding Pie (520 calories)
7. Worst Kids’ Meal: Lunchables with Juice, Nachos, Cheese Dip + Salsa (490 calories)
8. Worst Pie: Marie Callender’s Southern Pecan Pie (450 calories)
9. Worst Frozen Treat: Mrs. Fields Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich (450 calories)
10. Worst Packaged Side: Pasta Roni Fettucine Alfredo (450 calories)
Anyone - can beat nearly ALL forms of Cancer, along with obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a initiate a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic. See: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Len Saputo, Bill Clinton's Heart Diet (Plant Based by Dr. Esselstyn), Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Diabetes), Dr. Baxter Montgomery, Dr. Sanjay Gupta -Stop Heart Attacks on CNN, Dirk Benedict, & Don Porter.
Just go on an Organic Plant Based Organic Diet.
Read the following books:
Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy - Dirk Benedict of A-Team, Charlies Angels
WARNING: This book may change the way you look at Drs., the great American diet, & health forever. This book will challenge your preconceived ideas/habits about looking at illness, taking responsibility, & about actors--particularly Dirk Benedict, star of several hit television series (the A-Team, Charlies Angels, Battlestar Gallactica). Initially, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy tells the fascinating story of Dirk Benedict's journey from the big sky country of Montana to the hustle & hype of Hollywood. It also vividly describes his personal odyssey of self-exploration, discovery, & growth-from struggling actor to celebrity, from meat eater to vegetarian, from cancer victim to cancer victor. Book is brilliantly written--insightful, witty, humorous, & always challenging--a tour de force. You will come face to face with many of the newly discovered truths in Dirk's life. This book will make you reconsider a great many habits in your own life. "Diet" is the main ingredient to health - Dirk Benedict Author “Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy” Health, Illness, Plant Based Macrobiotic Diet, Recovery & Quality of Life
Recalled by Life by Dr. Anthony J. Sattilaro , was CEO of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia, PA when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, sternum, bones, brain, skull, right shoulder, spine, liver problems, took MANY pain killers & had his testicles removed. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, Chemo, Radiation, 3 operations in 3 weeks. Drs. NEVER went after the cause BAD DIET ! Went on a Plant Based Microbiotic Diet & CURED himself of fatal cancer.
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. A groundbreaking program backed by the irrefutable results from Dr. Esselstyn’s 20-year study proving changes in diet & nutrition can actually cure heart disease
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wZendyXhU4 - Watch this - IMPORTANT
ALSO - The China Study, Forks Over Knives, Natures Cancer Fighting Foods, Macrobiotic for Dummies by Verne Varona, The Cancer Prevention Diet-Michio Kushi, The Food Prescription for Better Health.
• No Cheating as it takes 4 mos to clean/change our blood.
• If you do these beneficial things above, with a Plant Based Diet you will be like Dirk Benedict, Don Porter & "MANY" others that Beat Cancer.
• DO NOT accept the Primary Western medical treatments -Surgery, Chemo, Radiation & Drugs until you carefully consider these books & my experiences, the cause of diseases etc. is critical. (Chemo kills cells Indiscriminately)
Consider the following:
• There are known things that we know .
• There are things that we know that we don’t know.
• PROBLEM -There are things that we don’t “EVEN” know that we don’t know
Must utilize our underappreciated, Immune System that, basically, is the same as everyone else’s - Therefore, what I accomplished - so can ANYONE !
I determined that we all enjoy a body that is a miraculous machine that must be "aligned properly" with a quality diet, exercise, quality liquids, deep breathing, organic foods, & minimum stress, in a FAST paced society, along with some occasional “TLC”.
• If we don’t align car’s front end – tires wear until we correct the CAUSE of tire wear. Must align our bodies with Organic Plant Based Diets.!
• If we put gasoline in a diesel car or diesel in a gasoline car – They won’t run
• No oil/grease in car – what happens? - Problems?
Mon., Dec. 26, 2011 by: Donald J. Porter, a guy that Beat Stage IV Cancer -(NO Chemo or Radiation), did a PLANT BASE DIET similar to Bill Clinton's Dr. Esselstyn diet. Much data from Bloomberg Business Week, Natural News, Robert Langreth, Duane D. Stanford
A growing body of medical research at leading universities and government laboratories suggests that processed foods and sugary drinks made by the likes of PepsiCo Inc. and Kraft Foods Inc. aren’t simply unhealthy. They can hijack the brain in ways that resemble addictions to cocaine, nicotine and other drugs.
“Available compelling data is so overwhelming the violators, politicians & even regulators have to accept it,” said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain.”
see http://eatthis.menshealth.com/content/20-worst-packaged-foods-america
We ALL should FEAR Packaged Foods and MOST Fast Foods !
Is gorging on a bag of nacho cheese-flavored corn chips, or a Hostess Chocolate Pudding Pie, 1 pie 520 calories, 45 g sugars, 24 g fat (14 g saturated, 1.5 g trans) for instance, the same as snorting a line of cocaine? A number of scientific studies, many of which were conducted within the past year, have found that junk food addiction is essentially the same as cocaine addiction, at least as far as the brain is concerned.
Bloomberg Businessweek reports on a plethora of recent data that identifies junk food addiction as being just as serious as drug addiction. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrogenated oils, refined salt, and various other chemical preservatives found in processed junk food does the same thing to a person's brain as cocaine does.
A 2010 study conducted by scientists at Scripps Research Institute (SRI) in Florida found that rats given free access to Hormel Foods Corp. bacon, Sara Lee Corp. pound cake, The Cheesecake Factory Inc. cheesecake, and Pillsbury Co. Creamy Supreme cake frosting, experienced significant changes in brain activity and function -- and these changes mirrored those that occur in the brains of drug addicts.
Another study conducted by researchers at both the University of Texas in Austin (UT) and the Oregon Research Inst. found that prolonged consumption of junk foods results in reduced activity in the striatum, a section of the forebrain that registers reward. In other words, just like with illicit drugs, those addicted to junk food require ever-increasing amounts of it to get the same "high."
"The data is so overwhelming the field has to accept it," said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) concerning the findings. "We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain." In a correlative study, researchers identified a similarity in dopamine production levels between drug addicts and junk food addicts. Addiction to either one essentially causes the brain receptors that receive dopamine signals to lose their responsiveness. As a result, addicts require increasing amounts of the addictive substance to receive the same level of satisfaction.
Since processed foods, along with many "Fast Foods & Fried Foods" are loaded with synthetic chemical additives, they are technically drugs themselves. So it is no wonder that millions of people around the world are addicted to them.
The idea that food may be addictive was barely on scientists’ radar a decade ago. Now the field is heating up. Lab studies have found sugary drinks and fatty foods can produce addictive behavior in animals. Brain scans of obese people and compulsive eaters, meanwhile, reveal disturbances in brain reward circuits similar to those experienced by drug abusers.
28 scientific studies and papers on food addiction have been in 2011, according to a National Library of Medicine database. As the evidence expands, the science of addiction could become a game changer for the $1 trillion food and beverage industries. I am in favor or legal actions ie: similar to the Tobacco law suits. If fatty foods and snacks and drinks sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup are proven to be addictive, food cos. may face the most drawn-out consumer safety battle since the anti-smoking movement took on the tobacco industry a generation ago.
“This could change the legal landscape,” said Kelly Brownell, director of Yale Univ. Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity and a proponent of anti-obesity regulation. “People knew for a long time cigarettes were killing people, but it was only later they learned about nicotine and the intentional manipulation of it.” Food is made to look-smell-taste good, be addictive & Last a Long time, all with Chemicals to maximize revenues & profits! Do Food cos. intentional manipulate chemicals for profit ?
FUN FOR YOU -- Revenue/Profit driven (also stock options, bonuses) a Must for Food co. execs and lobbyists are quick to counter that nothing has been proven, that nothing is wrong with what PepsiCo, CEO Indra Nooyi calls “fun-for- you” foods, if eaten in moderation. In fact, the cos. say they’re making big strides toward offering consumers a wide range of healthier snacking options. Nooyi, for one, is as well known for calling attention to PepsiCo’s progress offering healthier fare as she is for driving sales.
Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo, Northfield, Illinois-based Kraft and Kellogg Co. of Battle Creek, Michigan, declined to grant interviews with their scientists.
No one disputes that obesity is a fast growing global problem. In the U.S., 1/3 of adults and 17% of teens and children are obese, and those numbers are increasing. Across the globe, from Latin America, to Europe to Pacific Island nations, obesity rates are also climbing. Stay away from Fried Foods also !
Heart problems & Cancer are a National Disaster ! Chemicalized foods in our diets are the MAIN CAUSE, along with too many FRIED Foods !
Bill Clinton has made the required change to a Plant Based Diet by Dr. Esselstyn
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqvjCIKoo8M --- Wolf Blitzer & Bill Clinton
Cost to Society - The cost to society is enormous. A 2009 study of 900,000 people, published in The Lancet, found that moderate obesity reduces life expectancy by 2-4 years, while severe obesity shortens life expectancy by as much as 10 years. Obesity has been shown to boost the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The costs of treating illness associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion in 2008, according to a 2009 study in Health Affairs.
Sugars and fats, of course, have always been present in the human diet and our bodies are programmed to crave them. What has changed is modern processing that creates food with concentrated levels of sugars, unhealthy fats and refined flour, without redeeming levels of fiber or nutrients, obesity experts said. Consumption of large quantities of those processed foods may be changing the way the brain is wired.
Will Food cos. execs. do ANYTHING with chemicals to make their foods look-smell-taste good & las a VERY long time ?
A Lot Like Addiction - Those changes look a lot like addiction to some experts. Addiction “is a loaded term, but there are aspects of the modern diet that can elicit behavior that resembles addiction,” said David Ludwig, a Harvard researcher and director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Children’s Hospital Boston. Highly processed foods may cause rapid spikes and declines in blood sugar, increasing cravings,
his research has found.
Education, diets and drugs to treat obesity have proven largely ineffective and the new science of obesity may explain why, proponents say. Constant stimulation with tasty, calorie-laden foods may desensitize the brain’s circuitry, leading people to consume greater quantities of junk food to maintain a constant state of pleasure.
About 80% of Purchase, NY-based PepsiCo’s marketing budget, for instance, is directed toward pushing salty snacks and sodas. Although cos. are quick to point to their healthier offerings, their top execs are constantly called upon to reassure investors those sales of snack foods and sodas are showing steady growth. “We want to see profit growth and revenue growth,” said Tim Hoyle, director of research at Haverford Trust Co. in Radnor, PA, an investor in PepsiCo, the world’s largest snack-food maker. “The health foods are good for headlines but when it gets down to it, the growth drivers are the comfort foods, the Tostitos and the Pepsi-Cola.”
Little wonder that the food ind. is pushing hard on the idea that the best way to get a handle on obesity is through voluntary measures and by offering healthier choices. The same tactic worked for awhile, decades ago, for the tobacco industry, which deflected attention from the health risks and addictive nature of cigarettes with “low tar and nicotine” marketing.
Thanks to -Editors: Rick Schine, Chris Staiti To contact the reporters on this story: Robert Langreth in New York at rlangreth@bloomberg.net; Duane D. Stanford in Atlanta at dstanford2@bloomberg.net
Sources for this article include: http://www.businessweek.com/news/20...
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034478_junk_foods_addictive_brain_chemistry.html#ixzz1hapbSIi9
to contact the editor responsible for this story: Reg Gale at rgale5@bloomberg.net
Topping the 2012 list is Marie Callender’s “Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie,” which packs a colossal 1,140 calories and 72 grams of fat—the calorie equivalent of nine 12-oz bottles of Guinness Draught.
Top 10 Worst Supermarket Foods:
1. Worst Packaged Food: Marie Callender’s Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie (1,140 calories)
2. Worst Frozen Entrée: Hungry-Man Select Classic Fried Chicken (1,030 calories)
3. Worst Frozen Pizza: DiGiorno Traditional Crust Supreme Pizza (790 calories)
4. Worst Stir-Fry/Skillet: Stouffer’s Sautés For Two Steak Gorgonzola (730 calories)
5. Worst Breakfast: Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowls Pancakes & Sausage Links (710 calories)
6. Worst Individual Snack: Hostess Chocolate Pudding Pie (520 calories)
7. Worst Kids’ Meal: Lunchables with Juice, Nachos, Cheese Dip + Salsa (490 calories)
8. Worst Pie: Marie Callender’s Southern Pecan Pie (450 calories)
9. Worst Frozen Treat: Mrs. Fields Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich (450 calories)
10. Worst Packaged Side: Pasta Roni Fettucine Alfredo (450 calories)
Anyone - can beat nearly ALL forms of Cancer, along with obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a initiate a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic. See: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Len Saputo, Bill Clinton's Heart Diet (Plant Based by Dr. Esselstyn), Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Diabetes), Dr. Baxter Montgomery, Dr. Sanjay Gupta -Stop Heart Attacks on CNN, Dirk Benedict, & Don Porter.
Just go on an Organic Plant Based Organic Diet.
Read the following books:
Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy - Dirk Benedict of A-Team, Charlies Angels
WARNING: This book may change the way you look at Drs., the great American diet, & health forever. This book will challenge your preconceived ideas/habits about looking at illness, taking responsibility, & about actors--particularly Dirk Benedict, star of several hit television series (the A-Team, Charlies Angels, Battlestar Gallactica). Initially, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy tells the fascinating story of Dirk Benedict's journey from the big sky country of Montana to the hustle & hype of Hollywood. It also vividly describes his personal odyssey of self-exploration, discovery, & growth-from struggling actor to celebrity, from meat eater to vegetarian, from cancer victim to cancer victor. Book is brilliantly written--insightful, witty, humorous, & always challenging--a tour de force. You will come face to face with many of the newly discovered truths in Dirk's life. This book will make you reconsider a great many habits in your own life. "Diet" is the main ingredient to health - Dirk Benedict Author “Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy” Health, Illness, Plant Based Macrobiotic Diet, Recovery & Quality of Life
Recalled by Life by Dr. Anthony J. Sattilaro , was CEO of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia, PA when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, sternum, bones, brain, skull, right shoulder, spine, liver problems, took MANY pain killers & had his testicles removed. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, Chemo, Radiation, 3 operations in 3 weeks. Drs. NEVER went after the cause BAD DIET ! Went on a Plant Based Microbiotic Diet & CURED himself of fatal cancer.
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. A groundbreaking program backed by the irrefutable results from Dr. Esselstyn’s 20-year study proving changes in diet & nutrition can actually cure heart disease
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wZendyXhU4 - Watch this - IMPORTANT
ALSO - The China Study, Forks Over Knives, Natures Cancer Fighting Foods, Macrobiotic for Dummies by Verne Varona, The Cancer Prevention Diet-Michio Kushi, The Food Prescription for Better Health.
• No Cheating as it takes 4 mos to clean/change our blood.
• If you do these beneficial things above, with a Plant Based Diet you will be like Dirk Benedict, Don Porter & "MANY" others that Beat Cancer.
• DO NOT accept the Primary Western medical treatments -Surgery, Chemo, Radiation & Drugs until you carefully consider these books & my experiences, the cause of diseases etc. is critical. (Chemo kills cells Indiscriminately)
Consider the following:
• There are known things that we know .
• There are things that we know that we don’t know.
• PROBLEM -There are things that we don’t “EVEN” know that we don’t know
Must utilize our underappreciated, Immune System that, basically, is the same as everyone else’s - Therefore, what I accomplished - so can ANYONE !
I determined that we all enjoy a body that is a miraculous machine that must be "aligned properly" with a quality diet, exercise, quality liquids, deep breathing, organic foods, & minimum stress, in a FAST paced society, along with some occasional “TLC”.
• If we don’t align car’s front end – tires wear until we correct the CAUSE of tire wear. Must align our bodies with Organic Plant Based Diets.!
• If we put gasoline in a diesel car or diesel in a gasoline car – They won’t run
• No oil/grease in car – what happens? - Problems?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
New Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0X31QKDhQUY--The 25 year Study - Reversing Heart Disease Using a Plant Based Diet !
I STRONGLY urge ALL to watch this new Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. Video about his IMPRESSIVE program that CURED 17 patients that were "given up on" by the medical system after stents, open heart surgery, drugs, etc. I recommended Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. as 2012 Man-Of-The-Year, as he is the greatest living physician associated with Cleveland Clinic. He richly deserves this designation because he has developed and promoted an approach that heals without the heavy medical intervention hospitals like Cleveland Clinic are known for. In an era of skyrocketing healthcare costs and runaway obesity, Esselstyn’s approach around an austere “heart-attack proof” Plant Based diet will, soon, be considered one of the most important innovations of this era. And it is a supremely benevolent act, since his “Esselstyn Diet” has little revenue for hospitals and prevents reimbursable cardiac medical treatments. Esselstyn, a surgeon and former Olympic gold medalist rower, claims and hs demonstrated that you can prevent and reverse heart disease by eating a strict vegetarian diet with no meat, poultry, fish, dairy products or oils. “What really keeps me on fire about this is we have an epidemic of disease in this country that doesn’t need to exist,” Esselstyn told The Plain Dealer in 2008. “It’s so ridiculously simplistic to turn around this epidemic, it’s scary.” His controversial stance has recently received more attention, thanks to lavish praise in the documentary “Forks Over Knives”, Bill Clinton's interview with Wolf Blitzer, the 1 hour CNN Special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta The Last Heart Attack. http://sanjayguptamd.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/29/sanjay-gupta-reports-the-last-heart-attack/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqvjCIKoo8M --- Wolf Blitzer & Bill Clinton -Weight Loss Dr. Esselstyn Plant Based Diet
I STRONGLY urge ALL to watch this new Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. Video about his IMPRESSIVE program that CURED 17 patients that were "given up on" by the medical system after stents, open heart surgery, drugs, etc. I recommended Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. as 2012 Man-Of-The-Year, as he is the greatest living physician associated with Cleveland Clinic. He richly deserves this designation because he has developed and promoted an approach that heals without the heavy medical intervention hospitals like Cleveland Clinic are known for. In an era of skyrocketing healthcare costs and runaway obesity, Esselstyn’s approach around an austere “heart-attack proof” Plant Based diet will, soon, be considered one of the most important innovations of this era. And it is a supremely benevolent act, since his “Esselstyn Diet” has little revenue for hospitals and prevents reimbursable cardiac medical treatments. Esselstyn, a surgeon and former Olympic gold medalist rower, claims and hs demonstrated that you can prevent and reverse heart disease by eating a strict vegetarian diet with no meat, poultry, fish, dairy products or oils. “What really keeps me on fire about this is we have an epidemic of disease in this country that doesn’t need to exist,” Esselstyn told The Plain Dealer in 2008. “It’s so ridiculously simplistic to turn around this epidemic, it’s scary.” His controversial stance has recently received more attention, thanks to lavish praise in the documentary “Forks Over Knives”, Bill Clinton's interview with Wolf Blitzer, the 1 hour CNN Special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta The Last Heart Attack. http://sanjayguptamd.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/29/sanjay-gupta-reports-the-last-heart-attack/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqvjCIKoo8M --- Wolf Blitzer & Bill Clinton -Weight Loss Dr. Esselstyn Plant Based Diet
Friday, December 23, 2011
Mainstream science validates healing properties of plants - FINALLY
Mainstream science validates healing properties of plants - FINALLY
Plant-based therapies, including "LONG Standing" natural cures for cancer, obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a initiate a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic are "Finally" being validated for the POWERFUL healing power of MANY Plants/Herbs from none other than mainstream science. In fact, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has finally accepted the reality and importance of the therapeutic properties in plants and funded a $6 million initiative for an international team of scientists to study how plants produce a rich diversity of chemical compounds, many of which are medicinally important. The results of that research so far, which includes the genetic blueprint of medicinal plants and what beneficial properties are encoded by the genes that have been identified, are now being officially released for the first time to the public.
"Most people are familiar with the natural products we derive from plants," Joe Chappell, professor of plant biochemistry at the Univ of KY, said in a statement to the media. "These include the delightful fragrances that go into perfumes, soaps, household cleaning products and more. Just as the sensory properties of plants interact with and trigger your sense of smell, the natural compounds of plants can target and cause a reaction within your body."
The compilation of info about the natural potentially healing compounds of plants was developed by the Medicinal Plant Consortium (MPC), headed by Dr. Chappell who worked with Dean DellaPenna, professor of biochemistry at Michigan State Univ., and Sarah O'Connor, professor of chemistry at Mass Institute of Technology and now at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, England. The MPC project also included participants from Michigan State, Iowa State Univ, the Univ of Mississippi, Purdue Univ, TX A&M Univ, MIT, and the John Innes Centre in the UK.
Finding out exactly what medicinal plants contain - This research team brought to the project a broad spectrum of expertise from plant biology, systematics, analytical chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and drug development from natural products. During their 2-year project, the scientists collected data to help them understand just how plants make chemicals, a process called biosynthesis.
To this end, the researchers investigated the genes and chemical profiles of 14 plants known to contain compounds with biological activity which are associated with medicinal properties. For example, the foxglove plant is used to make the cardiac muscle stimulant digoxin, and the periwinkle plant is a source for the widely used chemotherapy drugs vincristine and vinblastine. In a press statement, the researchers noted that these and many other medicinal plants, including ginseng, are often found in household gardens and flower boxes. They could be vast cornucopias of compounds ripe for discovering and developing into widespread therapeutic applications.
"The current understanding of molecules and genes involved in the formation of beneficial compounds is very incomplete," said Dr. O'Connor, who is also a lecturer in chemical sciences at Univ of East Anglia. "However, the ability to conduct genome-wide studies of model plant species has resulted in an explosive increase in our knowledge of and capacity to understand how genes control biological processes and chemical composition."
So does this mean the scientists are advocating using medicinal plants to treat diseases? Not exactly. They appear to be primarily interested in helping Big Pharma translate the information they've come up with into more money-making drugs. "Our major goal in this project has been to capture the genetic blueprints of medicinal plants for the advancement of drug discovery and development," said Dr. Chappell, project coordinator for the MPC, adding that the research gives medicinal plants "tremendous pharmaceutical profit potential." However, with the information the scientists have discovered now being placed in the public domain, it may well be a rich resource not just for Big Pharma but for physicians and other scientists seeking natural plant-based therapies for diseases.
For more info: http://medicinalplantgenomics.msu.edu -- http://metnetdb.org/mpmr_public/ http://uic.edu/pharmacy/MedPlTransc...
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034446_science_plants_medicine.html#ixzz1hMCNBqv3
Bill Clinton, Don Porter, Dr. Esselstyn, Dirk Benedict, & millions of others beat health problems with a Plant Based Diet
Plant-based therapies, including "LONG Standing" natural cures for cancer, obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a initiate a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic are "Finally" being validated for the POWERFUL healing power of MANY Plants/Herbs from none other than mainstream science. In fact, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has finally accepted the reality and importance of the therapeutic properties in plants and funded a $6 million initiative for an international team of scientists to study how plants produce a rich diversity of chemical compounds, many of which are medicinally important. The results of that research so far, which includes the genetic blueprint of medicinal plants and what beneficial properties are encoded by the genes that have been identified, are now being officially released for the first time to the public.
"Most people are familiar with the natural products we derive from plants," Joe Chappell, professor of plant biochemistry at the Univ of KY, said in a statement to the media. "These include the delightful fragrances that go into perfumes, soaps, household cleaning products and more. Just as the sensory properties of plants interact with and trigger your sense of smell, the natural compounds of plants can target and cause a reaction within your body."
The compilation of info about the natural potentially healing compounds of plants was developed by the Medicinal Plant Consortium (MPC), headed by Dr. Chappell who worked with Dean DellaPenna, professor of biochemistry at Michigan State Univ., and Sarah O'Connor, professor of chemistry at Mass Institute of Technology and now at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, England. The MPC project also included participants from Michigan State, Iowa State Univ, the Univ of Mississippi, Purdue Univ, TX A&M Univ, MIT, and the John Innes Centre in the UK.
Finding out exactly what medicinal plants contain - This research team brought to the project a broad spectrum of expertise from plant biology, systematics, analytical chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and drug development from natural products. During their 2-year project, the scientists collected data to help them understand just how plants make chemicals, a process called biosynthesis.
To this end, the researchers investigated the genes and chemical profiles of 14 plants known to contain compounds with biological activity which are associated with medicinal properties. For example, the foxglove plant is used to make the cardiac muscle stimulant digoxin, and the periwinkle plant is a source for the widely used chemotherapy drugs vincristine and vinblastine. In a press statement, the researchers noted that these and many other medicinal plants, including ginseng, are often found in household gardens and flower boxes. They could be vast cornucopias of compounds ripe for discovering and developing into widespread therapeutic applications.
"The current understanding of molecules and genes involved in the formation of beneficial compounds is very incomplete," said Dr. O'Connor, who is also a lecturer in chemical sciences at Univ of East Anglia. "However, the ability to conduct genome-wide studies of model plant species has resulted in an explosive increase in our knowledge of and capacity to understand how genes control biological processes and chemical composition."
So does this mean the scientists are advocating using medicinal plants to treat diseases? Not exactly. They appear to be primarily interested in helping Big Pharma translate the information they've come up with into more money-making drugs. "Our major goal in this project has been to capture the genetic blueprints of medicinal plants for the advancement of drug discovery and development," said Dr. Chappell, project coordinator for the MPC, adding that the research gives medicinal plants "tremendous pharmaceutical profit potential." However, with the information the scientists have discovered now being placed in the public domain, it may well be a rich resource not just for Big Pharma but for physicians and other scientists seeking natural plant-based therapies for diseases.
For more info: http://medicinalplantgenomics.msu.edu -- http://metnetdb.org/mpmr_public/ http://uic.edu/pharmacy/MedPlTransc...
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034446_science_plants_medicine.html#ixzz1hMCNBqv3
Bill Clinton, Don Porter, Dr. Esselstyn, Dirk Benedict, & millions of others beat health problems with a Plant Based Diet
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
JUNK FOOD for Our Children's Breakfasts
JUNK FOOD for Our Children's Breakfasts
Proper Lable for many Breakfast Foods
WHY do Drs. Allow these disgusting sugary chemical filled foosd to be eaten ?
Could it be self serving to build revenues ?
LOTS OF SUGAR- BAD for us & good for medical revenues
By ESTHER CEPEDA Published: Wed, Dec. 14, 2011 . Sarasota Herald Tribune
Here's a side note about the sugary cereals headlines you saw last week: It's actually much worse than you think.
If your eyebrows rose when you saw news stories topped with lines such as "Kids' cereals more like dessert than breakfast" and "Kids' cereals pack more sugar than Twinkies and cookies," consider that the cereals were compared to other junk foods only in single-serving sizes. The Environmental Working Group made waves by equating the sugar content in popular kids' cereals to the famous snack cake and Chips Ahoy, Oreos and
homemade sugar cookies, but should have gone even further and told us what number of each is equal to the amount of cereal kids actually pour themselves. In other words, the Working Group missed the opportunity to talk about that wily sneak, portion size.
For instance, the report compared a "one-cup serving of Honey Smacks cereal" to a Twinkie. But if you look on the side of the Honey Smacks box, you'll find that Kellogg's considers a single serving to be a mere three-quarters of a cup — an even less filling expenditure of 100 calories and 15 grams of sugar. Then consider that if you drop that small amount of cereal into a standard-size bowl, it leaves that bowl well short of being half
full. Even including the milk, you're looking at two full servings of cereal to make up a bowl.
If I allowed my 13-year-old son to eat Honey Smacks, I would have to pry the box from his sugar-twitchy hands before he downed half of it in one sitting. And there's no way he would feel as if he'd eaten anything at all if he had fewer than two bowls, or, by my calculation, 400 calories and 60 grams of sugar — the nutritional equivalent of about three Twinkies, not counting the milk.
Not exactly the breakfast of champions. More like - the make em sick for revnues game
I've actually been happy about the level of surprise and public interest in the Working Group's findings because, in an October column on whether parents should be trusted with their kids' breakfast, I noted that a
serving of Cheerios was nutritionally similar to three Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies — and some readers thought it was a strange and unfair comparison. Hopefully, people stopped to think about the everyday foods their families have grown attached to. If the Working Group really wanted to drive the point home, it would create an online visual calculator that would translate the number of bowls of cereal — and other fake
nutritious foods like sugary yogurts and candy-coated granola bars — a person eats, and convert them into the nutritional equivalent of treats like sports drinks, sodas, candy bars and salty snacks, which most people acknowledge should be a very limited part of their diets.
Think what a wake-up call it would be to learn that junior's breakfast is as filling and healthy as a Snickers bar and can of Mountain Dew.
STOP BUYING Chemical food Garbage that damages your chilren !!
Proper Lable for many Breakfast Foods
WHY do Drs. Allow these disgusting sugary chemical filled foosd to be eaten ?
Could it be self serving to build revenues ?
LOTS OF SUGAR- BAD for us & good for medical revenues
By ESTHER CEPEDA Published: Wed, Dec. 14, 2011 . Sarasota Herald Tribune
Here's a side note about the sugary cereals headlines you saw last week: It's actually much worse than you think.
If your eyebrows rose when you saw news stories topped with lines such as "Kids' cereals more like dessert than breakfast" and "Kids' cereals pack more sugar than Twinkies and cookies," consider that the cereals were compared to other junk foods only in single-serving sizes. The Environmental Working Group made waves by equating the sugar content in popular kids' cereals to the famous snack cake and Chips Ahoy, Oreos and
homemade sugar cookies, but should have gone even further and told us what number of each is equal to the amount of cereal kids actually pour themselves. In other words, the Working Group missed the opportunity to talk about that wily sneak, portion size.
For instance, the report compared a "one-cup serving of Honey Smacks cereal" to a Twinkie. But if you look on the side of the Honey Smacks box, you'll find that Kellogg's considers a single serving to be a mere three-quarters of a cup — an even less filling expenditure of 100 calories and 15 grams of sugar. Then consider that if you drop that small amount of cereal into a standard-size bowl, it leaves that bowl well short of being half
full. Even including the milk, you're looking at two full servings of cereal to make up a bowl.
If I allowed my 13-year-old son to eat Honey Smacks, I would have to pry the box from his sugar-twitchy hands before he downed half of it in one sitting. And there's no way he would feel as if he'd eaten anything at all if he had fewer than two bowls, or, by my calculation, 400 calories and 60 grams of sugar — the nutritional equivalent of about three Twinkies, not counting the milk.
Not exactly the breakfast of champions. More like - the make em sick for revnues game
I've actually been happy about the level of surprise and public interest in the Working Group's findings because, in an October column on whether parents should be trusted with their kids' breakfast, I noted that a
serving of Cheerios was nutritionally similar to three Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies — and some readers thought it was a strange and unfair comparison. Hopefully, people stopped to think about the everyday foods their families have grown attached to. If the Working Group really wanted to drive the point home, it would create an online visual calculator that would translate the number of bowls of cereal — and other fake
nutritious foods like sugary yogurts and candy-coated granola bars — a person eats, and convert them into the nutritional equivalent of treats like sports drinks, sodas, candy bars and salty snacks, which most people acknowledge should be a very limited part of their diets.
Think what a wake-up call it would be to learn that junior's breakfast is as filling and healthy as a Snickers bar and can of Mountain Dew.
STOP BUYING Chemical food Garbage that damages your chilren !!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Cancer Industry Politics & Money
1. The politics of the MASSIVE cancer industry are money driven & VERY DANGEROUS to ALL of US.
The AMA (American Medical Assoc.) has lobbyists & WILL DO anything to maintain the Revenues of the Medical Ind., cancer information is being suppressed all the time.
What I think angers me the most is that ego is almost always put before the lives of others. This is in the medical/Drug arena as well as public cancer policy. I’ve talked to doctors who almost violently oppose any natural therapy even if they know nothing about it – policy makers as well.
This is not an issue of lack of education, it’s an issue of expanded egos and likely being massively overworked – so busy that the thought of even changing their belief systems creates massive anxiety. I think it’s wrong to always blame the doctors, because I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where you’re so busy that everything you respond to is a “no.”
Bottom line is that eventually the healing & curing results of natural treatments will speak louder than the revenue driven medical industry & one day we’ll all sit around and laugh at how backwards everything used to be.
2. Some interesting stats on cure rates and alternative cancer success.
I’ve known some of the stats that I’m going to share here, but seeing them represented in this way made it very clear to me that the power of some natural therapies is significant. Particularly when you consider that 95% of cancer patients who choose alternative routes are doing so in a “last ditch” effort.
Here are some stats …
- A true cure rate of 90% or more can easily be achieved by cancer patients who avoid orthodox medicine, go with alternative medicine first, and do their homework.
- The actual cure rate of orthodox medicine is 3% or less.
- 95% of cancer patients who go with alternative cancer treatments have previously had the full orthodox treatment and have been sent home to die, meaning alternative medicine is handed a large number of cancer patients already in critical condition. (see Dr. Esselstyn, Recalled By Life, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy, Don Porter Beat Cancer, etc.)
- For those who wait to go with alternative cancer treatments until after they have been sent home to die, only a handful of the 300+ alternative cancer treatments are strong enough to give them a chance of survival.
- But even for those rare people who do find one of those potent treatments (e.g. those who read this book), at best they only have a chance of survival of about 50%.
I’ve heard many of these stats before, so I’m sure if you dig around you will be able to source them. Regardless, even if the numbers were lower, there’s still a lot to be said about the effectiveness of natural cures – particularly since they’re being used on people ravaged by conventional treatments. They’re the sickest of the sick and they still have somewhere around a 50% chance.
3. Is the “War on Cancer” working?
Richard Nixon declared a “War on Cancer” in 1971.
Since that day, over $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 Trillion) has been spent on conventional treatments.
Unfortunately, there has been little progress considering cancer rates have not decreased.
Here’s a quote about the so called “success” of this war…
According to Dr. John Bailer, who spent 20 years on the staff of the NCI and was editor of its journal, speaking at the Annual Meeting of the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science in May 1985, “My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure.”
I’d tend to agree. Anything that is not fixed after spending $2 trillion dollars on its “solution” should be junked.
4. Simply, a definition of cancer.
During the Healing Cancer World Summit, I asked each expert what they thought cancer was. There were many answers to this question, but many of them linked abnormal cell growth, immune system failure and toxicity.
Each one of these aspects came up regularly, so to me these items seem like clues that can’t be ignored.
In fact, Don Porter presents this simple definition of cancer that you may want to use when you explain it…
Cancer is “hypoxia (lack of oxygen) & acidic status at the tissue level and immune failure resulting from toxicity (chemicals in foods) and are the prime causes of cancer.”
I prefer simple ways to explain complex issues.
5. High pH kills cancer in most tumor cells in rats.
6. We’re all toxic.
While it’s great to think that since I eat a clean diet, I don’t have any toxic load – it’s just not true. In 2005, the Environmental Working Group put out a report by Jane Houlihan and Timothy Kropp, PhD, titled “Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns.” Maybe you’ve heard of this study before, but I have to admit, every time I read it I think about what we don’t know about.
Here’s a clip from it…
“The placental cord blood of newborn babies was tested for 413 different industrial chemicals and found to be positive for 287 of these substances, which included PCB’s, mercury, DDT, dioxins, fluorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, and many other categories of POP’s.”
Basically, what this says is that you’re toxic even before you’re born these days.
8. Breast cancer cause found?
While I don’t know if this is the only thing that is causing breast cancer, it may be something that is worth looking in to. Some study has shown that women who wear bras can increase their risk of breast cancer substantially (I guess this could apply to men wearing bras as well…)
Here are the stats that came out of a small study done in 1997 by medical anthropologist Sidney Singer in Fiji. He compared the incidence of breast cancer between two groups of women. Ones who wore bras, the other group who didn’t.
Here’s what he came up with…
- Women wearing a bra 24 hours a day had a 3 in 4 chance of developing breast cancer.
- Women wearing their bras more than 12 hours a day, but not to bed, had a 1 in 7 chance of developing breast cancer.
- Women wearing bras less than 12 hours a day had a 1 in 152 chance of developing breast cancer.
- Women who rarely or never wore bras had a 1 in 168 chance of developing breast cancer.
If I had breasts that required a bra (or the “Bro” from those Seinfeld days), this would be compelling enough for me to release them from captivity – at least when I’m at home.
9. A very special herb.
There are herbs for cancer that are well known, but there are also ones that have been studies enough to even have conventional practitioners talking about them (though they’d likely only say there is a possibility they would work, LOL!)
Here’s one that I’m sure you’ve had before and might want to go out of your way to add to your recipes…
“Turmeric (curry) is known as “the golden spice of life” and has been used in Indian cuisine for thousands of years. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to think of Indian food without turmeric. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has several cancer fighting properties. A recent study found that curcumin can actually repair DNA that has been damaged by radiation.
“This is very good news, because one cannot avoid all radiation sources. According to University of Chicago scientists, curcumin inhibits a cancer provoking bacteria associated with gastric and colon cancer. (Magad GB, Anticancer Research, Nov Dec 2002) Yet another anti cancer property of curcumin is that it is a powerful antioxidant.”
The AMA (American Medical Assoc.) has lobbyists & WILL DO anything to maintain the Revenues of the Medical Ind., cancer information is being suppressed all the time.
What I think angers me the most is that ego is almost always put before the lives of others. This is in the medical/Drug arena as well as public cancer policy. I’ve talked to doctors who almost violently oppose any natural therapy even if they know nothing about it – policy makers as well.
This is not an issue of lack of education, it’s an issue of expanded egos and likely being massively overworked – so busy that the thought of even changing their belief systems creates massive anxiety. I think it’s wrong to always blame the doctors, because I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where you’re so busy that everything you respond to is a “no.”
Bottom line is that eventually the healing & curing results of natural treatments will speak louder than the revenue driven medical industry & one day we’ll all sit around and laugh at how backwards everything used to be.
2. Some interesting stats on cure rates and alternative cancer success.
I’ve known some of the stats that I’m going to share here, but seeing them represented in this way made it very clear to me that the power of some natural therapies is significant. Particularly when you consider that 95% of cancer patients who choose alternative routes are doing so in a “last ditch” effort.
Here are some stats …
- A true cure rate of 90% or more can easily be achieved by cancer patients who avoid orthodox medicine, go with alternative medicine first, and do their homework.
- The actual cure rate of orthodox medicine is 3% or less.
- 95% of cancer patients who go with alternative cancer treatments have previously had the full orthodox treatment and have been sent home to die, meaning alternative medicine is handed a large number of cancer patients already in critical condition. (see Dr. Esselstyn, Recalled By Life, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy, Don Porter Beat Cancer, etc.)
- For those who wait to go with alternative cancer treatments until after they have been sent home to die, only a handful of the 300+ alternative cancer treatments are strong enough to give them a chance of survival.
- But even for those rare people who do find one of those potent treatments (e.g. those who read this book), at best they only have a chance of survival of about 50%.
I’ve heard many of these stats before, so I’m sure if you dig around you will be able to source them. Regardless, even if the numbers were lower, there’s still a lot to be said about the effectiveness of natural cures – particularly since they’re being used on people ravaged by conventional treatments. They’re the sickest of the sick and they still have somewhere around a 50% chance.
3. Is the “War on Cancer” working?
Richard Nixon declared a “War on Cancer” in 1971.
Since that day, over $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 Trillion) has been spent on conventional treatments.
Unfortunately, there has been little progress considering cancer rates have not decreased.
Here’s a quote about the so called “success” of this war…
According to Dr. John Bailer, who spent 20 years on the staff of the NCI and was editor of its journal, speaking at the Annual Meeting of the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science in May 1985, “My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure.”
I’d tend to agree. Anything that is not fixed after spending $2 trillion dollars on its “solution” should be junked.
4. Simply, a definition of cancer.
During the Healing Cancer World Summit, I asked each expert what they thought cancer was. There were many answers to this question, but many of them linked abnormal cell growth, immune system failure and toxicity.
Each one of these aspects came up regularly, so to me these items seem like clues that can’t be ignored.
In fact, Don Porter presents this simple definition of cancer that you may want to use when you explain it…
Cancer is “hypoxia (lack of oxygen) & acidic status at the tissue level and immune failure resulting from toxicity (chemicals in foods) and are the prime causes of cancer.”
I prefer simple ways to explain complex issues.
5. High pH kills cancer in most tumor cells in rats.
6. We’re all toxic.
While it’s great to think that since I eat a clean diet, I don’t have any toxic load – it’s just not true. In 2005, the Environmental Working Group put out a report by Jane Houlihan and Timothy Kropp, PhD, titled “Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns.” Maybe you’ve heard of this study before, but I have to admit, every time I read it I think about what we don’t know about.
Here’s a clip from it…
“The placental cord blood of newborn babies was tested for 413 different industrial chemicals and found to be positive for 287 of these substances, which included PCB’s, mercury, DDT, dioxins, fluorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, and many other categories of POP’s.”
Basically, what this says is that you’re toxic even before you’re born these days.
8. Breast cancer cause found?
While I don’t know if this is the only thing that is causing breast cancer, it may be something that is worth looking in to. Some study has shown that women who wear bras can increase their risk of breast cancer substantially (I guess this could apply to men wearing bras as well…)
Here are the stats that came out of a small study done in 1997 by medical anthropologist Sidney Singer in Fiji. He compared the incidence of breast cancer between two groups of women. Ones who wore bras, the other group who didn’t.
Here’s what he came up with…
- Women wearing a bra 24 hours a day had a 3 in 4 chance of developing breast cancer.
- Women wearing their bras more than 12 hours a day, but not to bed, had a 1 in 7 chance of developing breast cancer.
- Women wearing bras less than 12 hours a day had a 1 in 152 chance of developing breast cancer.
- Women who rarely or never wore bras had a 1 in 168 chance of developing breast cancer.
If I had breasts that required a bra (or the “Bro” from those Seinfeld days), this would be compelling enough for me to release them from captivity – at least when I’m at home.
9. A very special herb.
There are herbs for cancer that are well known, but there are also ones that have been studies enough to even have conventional practitioners talking about them (though they’d likely only say there is a possibility they would work, LOL!)
Here’s one that I’m sure you’ve had before and might want to go out of your way to add to your recipes…
“Turmeric (curry) is known as “the golden spice of life” and has been used in Indian cuisine for thousands of years. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to think of Indian food without turmeric. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has several cancer fighting properties. A recent study found that curcumin can actually repair DNA that has been damaged by radiation.
“This is very good news, because one cannot avoid all radiation sources. According to University of Chicago scientists, curcumin inhibits a cancer provoking bacteria associated with gastric and colon cancer. (Magad GB, Anticancer Research, Nov Dec 2002) Yet another anti cancer property of curcumin is that it is a powerful antioxidant.”
Sunday, December 4, 2011
School turns abandoned athletic field into organic garden that grows thousands of pounds of produce to serve in cafeteria
School turns abandoned athletic field into organic garden that grows thousands of pounds of produce to serve in cafeteria
Sunday, December 04, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034319_school_food_fresh_produce_garden.html#ixzz1fcFSqHJB
(NaturalNews) A Denver, Co., public school has set the bar high for reconnecting the next generation of children with the food they eat. ABC 7 News in Denver reports that Denver Green School (DGS), an urban "innovation" school, has brought new life to an unused, one-acre athletic field by turning it into an organic garden -- and the garden has been such a success in just eight months that the school is able to serve fresh produce from it to students in the cafeteria.
"We have harvested over 3,000 pounds of produce from this ground," said Megan Caley, the programs and outreach coordinator for Sprout City Farms (SCF), which partnered with DGS to create the garden. "Lots of salad greens and root vegetables, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers."
The goal of SCF is to transform unused or underused urban land into thriving agricultural space, which can then be used to grow food for local residents. And the group's partnership with DGS has been landmark in that it not only produces a plethora of fruits and vegetables, but it has also sparked a renewed interest among children in growing and eating them.
"Kids are eating healthier," added Frank Coyne, one of the founding lead partners at DGS, to ABC 7 News. "They are excited to eat the tomatoes on the salad bar, they are excited to eat the cucumbers."
Several children interviewed by ABC 7 News explained first-hand how much they enjoy playing an active role in planting and growing the crops. They also love being able to touch the plants, produce, and soil, as they observe the the fruit of their labors grow.
"It's been extremely gratifying to see the kids out here," said Chad Hagedorn, farm manager for SCF. "They are in constant awe and amazement of how food grows, and when they get to touch and really see how it happens, it's a huge experience for them both educationally and emotionally."
Besides inspiring children to eat the fruits and vegetables -- and actually enjoy eating it -- the DGS garden is also saving the school money by providing a continuous supply of healthy, organic produce at minimal cost. And because it is partially funded through a community supported agriculture (CSA) program where local residents can purchase weekly boxes of fresh produce, the program is financially viable in the long term.
Sources for this article include:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034319_school_food_fresh_produce_garden.html#ixzz1fcF6Udt8
Sunday, December 04, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034319_school_food_fresh_produce_garden.html#ixzz1fcFSqHJB
(NaturalNews) A Denver, Co., public school has set the bar high for reconnecting the next generation of children with the food they eat. ABC 7 News in Denver reports that Denver Green School (DGS), an urban "innovation" school, has brought new life to an unused, one-acre athletic field by turning it into an organic garden -- and the garden has been such a success in just eight months that the school is able to serve fresh produce from it to students in the cafeteria.
"We have harvested over 3,000 pounds of produce from this ground," said Megan Caley, the programs and outreach coordinator for Sprout City Farms (SCF), which partnered with DGS to create the garden. "Lots of salad greens and root vegetables, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers."
The goal of SCF is to transform unused or underused urban land into thriving agricultural space, which can then be used to grow food for local residents. And the group's partnership with DGS has been landmark in that it not only produces a plethora of fruits and vegetables, but it has also sparked a renewed interest among children in growing and eating them.
"Kids are eating healthier," added Frank Coyne, one of the founding lead partners at DGS, to ABC 7 News. "They are excited to eat the tomatoes on the salad bar, they are excited to eat the cucumbers."
Several children interviewed by ABC 7 News explained first-hand how much they enjoy playing an active role in planting and growing the crops. They also love being able to touch the plants, produce, and soil, as they observe the the fruit of their labors grow.
"It's been extremely gratifying to see the kids out here," said Chad Hagedorn, farm manager for SCF. "They are in constant awe and amazement of how food grows, and when they get to touch and really see how it happens, it's a huge experience for them both educationally and emotionally."
Besides inspiring children to eat the fruits and vegetables -- and actually enjoy eating it -- the DGS garden is also saving the school money by providing a continuous supply of healthy, organic produce at minimal cost. And because it is partially funded through a community supported agriculture (CSA) program where local residents can purchase weekly boxes of fresh produce, the program is financially viable in the long term.
Sources for this article include:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034319_school_food_fresh_produce_garden.html#ixzz1fcF6Udt8
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