Thursday, December 20, 2012
How Antibiotics Destroy Your Immune System
How Antibiotics Destroy Your Immune System
Your immune system is constantly on a seek-and-destroy mission status – on the lookout for foreign invaders, naturally occurring cell defects and mutant cells. The immune system has a vast capacity to remember bad guys and deploy tactics that worked in the past to annihilate the enemy. Some of the fastest growing cells in the human body are immune cells.
Over 80% of the body’s immunity is built in the intestinal tract by the friendly bacteria balance that resides there. The intestinal flora starts building in an infant while in the womb but doesn’t really take off until after 8 days of age. Starting with the colostrum milk, the gut begins to populate with more bacteria while the infant’s immune system starts an inventory of good and bad cells in the body. This inventory is a life-long process and the immune system never forgets an invader.
Where the problem begins
The absolute worst thing to do to any infant is to give them an antibiotic. Antibiotics indiscriminately kill bacteria, both good and bad. One round of antibiotics will permanently change the baby’s immune system, and because a majority of neuro-chemicals are also made in the gut, the baby’s neurology is also altered. The antibiotics that have been touted as the savior of mankind from disease are costing us in cancer and degenerative, chronic diseases.
Once the very first antibiotic is administered to the infant or child, the bacteria in the gut is wiped out and the immune system is permanently altered in its ability to manufacture appropriate immune cells. Fungus in the gut is now unopposed and begins to proliferate unchecked by the friendly bacteria. After fungus sets up strongholds then parasites move in to share the bounty of food and minerals meant to feed the body. This is the first step for chronic disease and cancer.
The same process happens when an adult takes even one round of antibiotics. Everything changes permanently and takes years of targeted nutrition and probiotic therapies to recover a semblance of normalcy in the body systems.
The role of heavy metals
Over 80 percent of heavy metals are removed from the body via the friendly bacteria in the gut. Certain bad bacteria and fungus actually prefer to retain and move heavy metals into the body and transport these metals to different tissues and organs to weaken them for future invasion. Fungus is a clean-up organism that feeds on compromised tissues. Eventually a bad fungus will invade healthy tissues as it gains strength and your body weakens.
The cancer double-whammy
Once the bad bacteria balance occurs and the fungus sets up shop, the intestinal wall becomes leaky, allowing partially digested foods, bacterium and allergens to cross into the blood. Now the already weakened immune system has double-duty to perform trying to clean up the gut while tracking down these new threats to the body. To think this all started with a well-meaning but seriously wrong pediatrician and misinformed parents.
Cancer is a disease of inflammation. The gut compromises and leakage of particles into the blood causes inflammation throughout the body. Chronically inflamed organs become targets of heavy metals, viruses, bacterium and fungus. But the damage doesn’t stop there as the highly processed foods we eat cross the now compromised gut barrier; causing pancreas stress and trouble. Chronic stress weakens organs to make them more susceptible to disease and cancer.
Where it ends
It ends with you making informed decisions before submitting to any medical treatment, including taking antibiotics. You are the one who gleans the benefits or suffers the consequences – not the doctor who collects your co-pay up front and makes you sign “informed consent” papers before treatment.
Sources for this article
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Daily Soda Consumption Shown to Increase Stroke Risk by 83%
Daily Soda Consumption Shown to Increase Stroke Risk by 83%
by Elizabeth Renter Dec 15th, 2012 Read more: Haven’t given up soft drinks yet? Now would be a good time. In addition to increasing your risk of heart disease, asthma and COPD, and containing cancer-causing ingredients (and this isn’t even touching the nasty effects of diet soda), researchers have found that sodas can increase your risk of suffering a stroke exponentially. 83% Increased Stroke Risk
A recent study from Japan found that women who drink soda everyday have an increased stroke risk of 83%. That means you are 83% more likely than a non-soda-drinker to suffer from a stroke. The study took place over a period of a few decades, surveying participants about their soda consumption in 1990, 1995, and again in 2000. Then, they tracked how many participants suffered a stroke during that period. Those women who drank sugared soda at least once daily were at the biggest risk. The link was only present in the women surveyed.
Interestingly, another study found the link to remain whether the soda was sugared or “diet”. According to AARP, adults who drink one or more sodas each day are 16% more likely to suffer a stroke. Women in this study were also found to be at a higher risk than men. This second study came from Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute and Harvard University who looked at more than 84,000 women and 43,000 men.
Related Read: Is Diet soda Bad for You? Those who stand to make money off of soft drinks, not surprisingly, don’t see the studies (and countless others like them) to be anything of note. “This study does nothing to educate people about the real causes of heart disease or heart health issues,” said the American Beverage Association (ABA) in a statement. “It only shows what we already know to be among the risk factors for heart disease: ethnicity and age. There is nothing unique about soft drinks when it comes to heart disease, stroke or any other adverse health outcomes.”
Nearly half of all Americans drink soda on a daily basis, with an average consumption rate of about of 2.6 glasses each day. A 2004 study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that soft drinks account for about 7% of American caloric intake. Additionally, kids are getting about 7 trillion calories of sugar from cancer-causing beverages like soda each year. That’s a lot of soda. And a whole lot of motivation for the ABA and others to keep findings like these quiet.
Additional Sources:
Wiley Online Library
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by Elizabeth Renter Dec 15th, 2012 Read more: Haven’t given up soft drinks yet? Now would be a good time. In addition to increasing your risk of heart disease, asthma and COPD, and containing cancer-causing ingredients (and this isn’t even touching the nasty effects of diet soda), researchers have found that sodas can increase your risk of suffering a stroke exponentially. 83% Increased Stroke Risk
A recent study from Japan found that women who drink soda everyday have an increased stroke risk of 83%. That means you are 83% more likely than a non-soda-drinker to suffer from a stroke. The study took place over a period of a few decades, surveying participants about their soda consumption in 1990, 1995, and again in 2000. Then, they tracked how many participants suffered a stroke during that period. Those women who drank sugared soda at least once daily were at the biggest risk. The link was only present in the women surveyed.
Interestingly, another study found the link to remain whether the soda was sugared or “diet”. According to AARP, adults who drink one or more sodas each day are 16% more likely to suffer a stroke. Women in this study were also found to be at a higher risk than men. This second study came from Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute and Harvard University who looked at more than 84,000 women and 43,000 men.
Related Read: Is Diet soda Bad for You? Those who stand to make money off of soft drinks, not surprisingly, don’t see the studies (and countless others like them) to be anything of note. “This study does nothing to educate people about the real causes of heart disease or heart health issues,” said the American Beverage Association (ABA) in a statement. “It only shows what we already know to be among the risk factors for heart disease: ethnicity and age. There is nothing unique about soft drinks when it comes to heart disease, stroke or any other adverse health outcomes.”

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