13 Best foods to keep your arteries
Don Porter Aug. 30,2014
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a MAJOR health problem
worldwide, Nutritionists believe that they are ‘The Plague’ of the 21st
century. One of the key risks for developing CVD is clogged arteries. This is
not an overnight occurrence, but a series of wrong choices in food and
lifestyle. Your arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from
your heart to the rest of your body. They go to your brain as well as to the tips
of your toes. Healthy arteries are flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any
deposits — blood flows through them easily. But as you age, deposits of fatty
substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products and calcium are formed on the
inner walls of the arteries. This arterial plaque can reduce blood flow or, in
some instances, block it altogether. As
plaque deposits grow, a condition called atherosclerosis results. This
condition causes the arteries to narrow and harden. Clogged arteries in
different parts of the body can lead to multiple medical conditions, including
reduced blood flow to the lower legs and other extremities (due to clogging of
peripheral arteries); angina (chest pain), heart disease or heart attack (due
to clogging of coronary arteries); and stroke (due to clogging of carotid
arteries that supply oxygen to your brain).
The main cause behind your
clogged arteries is eating a lot of processed foods, added with saturated fats,
chemicals and toxins. But you will be amazed to know that just as there
are foods that will clog up your arteries, there
are a few foods that will clean them as well. So if you are experiencing
shortness of breath and pain in the chest, you should add them to your diet.
Move on to the following pages to know what will make it to your list
Pomegranate Pomegranate and
its juice are high in antioxidant content, which may help fight hardening of
the arteries.A new study found that pomegranate juice not only appears to prevent
hardening of the arteries by reducing blood vessel damage, but may also reverse
the progression of this disease. The tests showed that pomegranate juice
reduced the effects of stress on human blood vessel cells by stimulating the
production of nitric oxide. This chemical is thought to help keep arteries open
and keep blood flowing.Apart from the above mentioned foods, you also need the
following tips to clean your arteries quickly: Exercise keeps you and your
heart healthy. So make sure you exercise on a regular basis. Reduce saturated fat intake by reducing the
intake of processed food in your diet. In addition, reduce the intake of trans
fatty acids and hydrogenated fats as they are known to raise your LDL cholesterol. It is also important that you drink plenty
of water.
Plaque is detrimental to your arteries’ health. Eating junk food
and living a sedentary life is the path to clogged arteries. Start eating the
right foods along with an exercise programme and you will be well on your way
to squeaky-clean arteries! Pomegranate contains phytochemicals
that act as antioxidants to protect the lining of the arteries from damage,
explains Dr. Gregg Schneider, a nutritionally oriented dentist and expert on
alternative medicine. A 2005 study published in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences found that antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice
stimulated the body’s production of nitric oxide, which helps keep blood
flowing and arteries open.
Garlic Garlic has been used to treat heart
diseases and hypertension since ancient times. According to a study published in Preventive Medicine, it can
inhibit coronary artery calcification (the result of calcium deposition in the
coronary arteries, which serves as a marker for plaque formation). Another study conducted by a German scientist Professor Guautnter
Siegel, found that powdered garlic reduced the formation of nanoplaque (the
first building blocks of plaque) by up to 40% and reduced the size of the
nanoplaque that has already formed by up to 20%.
Organic Grapes The benefit of grapes comes from
flavonoids that give them, their juices and wines that vibrant purple colour.
The flavonoids, quercitin and resveratrol, appear to be most concentrated in
the skins, stems and seeds of grapes rather than their juicy middle sections.
These flavonoids have been shown to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol
(‘bad’ cholesterol) that leads to the formation of plaque in artery walls. They
can also lower the risk of developing the blood clots that lead to heart
Organic Berries Berries (such as strawberries,
raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) are rich in antioxidant favonoids
(such as anthocyanins) that can help prevent artery hardening and help to scour
plaque from the walls of the arteries.
Organic Apples Apples contain ‘pectin’, a soluble
fibre that lowers cholesterol, probably by interfering with the intestinal
absorption of bile acids, which forces the liver to use circulating cholesterol
to make more bile. They also contain
quercetin, potassium and magnesium which help keep your blood pressure under
control. Other pectin-rich fruit include pears and citrus fruit.
Organic Spinach
Broccoli Spinach is rich
in lutein, a plant carotenoid, which not only protects against age-related
macular degeneration, but may also help prevent heart attacks by keeping artery
walls clear of cholesterol build-up. Spinach is also high in potassium and
folic acid, both of which are main lines of defense against high blood
pressure. The potassium and folate found in spinach can help lower blood pressure,
and according to recent research, one serving of nutrient-packed leafy greens
(like spinach) a day can help reduce your risk of heart disease by 11 percent.
Enjoy some in salads, omelets, and smoothies.
is rich in vitamin K, which is needed for bone formation and helps to keep
calcium from damaging the arteries, Dr. Schneider says. Not to mention,
broccoli is full of fiber, and studies show a high-fiber diet can also help to
lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Fish (NO Farm Raised) Especially oily fish like salmon
and tuna, which have Omega 3 fatty acid prevent clots from forming and
cholesterol from becoming damaged or oxidised. A study conducted by researchers at Southampton University found
that Omega 3 oils stop the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries.
Organic Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in carotenoid
lycopene, the compound that gives tomatoes their color — an antioxidant that
can significantly lower your risk of atherosclerosis by 50%. According to a new
study conducted by Korean researchers, lycopene may help to prevent hardening
of the arteries or atherosclerosis. In the study, researchers found that women
with the highest lycopene levels in their blood had the least stiffness in
their arteries and women with lowest lycopene levels had the most.
Organic Green Tea (Kukicha-Bancha) Green tea also
contains powerful antioxidants called flavonoids that can improve the health of
the delicate cells lining the blood vessels (endothelial cells) and help lower
your risk of heart disease. Endothelial cell dysfunction plays a key role in
the development of clogged arteries. Researchers found that people who drink
green tea experience significantly increased artery widening (dilation) — a
sign of better blood vessel function, with the highest increase noted at 30
Turmeric -Theracurmin "The spice turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory," Dr.
Schneider says. "It contains curcumin
which lowers inflammation—a major cause of arteriosclerosis (hardening
of the arteries." A 2009 study found that curcumin helps reduce the fatty
deposits in arteries by as much as 26%. Theracurmin a major improvement in
Curcumin absorption !
Spirulina and Sun Chlorella A daily 4,500mg dose of this blue-green algae
(usually found in supplement or powder form) can help relax artery walls and
normalize blood pressure. It may also help your liver balance your blood fat
levels—decreasing your LDL cholesterol by 10% and raising HDL cholesterol by 15%,
according a recent study.
Research shows that potassium-rich cranberries can help
reduce LDL cholesterol levels and help raise the good HDL levels in your body,
and regular consumption of the holiday favorite may help reduce your overall
risk of heart disease by as much as 40%.
Watermelon Talk about a
perfect snack—watermelon is not only a diet-friendly food, but it can help protect your heart too! A Florida
State Univ study found that people given a 4,000mg supplement of L-citrulline
(an amino acid found in watermelon) lowered their blood pressure in just six
weeks. Researchers say the amino acid helps your body produce nitric oxide,
which widens blood vessels.