Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is dead food, & how much are you eating daily?

Health Basics: What is dead food, & how much are you eating daily? Jan 24, 2012 by: S. D. Wells Learn more: (NaturalNews) You can eat food that is organic every day, but if most of it is cooked on high heat then it is void of nutrition. Just about everyone has heard of the benefits of eating raw "live" food, but what ratio of your total food intake is actually raw (or not heated over 120 degrees)? When you add up everything you put in your mouth, from baked, boiled, broiled, and fried, you may find you're eating a majority of "dead food." If you have a "cooked food" profile above 70%, you need to flip that ratio and become at least 70% raw, and it may take awhile to adjust. Cooking food chemically changes additives into acid-forming toxins, free radicals and poisons that make you lethargic, depressed, tired, inflamed, achy, weak, sick and in need of relief from a general numb feeling that keeps you performing at your best. Baking, boiling, broiling and frying, destroys essential nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, probiotics and enzymes are the foundation of good health. (
Flash frying is a good compromise if you're missing that "heat" in the kitchen. Also, try heating soups, stews, and casseroles at 120 degrees or lower. This will retain many more of the nutrients your body needs. Use avocado to substitute for deli meats, you won't even notice the difference after a few sandwiches. Say goodbye to nitrates, hormones, antibiotics and MSG in meats. Make sprouted grain sandwiches with fresh spinach and some olive oil, and always avoid the cooked, processed wheat bread, white bread and buns. Dispelling the protein myth and more. Most "raw foodists" are not as extreme as they are often labeled, and they usually consume about 75% organic, uncooked, unprocessed foods and live spring water. If you want to morph yourself into this highly beneficial and intelligent regimen, the best way to begin is to only shop around the edges of a store, where there are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially greens like kale, lettuce, parsley and cilantro.
Remember, your body is like an alkaline battery, running on the electrons. Cooking and processing food eliminates these electrons, the exact source of energy your body requires to perform at top notch. Too much acid causing food (more than 30% daily) makes your body break down and decay. Alcohol, prescription drugs, meat, dairy, starch foods, cooked food, salt, and sugar all produce acid. ( In other words, just as fish needs certain pH levels in water to flourish, if the pH of your blood becomes more acidic than alkaline, it quickly reduces the oxygen levels in your blood, so you simply lose energy, immunity, and brain power!
Let's dispel the three most common myths about eating raw: • Raw food doesn't deliver enough protein. Wrong! Fresh vegetables deliver amino acids, your direct link to protein. Meat and eggs are only the "middle man" that requires too much energy to digest. • Eating raw is too expensive. Wrong. Many local farmers markets and co-ops have amazing prices, especially if you watch out for what's in season for your region. Find the closest ones to you and go visit or take advantage of fresh local food, even in the winter. • Raw food takes too long to prepare (not convenient). Wrong again. Organic vegetables and fruits are more accessible than ever, and so are simple recipes for making it tasty every time. Put the following on your next list: Green leafy vegetables, wild dandelion, fresh herbs, garlic, basil, sprouts, sea veggies, and don't forget avocado for your chocolate mousse! The best part is that these alkalizing foods are all around you, just like the junk food, so there's really no excuse. Make sure you're prepared for each meal, so when you get hungry, you always choose the right balance of alkalizing foods and drinks
( Sources for this article include: Learn more:

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