14 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should NEVER Put In Your Mouth Again
More than 50% of cancers can be prevent by changes in the diet and lifestyle. This was stated by The American Institute For Cancer.
That is why we should be really aware of the food we are consuming and the habits we have in our life. The following foods must be eliminated from your diet in order to prevent cancer:
1. White flour – What increase your toxic load is the seeds because they are treated with fungicide and afterwards the plants are sprayed with pesticides. And then they will be harvested and stored in bins coated with insecticides.2. Sugar – There is no reason why we should explain why sugar is bad for the human health, and it can be the reason for cancer too. Make sure you avoid or eliminate completely sugar from your diet (pastas, carbs, breads, many fruits, grains).
3. Soda/Sports drinks – They contain high amounts of sugar, fructose corn syrup, dyes, brominated vegetable oil and many other chemicals.
4. Soy protein isolate – They contain many anti-nutrients that can cause trouble in the process of digesting food and absorbing nutrients into the blood stream. The worst part is that goes through highly industrial manufacturing process of acid washing in aluminum tanks and we know how much aluminum can be dangerous for the human health.
5. Refined sugars – The cause of many serious health diseases such as heart disease, blood triglyceride levels, obesity, immune suppression, arthritis, high level of unhealthy blood fats and many more. It can be the cause for cancer also.
6. Processed foods – Another good reason to avoid eating processed foods. They contain high amount of white flours, sugars, oils, colors, flavorings and many other ingredients that can do harm to the body.
7. Non organic fruits and veggies – If the fruits and veggies have been grown with pesticides, herbicides and GMO seeds you should avoid them. They will do more harm than good to your body.
8. Microwave popcorn – Many chemicals leach into the popcorn when heated and afterwards you consume them all in your body. They can cause many health problems and they can be the reason for cancer.
9. Hydrogenated oils – Not a product that comes from the nature – that means it is a product that man has invented. It contains many chemicals that can cause heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It can cause cancer as well.
10. Grilled meat – PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) can be produced while burning of coal or wood. To make things worse when there is a smoke that allows the PAHs to ‘stack’ on the food you are cooking and that is increasing your chance of getting cancer.
11. GMOs – These GMO foods should be eliminated from your diet. That means that your diet should have GMO free foods.
12. Farmed fish – It is no wonder why farm fish can be unhealthier than wild fish. They are treated in the unnatural way.
13. Cured and smoked foods – N-nitroso compounds are associated with increased risk of cancer. And nitrites and nitrates can change into N-nitroso compounds when cooked. Nitrites and nitrates are used to prevent food from spoiling.
14. BPA lined cans – Food that is in hard plastic or metal cans can increase your chance of getting cancer. Consume food from can if is only labeled as BPA free.
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